Eye Scream:Rollins; The Story of the Eye:Batille

sorabji.com: Last book you read: Eye Scream:Rollins; The Story of the Eye:Batille
Kymical on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 04:47 pm:

    i was reading the rollins book for a second time. i enjoy his writing and someof the more harsh recallings of his life, day to day stuff. and he has a lot of funny things he points out. but the tone over all is quite sad and hard.

    the batille i read because i have been doing independent study on the rise and fall of sexual realization. or what was dirty when. and this was recommended. oh my goodness. it isn't lewd or dirty or even naughty. it is all of those things mixed together with some of the most horrific imagry i have read. i was surprised. and shocked. but i think that is the point. i realize that we in today's time are "liberated" sexually. you can see a belly button on tv. but this book even pushes the envelope of what we consider risque today. and i think it was written close to 100 years ago!
    it is a good read if you are curious of how some might think children of this time committed debauchury.

    (please send spelling corrections and omissions to Swine.)

By semillama on Thursday, July 6, 2000 - 07:11 pm:

    I just finished Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. Ther characters reminded my of folks here. I kept expecting Nate and swine to pop up at the tennis academy, and Daniel SSSS at the rehab house, along with Droopy and Margret. And everyone else would've fit right in.

    I don't know what that means, but I really enjoyed that book, and I am also enjoying his first book, The Broom of The System, which I am currently rading.