DESPERATION Best book you've ever read: DESPERATION
By MY NAME IS TAK hehehe on Sunday, May 10, 1998 - 07:34 pm:
    desperation by stephan king was the BEST BOOK EVER!!!! hehehe it was a little demented thoug!! TAK TAK TAK la la la can tak can tah hehehehe uhhhh yea

By Not Katy Winters on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 02:57 pm:
    Do you live in the back of the Greta Garbo Home for wayward boys and girls. . . . . . . I will give you a frrreeeee feather if you can help out by telling the name of the group(?) that sings that song. . . . . (. except it's Jack not Tak.)
    Any takers. . . . ?"

By Violet on Saturday, May 16, 1998 - 06:52 am:
    I am so sorry my dearest Tak a Me Him Tow that I have to suggest (strongly) differently. U must be new to King literature, and although I am not his "number 1 fan" I have read most of his books. I am quite convinced that the only purpose of Desperation and it's twin The Regulators was to fulfill the quota of novels stated in his contract. In other words, it was made only to save his ass. In case you didn't notice half of the book was that ridiculous pitiful gibberish such as the aforementioned "TAK"... how very creative. Not only did the gibberish serve to fill his word quota, it obviously provided easy, enjoyable reading for people who are used to plotless, pointless books. Might I add that his recycling of the characters used in past novels (i.e. Cynthia) and incorperating them into his new ones at one time was cute... and now it is exasperating and annoying. I am almost hoping, my dear TAK, that you are kidding about this book being your favorite. If it is King you are fond of might I suggest two of his BEST works: The Talisman (co-authored by Peter Strauss) and The Gunslinger. *Voluptuous Violet*

By Kathy R. on Monday, August 17, 1998 - 05:43 pm:

    I read Stephen Kings Desperation and I loved it. But my Favorite book is also by Stephen King which is Imsonnia ( hope i spelled it right) I also loved Rose Madder by Stephen King. To me Stephen King is a Great writer and I admire him very much. Every book I have read by him as never let me down. The movies were good too, but can never compare to his books. Stephen King RULES in my book!! Long Live Stephen King!!!

By Starchy on Tuesday, August 18, 1998 - 10:12 am:

    Personally, I always preferred reading well-written books that had something in the way of content. That's just me, though.

By PetRock on Tuesday, August 18, 1998 - 10:01 pm:

    Stephen King is like a meal at McDonald''s nothing more than junk food for the mind. I don't mind reading his stuff -- some of it I rather enjoy and some of it I can never really get into -- but I would not want to have a steady diet made up of only Stephen King books and Big Mac hamburgers. Things like this are best taken in moderation....