In a Glass House Last book you read: In a Glass House
By Celia on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 03:35 am:

    I was wondering if anyone else has read it, or anything else by Nino Ricci. I just finished re-reading "In a Glass House" for the 5th time and I'm still silent from the sheer poetry of each chapter. How he describes the feelings and situations is exactly how I've felt, but never had the articulation to put it down as accurately. I guess I could relate to a lot of it, that's why. The immigrant with a missing parent. The strained relationship with family. The cultural divide, the uneasy, unshakable feeling that follows throughout your childhood and high school. The strange distances of trying to identify yourself.

    It's actually the second book in a trilogy. I also loved "Lives of the Saints" the first one. I absolutely hated and abhorred the third one, "Where She Has Gone". I was so disappointed.
    So....anyone else have thoughts on the book(s)? If anyone has read any of them....