Margret on Friday, May 21, 1999 - 03:24 pm:

    Whatever. Wasn't so bad.

    Old man, that is. Didn't like it, but coulda been worse.

    Coulda been: Lady Chatterley's lover. Fucking sucks.

By heather on Friday, May 21, 1999 - 03:33 pm:

    johnny tremain
    the red badge of courage

    any of those war-time men are heroes boring bullshit books

    i don't actually remember TRBoC, who knows, i might love it now but i remember hating to have to read it.

    oops, except what is it, heart of darkness? conrad etc. afterward we got to watch apocalypse now in class.

By Gee on Sunday, May 23, 1999 - 02:18 pm:

    I like the stuff they make me read. In high school my english teacher forced me to read "Flowers for Algernon" and "Romeo & Juliet". In university I get to read "Swann" and "Obasan". Scholastic literature Rocks.

    Never had to read the old man and the sea, though. I understand my brother hated it.

By Margret on Sunday, May 23, 1999 - 07:21 pm:

    I liked much of what they forced me to read: "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "Their Eyes Were Watching God" number among the best books I ever read.

    But I hated the robust American literature. I didn't like Steinbeck and I didn't like Hemingway. Except I did like "Of Mice and Men." I liked decadent American literature. I liked "The Great Gatsby." Y'know?

    If they hadn't made me read those books I would eventually have read them because they were fiction and they were in the Library at school. But I stopped reading literature COLD when I got to University.

    I have this thing against the canon.

By Gee on Monday, May 24, 1999 - 05:36 am:

    I actually haven't read any real literature (uh, comic books don't count, right?) just for FUN since I started university. But the required stuff usually turns out to be a blast. Well...literary wise.

By Big Kevin on Tuesday, May 25, 1999 - 10:54 am:

    I read 1984 for my own pleasure, then had to read it a few years later for school, liked it the first time wasn't so impressed after reading it for school. same with The Hobbit.

    Guess i just dont like doing the deep analysis required for assignments.

    Margret; you should see the play for Of Mice and Men, if you get the chance, the book was soso but I was very impressed by the play.

By Stunner on Monday, May 31, 1999 - 04:34 am:

    I agree with Big Kevin. Reading books and analysing the shit out of them takes the enjoyment out of it. After all those years of reading Shakespere in school and writing essays. Trying reading them now and not really thinking about symbolism and metaphors. Trust me, they're alot better. I use to hate anything by Shakespere.