I bought it for $2. the date on it is 1919, and it looks like it's been around for that long, but it's still in one piece. i asked the old lady about the book, but she just shrugged and said, "oh he had about book on just about everything somewhere. never read the damn things." it's an interesting read. i've always thought of eugenics as proto-nazi master race building, but this book is more of an antique self-help manual. it has a whole chapter on "self-pollution": "BY FAR THE WORST FORM of venereal indulgence is self-pollution, or, as it is called by medical writers, onanism or masturbation. and i is incomparably the worst for several reasons. ITS EVIL EFFECTS - It is wholly unnatural, and, in every respect, does violence to nature. The mental action, and the power of imagination on the genital organs, forcing a vital stimulation of the parts, which is reflected over the whole nervous system, are exceedingly intense and injurious; and consequently the reciprocal influences between the brain and the genital organs become extremely powerful, irresistable and destructive. The general, prolonged and rigid tension of the muscular and nervous tissues is excessively severe and violent. In short, the consentaneous effort and concentrated energy of all the powers of the human system to this singe forced effect cause the most ruinous irritation, violence, exhaustion and debility." now that's what i call excitement. happy valentine's day, everybody. |
-george clinton |