Life of Pi Last book you read: Life of Pi
By Gee on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 06:31 pm:

    is this book as big in the US as it is/was in Canada? for the longest time you couldn't even sneeze without wiping snot off of someone's copy of "Life of Pi" - that's how big this book was.

    my friend Alys gave it to me for my birthday in 2003 and I've Finally read it. Really I don't think I would have read it if it hadn't been a gift, and I felt kind of obligated.

    The first 80% of the book is this introspective, view-of-the-world, inside his Head kind of book, if you know what I mean. then all of a sudden, for like twenty pages, it goes hardcore science-fiction. I was reading with my face all screwed up in confusion and amazement at the turn of events.

    then, right near the end, everything makes sense again, and you kind of understand the hardcore sci-fi.

    in a way that may not be much of a connection at all, it kind of reminded me of the film "Lost in Translation". In both cases I went through the entire thing going "What is this? What is this about?" and it wasn't until rightattheend that I actually liked it.

    I didn't love it too much while it was going on, but upon reflection I think it was pretty good. it would probably be a great book to re-read.

By Danielsssss on Wednesday, July 1, 2009 - 05:59 pm:

    yep, reading through it: a zoologist and theologian rolled into one I guess. More as I read it. I am behind the times...just now picked it up from the bookshelf, well stocked, in the house carol and I are renting on the beach on AMI (Anna Maria Island). I have been coming here for twenty years now, thought I would be living or dying here by now, and well, instead am reading a loaned book abandoned by a previous renter in a rented house where the air conditioning is too cold and the porch too small to avoid the pouring rain boiling down out of dark skies on an island a foot or two above sea level, and te roads are all flooded this afternoon. I should walk out to the beach in the rain...yesterday's storms were a great inspiration. I haven't had any time for recreation reading in a long long long time.

    ANy boday else read this?