The best far! Best book you've ever read: The best far!
By Brad Finlay on Thursday, July 23, 1998 - 01:58 pm:
    Pillars of the Earth by Ken Folett

By Orvel on Tuesday, August 4, 1998 - 07:28 pm:
    black ice by ed mcbain

By Dick Clark on Wednesday, August 5, 1998 - 01:09 pm:
    You May Already Be A Millionaire! by Ed McMahon

By Lanark on Sunday, December 27, 1998 - 08:21 am:

    The Master and Margarita by Mikhial Bulgakov (in the translation by Mirra Ginsburg.) Part fantastical slapstick satire, part biblical epic and the most beautiful love story all woven together.

By Mel on Sunday, December 27, 1998 - 01:53 pm:

    When I was in high school (in the mid-80's) a friend gave me The Master and Margarita to read, saying it was "the only book that really meant anything to me." His father was a professor of languages and had translated a lot of Russian novels, but not that one.

    I read his copy and I loved it. I gave it back to him and then, after we graduated, lost touch with him. Not long ago I was in 1/2 Price Books, just browsing, and I came upon a copy of it, in the Mirra Ginsburg translation. It's been, what, 13 years since I'd read it? I bought it and brought it home. I'm reading it right now.

    It's funny the little differences I keep seeing in the translation I'd read all those years ago and the one I'm reading now. I can even remember that chapter 6 ended with the sentence (more or less) "the sun rose inexorably on the poet Ryukhin." That sentence had resonated for me, and I was actually a little disappointed to see "bore down irresistibly...."

    Still, it's a joy.

By Enfanta on Tuesday, December 29, 1998 - 09:16 am:

    Has anyone read Dante's Inferno lately? I found a translation by 20 poets in the library and it has FASCINATED me. The canto of the suicides is heartbreaking. Why are there no women in hell? How many sins does it take to get to hell? Just one? Just one unforgiven one? Is it possible to understand the Inferno without knowledge of politics in Dante's time? How do you avenge a death without going to hell? Can you? And (just because I'm ranting now) is "tasked" a word? My boss uses that phrase all the time and it drives me nuts. "I tasked him to update the data base." Does this drive me nuts because I hate her, or because it's poor grammar or both? Is it poor grammar?

    Hm. Better stop and take a breath now...

By Lol on Wednesday, May 12, 1999 - 08:56 am:

    to Enfata:Using 'tasked as a verb seems rather super'silly'ous to me...your boss may have inferiority issues...just nod and take notes,,lol