"Bacon Is Shakespeare" by Durning & Lawrence

sorabji.com: Last book you read: "Bacon Is Shakespeare" by Durning & Lawrence
By Jeffrey Scott Holland on Saturday, January 3, 1998 - 09:23 pm:
    Written in 1910. Posits a bizarre secret code by which Bacon allegedly left a secret message in the works of Shakespeare, which of course, were actually written by Bacon. Began reading it strictly for its surrealist value but God help me, I almost believe it now.

By R.C. on Saturday, January 3, 1998 - 10:12 pm:
    Such divine insanity! I almost feel normal hanging around here. But alas/the last book I completed was nothing so cryptic -- a re-read of Alice Walker's "The Third Life of Grange Copeland." (Hey Sorabji -- can I do underscoring in these magic boxes of yours?)

By Dr. Hmph on Saturday, January 3, 1998 - 10:50 pm:
    I know dear. It's really painful to have to use quote marks, isn't it? It goes against The Training. Books underlined, articles in quotes. But sometimes, circumstances force us to violate our principles, don't they?

By R.C. on Sunday, January 4, 1998 - 12:13 am:
    LOL! But I know next to nothing about HTML & how stuff works. Plus/this is The Weird World of Sorabji/& stuff probably doesn't follow the usual rules. So I hadda ask.

By Rob f on Tuesday, February 3, 1998 - 07:03 pm:
    for more info on bacon/shakespeare go to http://home.att.net/~tleary/ or
    good stuff both places

By Rose MonteBlanc on Tuesday, February 3, 1998 - 07:26 pm:
    Bacon is Shakespeare? Shakespeare is worm food.
    Oh the calories...