"Industrial Light & Magic"

sorabji.com: Last book you read: "Industrial Light & Magic"
By Jeffrey Scott Holland on Thursday, January 8, 1998 - 04:06 pm:
    Last night I reread "Industrial Light & Magic : The Art of Special Effects" by Thomas G, Smith, a huge slick coffee-table book illustrating ILM's behind-the-scenes work in Dragonslayer, Enemy Mine, Poltergeist, E.T., Cocoon, and of course, the Star Wars, Star Trek, and Indiana Jones movies.

By Pokey lil puppy on Thursday, January 8, 1998 - 05:05 pm:
    ILM used to be one of my clients. YEs, they have very talented people in their employ, but Jesus, do they abuse their interns. I saw people that had phenomenal talents and skill getting bulldozed into the ground for $8 an hour. You wouldn't believe how much they spend on computers and how little they pay the majority of geniuses in their employ. Oh , and the last book I read was Bruce Sterlings....Um...err..shit. I forgot the name...

By Kelsey on Thursday, January 8, 1998 - 07:21 pm:
    i'm reading angela's ashes and the color of water at the same time. before that, i read the stone diaries. that rocked. i never remember author's names, though. sorry. angela's ashes is some irish dude teaching english in new york. frank something.