Last night I reread "Industrial Light & Magic : The Art of Special Effects" by Thomas G, Smith, a huge slick coffee-table book illustrating ILM's behind-the-scenes work in Dragonslayer, Enemy Mine, Poltergeist, E.T., Cocoon, and of course, the Star Wars, Star Trek, and Indiana Jones movies.
ILM used to be one of my clients. YEs, they have very talented people in their employ, but Jesus, do they abuse their interns. I saw people that had phenomenal talents and skill getting bulldozed into the ground for $8 an hour. You wouldn't believe how much they spend on computers and how little they pay the majority of geniuses in their employ. Oh , and the last book I read was Bruce Sterlings....Um...err..shit. I forgot the name...
i'm reading angela's ashes and the color of water at the same time. before that, i read the stone diaries. that rocked. i never remember author's names, though. sorry. angela's ashes is some irish dude teaching english in new york. frank something.