"The Metamorphosis" - Franz Kafka

sorabji.com: Last book you read: "The Metamorphosis" - Franz Kafka
By Zephyr on Thursday, August 10, 2000 - 11:48 pm:


    Just finished this book, like 5 minutes ago. VERY VERY good!


    I quite enjoyed that bugger (no pun intended!) and well, yeah...it was a really good book.

    58 pages short, so its a fast read, but pay attention...lots of images and such to the real world and society and how people are...

By Celia on Saturday, August 12, 2000 - 04:17 am:

    Yeah, the shock of it (for me anyways) was because it wasn't something I expected at all. I'd expected him to wake up and it was all a dream and there was a lesson to be learned. But it wasn't a dream! noooooo

    good book