Christmas in Deadmonton Where are you?: Christmas in Deadmonton
By Rowlfe on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 05:33 am:

    i got into Edmonton less than an hour ago, on a rickety plane. my parents moved here in September, and while I've only seen the ride from the airport to the house (amidst a thousand subdivisions, its like being in Edward Scissorhands), I've already noticed that there are no local convenience stores in this place, only 7-11s. Theres a Boston Pizza everywhere, but no independent pizza places, not even a Pizza Pizza. Very different from Toronto, thats for sure...

    anyways, every street is either an entrance to another subdivision, goes on for miles of nothing, or leads to an oil refinery. oh joy, the joy of Edmonton.

By sarah on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 09:12 pm:

    christmas in hawaii.

    i got a new rash guard, 2 bars of wax, a wax scraper, and an afternoon "heavenly day" treatment at a spa.

    surf's up. not so much today, but yesterday and the day before. i'm on a used but well loved 10-2 now. you can't not catch a wave on something that big. it's long enough to hang five on a 3 foot wave. right before you wipe out, that is.

    tomorrow kayaking and two potlucks. sunday beach camping. monday hiking maybe.

    sometimes i feel silly for ever having left here. but other times not.

    merry christmas and happy new year.

By Rowlfe on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 09:36 pm:


    I've never seen so many liquor stores, pawn shops, and money marts in my life.

    funny stores in Edmonton:

    Wigger Furniture
    Office Beast
    Liquor Beaver

By Rowlfe on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 09:41 pm: