Mark Twain On The Beauty & Brilliance Of Jews Best book you've ever read: Mark Twain On The Beauty & Brilliance Of Jews

By Chosen One on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 01:46 am:

    Excerpt from September 1898 issue of Harper's New Monthly Magazine

    "...If statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of stardust lost in the blaze of the Milky way. Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk. His contributions to the world's list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine, and abstruse learning are also away out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a
    marvelous fight in this world, in all the ages; and had done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself, and be excused for it. The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Roman followed, and made a vast noise, and they are gone. Other peoples have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The
    Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?"

By Nate on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 02:00 pm:

    it's because of the zionist conspiracy.

    move to southern idaho.

By agatha on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 06:38 pm:

    I love Jews. Aren't they the best?

By cyst on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 08:22 pm:

    yes! they're so handsome and smart and nice and sexy and rich.

    ira glass is the jew I lust after most right now. if he could get philip roth on "this american life," now that would be the best.

By J on Saturday, March 24, 2001 - 08:45 pm:

By Nate on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 01:48 pm:

    this american life gives me a big boner.

    the whole car talk - xxx - this american life lineup.

    i can't remember xxx.

    wait wait don't tell me.


    my memory has been shot to hell.

By Pug on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 04:09 pm:

    We're back to this again, huh? Okay....guess I'll shamble off to a cave again WITH THE REST OF THE FREAKIN' GOYIM!!!!!!!!!!

By Chosen One on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 05:11 pm:


    And don't forget to shlep your snagle tooth foreskin along!heheheh LOL!!!!


    My favorite SHIKSA, (heh) of course you love Jews!! You and the rest of the 98% of non-Jews in the world, have been enjoying our creations for centuries!hehee From BAGELS to HOLLYWOOD, E=MC2 to the POLIO VACCINE, CIRCUMCISION to KOSHER, LEVI'S JEANS (LEVI/STRAUSS, largest clothing retailer in the world) to CALVIN KLEIN, Jewish creations have always been invaluable.

    To the KVETCHERS of this forum: I never said that Jews are perfect. We are all subject to fallibility. Remember, "when it rains, the pope and the prostitute get wet." At the same time, Jews have overwhelming done more good for society than not. All in spite of comprising 1/4 of 1% (13 million) of the world's population (6 billion), enduring a thousand years of persecution, and losing 6 million in the Holocaust. Jews shall forever be singled out as a wise and understanding people. Which is precisely why Gentiles such as martin Luther King Jr. and Mark Twain have spoken highly of them. Choose any field and you will find that Jews have excelled in it. Think of the names of many modern-day figures most responsible for the turning points in history: Einstein, Freud, Marx - and you will find proof of the Biblical verdict: "Surely this is...a wise and understanding people." There simply is no way to deny it. Jews really are smart. There must be a reason-and I can give you at least three: HEREDITY, ENVIRONMENT and A UNIQUE VALUE SYSTEM:

    HEREDITY - Historians have pointed out a fascinating difference between Jews
    and Christians. In Christianity, as well as in many other religions, holiness
    was identified with asceticism, great spirituality with the practie of
    celibacy. For centuries the finest minds among Christians were urged to join
    the church and become priests. That effectively condemned their genetic pool of
    intelligence to an untimely end. Jews, on the other hand, took quite seriously
    the first commandment to mankind - to be fruitful and multiply. Sex was never
    seen as sinful, but rather as one of those things created by God that he surely
    must have had in mind when he declared, in reviewing his work, that "Behold
    everything was ver good." Among Jews, the most intelligent were encouraged to
    become religious leaders. As rabbis, they had to serve as role models for their
    congregants as procreators and "fathers of their countries." Brains got passed
    on from generation to generation, and Jews today are still reaping the benefits
    of the frequent sexual activities of their ancestors.
    ENVIRONMENT - If challenge and response are the keys to creativity and
    achievement, it's no surprise that Jews are smart; they've been challenged more
    than anyone else on earth. The school of hard knocks is a wonderful teacher.
    Jews had no choice but to learn to be better than anyone else since the odds
    were always so very much stacked against them. When you're born with a silver
    spoon in your mouth, you tend to get fat and lazy. When you're born with the
    lash of a whip on your back, you quickly learn to become crafty, street smart,
    and knowledgeable in everything that will help you make it through life.
    A UNIQUE VALUE SYSTEM - We still haven't touched on the most important reason
    of all. Jews are smart because they have been raised in a tradition that
    treasures education above everything else, that considers study the highest
    obligation of mankind, and that identifies the intellect as part of us created
    in "the image of God." To be illiterate was unheard of in the Jewish world, not
    only because it was a sign of stupidity, but, more significantly, because it
    was a sin. Jews are obligated by law to review the Bible in its entirety every
    year, dividing it into manageable weekly sections. The widespread custom when a
    child turned three years old was to write the letter of the Hebrew alphabet on
    a board in honey and have the child learn them as he licked them off, equating
    their meaning with the taste of sweetness. Jews studied the Midrash, and it
    taught them: The Sword and the Book came from Heaven together, and the Holy One
    said: "Keep what is written in this Book or be destroyed by the other." Jews
    studied the Mishra and it taught them, "Say not when I have leisure I will
    study; you may not have leisure." The Jews absorbed the teachings of the Ethics
    of The fathers, and they understood its insight, "If you have acquired
    knowledge, what do you lack? If you lack knowledge, what have you acquired?"
    Philosophical Tevye, that delightful creation of the Yiddish writer Sholem
    Aleichem and the star of Fiddler On The Roof, explained that Jews always wear
    hats because they never know when they will be forced to travel. What he didn't
    say, which is probably more important, is that they always made sure to have
    something under their hats and inside of their heads- because physical
    possessions could be taken from them, but what they accumulated in their minds
    would always remain the greatest "merchandise" a Jew possesses.

By dave. on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 05:58 pm:

    what are you looking for, darrin?

By Nate on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 06:38 pm:

    he's trying to get Mark Thomas (TM) to make a move that opens him up to litigation.

By agatha on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 01:47 am:

    How do you know I'm not a Jew?

    (I'm already regretting asking this, but fuck it)

By semillamawicz on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 07:07 am:


    (thank you, thank you)

By JusMiceKosherElf on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 09:47 am:

    Oy!!! I'm pretty sure that the Talmud advises against tooting one's own shofar.

    Chosen One, if I might paraphrase the great sage Yehuda ben Jovi:

    "Shot to the heart, and you're to blame, you give Jews a bad name, bad name."

    Or, in the vernacular:

    "Fuck you, you ass."

By droopy on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 11:35 am:

    Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips. A stone is heavy, and the sand weighty; but a fool's wrath is heavier than them both.

    -Proverbs 27:2-3

    i'm finding c.o. interesting this time around, though.

By Nate on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 11:43 am:

    when i hear chosen one i think of the chosen one jeff jarrett.

By patrick on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 12:19 pm:

    you guys actually read that shit?

By pez on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 02:00 pm:

    hrm. interesting.

    "god, protect me from your followers."

By Pug on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 06:48 pm:

    btw, Jeff----it so happens I was circumcized.....TWICE.
    And as I've said before---I can't say it's helped my life in any way.
    Since we're on the subject of the Unique Value System, let me bring up an old point previously unanswered: You once printed up a list of great Jewish porn stars.
    So, is wanton fornication on camera part of the "Unique Hebrew Value System"? Because I know that Christian Legalism (which roots itself in Old Testament Law) has a big problem with this kind of behavior....
    Not trying to sink your battleship....just askin'....

By Chosen One on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 11:02 pm:


    How do I know you are not a Jew!? As Michael told Fredo in THE GODFATHER, "Never go against the family!" ehee The only thing worse than anti-Semitism is hatred for your own kind!! Unless you are a self-loathing Jew, you can only be one thing. That of a jealous Gentile. Now which one of the two are you?


    How has circumcision hindered your life!? DOH!! Go ahead and take me through your thought process!hehe What are you thinking of this very instant!?eheheh ..dead air... eheh I can't wait until this shnook responds with more anti-circ neo-nazi propaganda, so my sharp tongue can devour him whole!heheheheee

By Czarina on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 12:01 am:

    Yes,its always wise to garner your philosophies on life from fictional characters.

By Pug on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 09:26 am:

    Neo-Nazi propaganda? Geez....that's a slightly strong charge....HEY! CRIMSON! You and your old man are neo-Nazi am I?
    Btw, I want an answer to my question, there, chief.....

By crimson on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 12:06 pm:

    neo-nazi propaganda? from pug?

    no way in hell.

    sorry, wrong number.

    anti-idiot? well, yeah. he's that. guilty as charged. but neo-nazi? the mind boggles. the charge is so patently ridiculous that it's indefensible. wish you could sit in a room w/ pug for five minutes & then imagine this guy being a cheerleader for the 3rd reich. absurdism at its finest.

By Pug on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 12:28 pm:

    Although I betcha I'd look hot in a swastika mini-skirt....


By patrick on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 02:50 pm:

    i mean the guy falls assleep clutching a Mickey's in his laz-y-boy....

    hardly the actions of a nazi.

    but you would fail to see this because you are a complete idiot fuck chosen one. and your posts give me jock itch!

By Nate on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 05:53 pm:

    the term "neo-nazi propaganda" is how the zionists silence opposition.

    we've been over this.

By Nate on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 05:54 pm:

    how's the genocide going, chosen one? did the soldiers shoot any kids in palestine today?

By pez on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 06:16 pm:

    haven't heard anything about that lately.

By Chosen One on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 06:51 pm:

    Palestine!? The same Palestine that is no more real than never-never land!? The same lovely innocent Palestinians who have systemtically tried to exterminate Jews since the dawning of time!? The same lovely innocent Palestinians who stone civilians and bomb buses!? Nate, still thinking with the same farblondjet brain, eh!?eheh


    Imagine that a baby is born, and no sooner is it placed in the nursery than toughs in the neighborhood vow they're going to kill it. They gang up on the infant and try to murder him, but they don't succeed. As the child grows, the
    bullies continue to threaten his life. They attack him unexpectedly. They announce publicly they're going to throw him into the sea, they're going to rape his wife, and butcher his children. Somehow, no matter how hard they try, they can't accomplish their goal. The name of the baby is ISRAEL. From the moment he saw the light of day, six large neighborhood bullies- EGYPT, SIRIA, JORDAN, LEBANON, IRAQ, and SAUDI ARABIA-ganged up on him for "a war of extermination." Amazingly enough, that little DAVID of a country overcame all the GOLIATHS. In 1998, it reached the
    venerable age of 50. And it is stronger, more advanced, with a higher standard of living than all of those who seek its destruction. If that isn't a miracle, it's surely about as close to one as you can ever get!

    "MYTHS OF THE MIDDLE EAST" By Joseph Farah (Arab-Amercian)

    If you believe what you read in most news sources, Palestinians want a homeland and Muslims want control over sites they consider holy. Simple, right? Well, as an Arab-American journalist who has spent some time in the Middle
    East dodging more than my share of rocks and mortar shells, I've got to tell you that these are just phony excuses for the rioting, trouble-making and land-grabbing. Isn't it interesting that prior to the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, there was no serious movement for a Palestinian homeland? "Well, Farah," you might say, "that was before the Israelis seized the West
    Bank and Old Jerusalem." That's true. In the Six-Day War, Israel captured Judea, Samaria and East
    Jerusalem. But they didn't capture these territories from Yasser Arafat. They captured them from Jordan's King Hussein. I can't help but wonder why all these Palestinians suddenly discovered their national identity after Israel won the war.
    The truth is that Palestine is no more real than Never-Never Land. The first time the name was used was in 70 A.D. when the Romans committed genocide against the Jews, smashed the Temple and declared the land of Israel would be no more. From then on, the Romans promised, it would be known as Palestine. The name was derived from the Philistines, a Goliathian people conquered by the
    Jews centuries earlier. It was a way for the Romans to add insult to injury. They also tried to change the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina, but that had even less staying power.
    Palestine has never existed -- before or since -- as an autonomous entity. It was ruled alternately by Rome, by Islamic and Christian crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire and, briefly, by the British after World War I. The British
    agreed to restore at least part of the land to the Jewish people as their homeland. There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by
    Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents
    one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass.
    But that's too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today. Greed. Pride. Envy. Covetousness. No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough. What about Islam's holy sites? There are none in Jerusalem. Shocked? You should be. I don't expect you will ever hear this brutal truth from anyone else in the international media. It's just not politically correct. I know what you're going to say: "Farah, the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of
    the Rock in Jerusalem represent Islam's third most holy sites." Not true. In fact, the Koran says nothing about Jerusalem. It mentions Mecca
    hundreds of times. It mentions Medina countless times. It never mentions Jerusalem. With good reason. There is no historical evidence to suggest
    Mohammed ever visited Jerusalem. So how did Jerusalem become the third holiest site of Islam? Muslims today cite a vague passage in the Koran, the seventeenth Sura, entitled "The Night
    Journey." It relates that in a dream or a vision Mohammed was carried by night "from the sacred temple to the temple that is most remote, whose precinct we have blessed, that we might show him our signs. ..." In the seventh century, some Muslims identified the two temples mentioned in this verse as being in Mecca and Jerusalem. And that's as close as Islam's connection with Jerusalem gets -- myth, fantasy, wishful thinking. Meanwhile, Jews can trace their roots
    in Jerusalem back to the days of Abraham.
    The latest round of violence in Israel erupted when Likud Party leader Ariel Sharon tried to visit the Temple Mount, the foundation of the Temple built by Solomon. It is the holiest site for Jews. Sharon and his entourage were met
    with stones and threats. I know what it's like. I've been there. Can you imagine what it is like for Jews to be threatened, stoned and physically kept out of the holiest site in Judaism?
    So what's the solution to the Middle East mayhem? Well, frankly, I don't think there is a man-made solution to the violence. But, if there is one, it needs to begin with truth. Pretending will only lead to more chaos. Treating a
    5,000-year-old birthright backed by overwhelming historical and archaeological evidence equally with illegitimate claims, wishes and wants gives diplomacy and peacekeeping a bad name.

By Nate on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 07:04 pm:

    "Treating a
    5,000-year-old birthright backed by overwhelming historical and archaeological evidence equally with illegitimate claims, wishes and wants gives diplomacy and peacekeeping a bad name."

    you're talking about giving the US back to the indians, right?

    i'm talking about killing children. in 1967 israel forcefully annexed the west bank and gaza WITHOUT PROVOCATION. israel fired the first shot.

    when was the second temple destroyed? when was the american frontier conquered?

    stop being foolish, zionboy.

By Cat on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 07:39 pm:

    Chosen, you're an American and yet you're taking sides in a conflict thousands of miles away and thousands of years old, all because one are both of your parents happened to be born into a certain religion. No wonder there will never be peace in the Middle East. There's just too many people with inherited hatred.

By Antigone on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 09:07 pm:

    "And that's as close as Islam's connection with Jerusalem gets -- myth, fantasy, wishful thinking."

    Sounds like the entirety of organized religion to me. What's your point again?

By agatha on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 09:31 pm:

    as for me, i love them alcohol.

By semillama on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 09:39 pm:

    As the resident archaeologist here, I would just like to point out that the archaeology in fact counters a lot of Jeff Jarrett's claims about the heritage stuff. The Israelites weren't as powerful as they made themselves out to be, while their rivals in the area, the Philistines, were actually a pretty cultured people. In fact, the Philistines during a lot of the "biblical" era had a more complex material culture than the Israelites, which sort of makes the use of "Philistine" to discribe some one uncouth something of a grievous error. Genetically speaking, Palestinians and your standard jew of middle eastern descent ( not the recent European immigrants} are pretty damn close - some estimates put the split in the two ethnic groups at sometime in the last couple thousands of years.

    Of course, since all of that is logically thought out and backed by scientifically gathered evidence, goold ol' double J there will no doubt discount it with one of his characteristic personal attacks, undoubtedly calling me somesort of anti-semite, when of course I have nothing but love for my jewish relatives. Those jews who aren't my relatives, fuck 'em, what have they done for me, except for all the good jokes and excellent delis.

By Nate on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 - 11:47 pm:

    slap nuts

By Pug on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 09:37 am:

    Patrick, Sem, Cat, Nate, Antigone, it's 8:24 am here in the beautiful Ozarks and I tip my last 40 to ya....gawdalmighty.
    Jeff, you still haven't answered my question.
    As far as circumcision goes: I can tell you this, factually----it hurt and I cried. Not that I remember but my Mom does----and told me as much. She said after the first, botched job she cried with me the second time.
    If I had a foreskin I'd have a thicker schlong----a fact that hasn't eluded me....
    But that's fine----because as I've stated 'til blue in the face----I am the Cunnilingus Master. Eeeeheeeeheeeee....
    It's funny that there seem to be Israeli and Palestinian Youth banding together and saying "cut this bullshit out---" but the old guard just frowns upon them and says, "they're just young and foolish....what do they know?"
    COMING UP: Our Goy Hero Pug will channel the Wisdom of Solomon to solve the Middle East Peace Problem.

By Nate on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 11:40 am:

By patrick on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 12:01 pm:

    im disgusted by the US's policiy towards that situation...moreover the policiy of the Bush regime

By patrick on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 12:01 pm:

    think about the recently elected leaders of some of the more aggressive nations lately....Putin, Sharon and Bush.

    scary isnt it?

By Nate on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 12:51 pm:

    Bush should prove to be a lot less agressive than Clinton was.

    and in more ways than he'll have half the time to be aggressive.

By pez on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 12:57 pm:

    isn't howard stern jewish?

    the only "home" of a religion should be in your heart. religion doesn't belong in politics, in land rights. think about how many wars have been connected to some form of religion. we'd practically have world peace if religion wasn't so deadly.

By Dougie on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 01:01 pm:

    Howard's half Jewish (father), half Italian (mother). As a friend of mine who's the same calls himself, a "jewoppy".

By Nate on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 01:02 pm:

    the jewish gene is passed from the mother.

By Dougie on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 01:11 pm:

    I hear the HGP mapped that gene just yesterday.

By agatha on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 02:14 pm:

    exactly. no half jewish bullshit. all or none.

By pez on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 03:29 pm:

    i believe in shades of gray.

By Pug on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 05:23 pm:

    Hours later----loaded up, pretty tanked, still no Chosen One.
    Anyway, I'm channeling the wisdom of that great ceremonial magician, King Solomon, to achieve middle east peace. Much as he threatened to slice up a baby.
    Put the Israelis and the Palestinians on Notice: You have 2 weeks to vacate. 2 weeks from today we are nuking the Holy Land and NO ONE will be able to live there!!!!!
    You'll have one of two results: They'll solve their problems amongst themselves FAST otherwise they'll be scattered to other lands, people w/o countries. And that worked out pretty badly for the Jews last time out....
    Total King Solomon action.
    I ran this by someone who was very close to me who is a deeply religious person....she said she feared that nuking the holy land would be courting the Wrath of GodTM.
    I countered by saying the Wrath of GodTM is EXACTLY THE FUCKING PROBLEM----hence you have these 2 groups of people whose millenia-old, dusty, xenophobic Life-Manuals tell them they have divine right to a piece of dirt, don't have to share and can kill those who disagree with them. And in this day and age I think that boils down to two spoiled, obnoxious brats who can't be sensible, get along and share their toys. And unfortunately, these particular brats threaten the security and stability of the world---all of us!!!! So maybe what we need is the Big, Mean Daddy to come down and say, okay----you brats can't share your toys and play nice? Then no one gets ANY toys!!!! And toss the toys out the window.
    And after millenia of fighting this solution might be damn simplistic....but after millenia of fighting maybe we need drastic measures.
    But I'm just a filthy, drunken goy at a computer under the influence of mondo sleep deprivation----so if you think I'm fucked in the head, hey----that's fine.

By patrick on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 05:36 pm:

    unfortunately though...a third outcome would be realized. they wouldnt leave and you'd have two charges of genocide on your hands, but I agree with you in principle.

By Chosen One on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 05:59 pm:


    Howard Stern is a full blooded Jew. His "half-Jew" remark is pure SHTICK! Both his parents are Jews as is his ex-wife, Alison. All his daughters were Bat-Mitzvahed, as was he (Bar-Mitzvahed). But alas, since you suffer from a thin upper lip, you are unable to discern between sarcasm and seriousness!hehee

By patrick on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 06:43 pm:

    i've listened to Stern for years and never taken his half jew comment as SCHTICK LOL!!!!!. If it is, its failed miserably. Because he was bar mitvahed doesn't mean his mother isnt Italian.

    regardless its a moot point anyway. LOL!!!!!!!!

By Rhiannon on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 07:10 pm:

    There are such things as Italian Jews, you know. You can be both. Take Primo Levi -- he was both.

    Follow that link, scroll down until you get to the paragraph that starts, "Searching in my late twenties, I came across a small...", and read the interview.

By Chosen One on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 10:08 pm:


    You just saved me the trouble of giving you another tongue lashing!eheh LOL! Not surprising that you would have taken his "in jest" comments to heart!!eheh You really need to let your hair down, dude!eheheee


    Any chick who has the good sense to use a FLEETWOOD MAC song as an alias, is A-OK in my book!heh Yes, Jews come in all different nationalities. e.g. PAULA ABDUL is a Sephardic Jew. Her father (not jewish) is Arabic and her mother is a Sephardic Jew. MARCEL MARCEAU (legendary mime, born Mangel) is a FRENCH JEW!!
    Albert Einstein is a GERMAN JEW!!

By pez on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 02:49 am:

    chosen one, say this with a spanish accent: FUCK JEW!

By Pug on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 09:55 am:

    We doan need no stingking Badgers!

By Dougie on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 09:59 am:

    Now C.O.'s going to tell us all the members of Fleetwood Mac are jews.

By Dougie on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 10:18 am:

    BTW, C.O., "thin upper lip"? Never heard that term. I've heard of stiff upper lip, but never thin upper lip. Where'd you pull that phrase out of?

By J on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 10:55 am:

    His ass,I think.

By patrick on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 11:25 am:

    instead of letting my hair down bout i let my balls rest gently on your chin? LOL!!!!!!

By Chosen One on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 02:39 pm:


    Not all, just THE MOST IMPORTANT member of FLEETWOOD MAC!hehe That of original lead guitarist/vocalist and founding member, PETER GREEN (born Greenbaum). DOH!heheeh He was also a member of JOHN MAYALL'S BLUES BREAKERS!! Dougie, why must you do this to yourself!?!hehe Jews are everywhere, ba-bee! Remember, it was a Jewish disc jockey by the name of Alan Freed who coined the term, "Rock 'N' Roll." eehhee As we see, Jews are synonymous with music as well!ehehe

By Nate on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 03:42 pm:

    goddamnit if Jeff isn't growing on me.LOL!!!

By droopy on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 04:13 pm:

    i have some respect for you if you're actually a peter green fan. but i still keep hoping you'll have a nervous breakdown like a character in a philip roth short story.

    here's another jewish blues guitarist for you: mike bloomfield. started honing his chops in chicago in the early sixties. then became a session man and played with charlie musselwhite, big joe williams, sleepy john estes, and the like. then he played in paul butterfield's blues band. he became famous as the guitarist on dylan's "highway 61 revisited" - next time you hear "like a rolling stone" on the radio, that's him playing the scorching blues licks. he made solo albums, played in a band called "electric flag" and died too young.

    there's a story of a time in his younger days in chicago. he was playing in a bar (backing howlin' wolf, i think) and a guy walks in with a paper bag in his hands. he walks up to the bar, pulls out a woman's head, slaps it on the bar and says, "give this bitch a beer."

    now that's the blues.

By Dougie on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 04:15 pm:

    So why do many Jews, if they're so proud of being Jewish, anglicize their names?

By Pug on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 04:24 pm:

    Damn. That IS the blues!
    Been grooving on some Howlin' Wolf myself, of late...."who will be the next one/that you put to shame?"
    Yeah----let's not give blacks credit for music for 5 seconds, shall we? Blues, R&B, Rock'n'Roll, Soul, Funk, Reggae---they only INVENTED the shit....

By Chosen One on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 05:11 pm:


    How they hangin'?eheh LOL!! Yes, being a blues purist, I am more than familiar with BLOOMFIELD!!
    Unfortunately, he never achieved the commercial success that he was deserving of.


    Rock 'N' Roll was re invented by Jews!eh Without the Jewish heads of record companies, producers, and lyricists (in particular, CLIVE DAVIS, DON KIRSCHNER, CAROL KING, and LEIBER & STOLLER), you wouldn't have half the artists and hits of early rock 'n' roll!! Yes, "blues had a baby and his name was rock n' roll." ROCK music embodies soul, blues, gospel, country, etc. Which is why the ROCK 'N' ROLL HALL OF FAME INDUCTION list ranges from LES PAUL to LED ZEPPELIN, ARETHA FRANKLIN to JOHNNY CASH.

By pez on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 05:14 pm:

    we wouldn't have the early stars if they never had the desire to sing. what do you want to do? what are you here, selectively baring your souls?

By agatha on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 05:44 pm:

    dougie, a lot of jews had their names changed by no fault of their own when they came over on ellis island. if you're talking about rock stars and showbiz types, they all change their names, not just the jews.

    my father used to be goldschmidt or silverschmidt, now we are all smiths. it's so unfair.

By Dougie on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 06:02 pm:

    Really, agatha? I figured they did it themselves to fit in. I didn't know that, thanks for setting me straight.

By crimson on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 06:17 pm:

    my family's name also got changed at ellis island. the people filling out the forms there changed millions of family names to make them sound "more american". not that the name change really helped in my family's case. my maiden name still sounds ethnic as's just missing about five of the original syllables.

By cyst on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 06:22 pm:

    many immigrants were illiterate and couldn't write their own names. and russian immigrants, of course, might not know the latin spellings of their names. when I was living in ukraine I never did figure out a good way to translate names that ended in the backwards N with a hook over it followed by another backwards N. like "yuri"/"yury"/"yuriy."

By Dougie on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 06:44 pm:

    I guess that's somewhat similar to what Puff Daddy was going through in changing his name to P. Diddy? Or maybe not.

By agatha on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 10:57 pm:

    dougie, were you just being sarcastic? don't make me get out my switch.

    if you weren't, then please disregard.

By Dougie on Friday, March 30, 2001 - 06:36 am:

    No, not at all agatha. I really didn't know -- I figured they changed their names themselves. I was just being silly after cyst's post.

By Chosen One on Friday, March 30, 2001 - 10:26 pm:

    Nate oh Nate....

    Your lovely and innocent Palestinians killed a 10-month-old Israeli baby this week!!


    Jerusalem, March 26 - A 10-month-old Jewish girl was shot dead by a Palestinian sniper in the West bank city of Hebron, Associated Press and other news agencies reported. The child, identified as Shalhevet Pass, was shot in the head while in the arms of her father, Yitzhak, in front of their home, reports said. She was the youngest of 435 people who have died in confrontations between Israelis and Palestinians since the collapse of peace talks last year, AP said. The baby's father was wounded seriously in the leg, reports said. "It's a cold blooded murder, there is no other word for it, because there was no provocation on our behalf," Commander Noam Tibon told Agence France-Presse. About 500 Jewish settlers live in an enclave in Hebron surrounded by 130,000 Palestinians, AP said.

By J on Monday, April 2, 2001 - 02:18 pm:

    But I guess it's o.k. for Jews to kill Palenstines,is that where your at Chosen One?

By Joe on Wednesday, February 6, 2002 - 11:43 am:

    Thanks for the beautiful Mark Twain quote. As for the rest, give it a rest, dude. You've done your duty. Sit back & enjoy. Let the Heatherns rage, dammit. You done good. Jews are now well-ensconsed & can even afford some noblesse oblige. About bloody time. No worries, mate. Take a deep cleansing breath. You've earned it. Etc., etc.

    Be happy.

By heather on Wednesday, February 6, 2002 - 02:13 pm:

    i thought so

    god. not you again.

By Cat on Wednesday, February 6, 2002 - 05:28 pm:

    Oh don't scare him off Heather.

    And it's "Great Goat Goddess. Not you again".

    Bloody Christians think they have the only religion in the World.

By dave. on Wednesday, July 23, 2003 - 03:29 am:

    By Nate on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 12:51 pm:

    "Bush should prove to be a lot less agressive than Clinton was.

    and in more ways than he'll have half the time to be aggressive."

    nate, i say "HAH!" to your prophecy.


    HAH HAH!


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