John Irving - A Widow For One Year Last book you read: John Irving - A Widow For One Year
By Pete on Wednesday, May 27, 1998 - 12:39 pm:
    Actually, I just began reading it this morning and I can already tell that it's going to be good....even without the usual bears and wrestlers. But he did thank someone from the Amsterdam police department in his acknowledgment, so I'm expecting a little worldwide travel to occur.

    " for this little lady, the best thing I can wish her is a little misfortune." -- William Makepeace Thackeray [I'm looking forward to seeing what that quote has to do with this book]

    The LAST book I read was Perfume, by Patrick Susskind. Good until the final orgy....then it became a little unbelievable.

By Asia on Wednesday, June 17, 1998 - 04:42 pm:
    i liked widow for one year. actually, irving is my favorite author. i was, however, glad to see that there was little, (if any--cant remember) talk of wrestling in this one. whew