To Kill A Mockingbird Best book you've ever read: To Kill A Mockingbird
By J on Monday, July 5, 1999 - 02:33 am:

    My teacher,Mrs.Bershied,hated me anyway,(remind me to tell you about the disapearing ink,and squirting fountain pen).She took it away from me in the 5th grade,the funny thing was my Dad gave it to me,told me to read it.My punishment was my Dad had to come to my classroom to collect the "banned"book.It was so cool,cause after he got it,he gave it back to me in front of the putrid bitch.I,ll never forget that.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Monday, July 5, 1999 - 10:10 am:

    Why'd that heffer take it away from you? My fave book too.

By J on Monday, July 5, 1999 - 11:46 am:

    I really don,t know why,I don,t know if she thought a 10 year old shouldn,t being reading it,or because she didn,t like me.How did you know she was a cow?

By Babel16 on Monday, July 5, 1999 - 01:30 pm:

    i usually dont like "classic" lit, but even i thought it was a pretty good book. i think that woman was an idiot

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Tuesday, July 6, 1999 - 01:02 pm:

    Didn't you say her name was Elsie?

By Wisper on Tuesday, July 6, 1999 - 03:36 pm:

    had to read that for school once (they take the good books n' ruin them, that's what school is for, damn them, tarnishing Lord of the Flies forever for me...)
    Anyway, being the bad-ass that I thought I was waaaaaay back in 9th grade, I decided to see just how little I could read, and then rely on my wits to get me through. I got to chapter 5. It bored me to death. I never picked it up again.
    I then wrote a 500 word essay and a 6 page test on a book I had never read. I got 85 on the essay, and 65 on the test. Not great marks, but fuck, I never read the thing! I survived on overhearing other's conversations, class discussions and watching the movie.
    At the time, it was a personal achivement (and a blow at the idiot-proof educational ask "how can kids make it through highschool if they still come out illiterate? ain't hard), but now...god I wish I had read that book. It's always the one I'm going to read 'next month'.

    I wish I had read that book.

By Nate on Tuesday, July 6, 1999 - 04:42 pm:

    to kill a mockingbird, one flew over the cuckoos nest, native sun

    those are the three assigned books i read in highschool.

    i aced the tests and essays for the rest of the books, though. i guess i was the bad ass you thought you were, wisper.

    what good is owning a horn if you don't toot it?

By J on Tuesday, July 6, 1999 - 08:29 pm:

    Not a damn thing!!! I read One Flew Over The Cukoos Nest on my own and it was a great book,another one of my favorites was Johnny Got His Gun.and 1984.I can see Big Brother putting chips in people,they already do dogs,next it will be the kids,to keep them from being kidnapped,next we,ll be all wired up.

By Gee on Wednesday, July 7, 1999 - 05:19 am:

    They never made me read To Kill a Mockingbird in highschool. How come you guys were forced to read all these neat books in HS, and I got diddlysquat? My mother bought me a copy of TKaM for a birthday...I forget which....I also got "Pride & Prejudice" that year, though. I loved them both. My favorite part of TKaM is the last couple of pages. Just thinking about it makes me kinda mushy.

    My favorite part of P&P is where Darcy finally tells Elizabeth that he loves her. That's my favorite part of the A&E mini-series, too.

By Noahs Ark on Wednesday, November 5, 2003 - 08:40 pm:

    that teacher is messed up if she dont let you read that book my english teacher let us read that and i thought it was the greatest book i have ever read. that poucho

By Kmyk on Thursday, March 17, 2005 - 06:47 pm:

    The book is to teach you how to not be racist, how could she take it away?! She probably never read it.

By HopeNotaBadTeach on Thursday, March 23, 2006 - 12:27 pm:

    English teacher here, and I AGREE that SOME teachers absolutely ruin books for students. SOME, tho, let you in on incredible adventures you would never have otherwise. Teaching is like any other artist endeavor--there just aren't that many great ones. I hate bad teachers.

By Sup13 on Thursday, June 8, 2006 - 04:51 pm:

    TKAM is a powerful book and should not be banned because it teaches how rascism hurts the ones who are innocent and benefits the evils.