J.G. Ballard and the land of the sword swallowers

sorabji.com: Best book you've ever read: J.G. Ballard and the land of the sword swallowers
By Bryan on Friday, August 28, 1998 - 06:44 pm:

    The works of the one and only great J.G. Ballard certainly sit high on the list (though I really don't think that there is such a thing as the "best" book I've ever read...realistically, the best I could hope to do is think of a list of favorite authors in general as well a cool stuff I've read recently. Well...maybe a top 10 (or 20). Check out High Rise, his short story collections, Unlimited Dream Company, that collection of interviews and excerpts that Re/Search put out, and many more. Oh yeah, Paul Bowles is pretty cool too. And I just read something recently that sort of bowled me over called "Memoirs of a Sword Swallower" all about a guys carny life in the freak show. Way out there and compelling as hell. There's plenty of others, but J.G. definitely rules most highly...