I now believe I have seen the worste airport in the country. I stayed in Freehold for software training. One night after class, the Norwegian (he just moved here in February) told us about a resteraunt called Maroons??? I think.. It was on the Atlantic Sea Board. Awesome food. We saw the lights that were used for the Twin Towers. We stood on Sandy Point or Sandy hook, and could see a suspension bridge and the lights. It was breath taking. The thing that shocked me was a radio station. I think it was based in NY NY. It was a talk station, 102.7 or 102.3 fm Damn I have never heard anything like that on the radio before. |
and these folks vote. was it winston churchill who said something like, "the best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter"? crap. i'm despairing again. |
i rode those golf carts with some boy he was really hoping that there would be a hotel open but there wasn't silly boy |
Although I didn't listen to any dumb talk shows. We have enough of those around here. (Housemate loves to listen to them, also. grmph) |
i know in NYC Stern is on KROQ. Here he is on 97.1, some dumbass talk radio. That is just as dave describes. They feature this one ass monkey in particular that used to be provocative when he actually spoke about real topics, Tom Lykus. I stopped listening to him years ago, so who knows if he's stil on, but as I recall he is big up in the Seattle area. |
picks for celebrity boxing and Stern wanted to get O. J. in a match with anybody. He missed the obvious choice, though, which I would dearly love to see: O. J. vs. Mark Fuhrman. |