jeebers. Last book you read: jeebers.
By moonit on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 03:00 am:

    I went to our so called 'big bookshop' today to see if I could find anything on PCOS, and out of all the health books they had one. ONE.

    By the first forty pages I was pretty much freaking out.

    Up to one in four women have it (and most don't know as its not easily diagnosed)

    Chances of miscarrying - 40% higher.

    Increased risks of: heart disease, diabeties, cancer, heart disease....

    just kill me now.

By dave. on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 03:14 am:

    don't despair.

    it won't help.

By moonit on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 03:32 am:

    I know. I just feel whiny and grumpy and needy today.

    And worried.

    Dietician or personal trainer with med background?

By moonit on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 03:32 am:

    I know. I just feel whiny and grumpy and needy today.

    And worried.

    Dietician or personal trainer with med background?

By moonit on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 03:34 am:

    And oh so bright.

    two fucking poster. thats me.

By dave. on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 04:05 am:

    doesn't pretty much every malady carry an associated higher risk of heart disease, diabeties, cancer, heart disease.... ? and heart disease?

    poor little heart.

    i can't just look down and see my penis without a mirror. what the fuck happened here? not too many years ago, i was strong and vigorous. i'm stuck.

    i need catharsis. heart attack. cancer. something.

    just not butt cancer, ok? thanks.

By Platypus on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 04:43 am:

    Cancer of the ass would be a truly terrible thing.

    Moonit, don't be sad. I command you. And I vote for personal trainer with med background, because many of them also have some background in nutrition as well. You can have your cake and eat it too.

By Gee on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 10:15 am:

    it's treatable, though, right? that's better than not-treatable.

    as long as it's not terminal, everything will be alright.

By wisper on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 11:00 pm:

    i heard that the average woman has 5 miscarriages in life, most or all of which you never even notice.

    That super-heavy period after you're a few days late?

    yeah, could be.

By moonit on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 03:34 am:

    Wisper - yeah, I heard that too.

    Gee, its kind of but not - see what happens is, some of the eggs your ovaries release fuck out, and stay there - becoming a cyst. its quite interesting. It mostly happens in curvy curvy women, but can happen it slim people too.

By Dodi on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 01:02 pm:

    I definitely would seek advice from a nutritionalist or a holistic doctor, cause in regular medicine, they don't look at the core of the problem. You might need to do a cleanse, maybe more then one. Have you had your hormones checked? You need a product that will balance the whole Endocrine system.

    Good luck!

By Dodi on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 01:06 pm:

    Have you ever heard of Reishi (Ganoderma) mushrooms? They will help build your immunity and they even fight tumors. Colostrum will help too.

    The pH has a lot to do with our health, so make sure your pH is at a good balance. I would eat nothing but a raw, organic diet, until all is well.


By moonit on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 03:32 pm:

    Thanks Dodi.

    the thing is, you can't get rid of the cysts. Because the eggs are corrupted and they stay there (I think).

    I've lost a kilo this week from eating heaps of veges and fruit and going to the gym.

By Dodi on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 04:41 pm:

    I would get a second opinion, cause your body is truly amazing. If given proper nutrition, it can start to rebuild, believe that. You just need to boost your immunity and start balancing the endocrine system, especially the adrenal glands. If the adrenal glands get over stressed, the immunity goes down the toilet, then it's a vicious (sp?)cycle. I have gone through a lot of health challenges myself and will never trust the medical field. I made myself better through holistic medicine and haven't been sick since. Have you ever heard of Goji juice? I just found out about this stuff and it sounds great...check it out. The companies name is FreeLife.

    Have faith and the rest will follow, I promise.

By Platypus on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 10:56 pm:

    Hey, Moonit, what kind of tests do they do for it? My doc was suspecting it might be behind some of the wierd medical problems I've been having lately, including rapid (and horrific) weight gain, etc etc. I just don't want them sticking anything up my plumbing and I'm afraid that's what Dawn means when she says "we should run a few tests just to rule it out..."

    I was actually very proud of myself for knowing what it was when she brought it up, but I gave you due credit.

    And many congratulations on there being a kilo less of you!

By Dodi on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 11:09 pm:

    Platypus, rapid weight gain, might be coming from weak adrenal glands, that can contribute to Candida. Have you ever heard of Candida? You could have it systemically and might need to cleanse for it. You can great a great product at your local health food store and it's called, Primal Defense, by Garden of Life. Enymedica also has a product for Candida and it's called, Candidase. They suggest you take their product Purify along with it, as it will help clean the blood. Make sure to take enzymes with your meal and you will be amazed on how much better you will feel.

    I hope this helps.

By moonit on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 03:14 am:

    Platy, don't be nervous, its really hard to diagnose - blood tests to start - although my first one came up negative, but the second positive for high testorone levels (yes I have balls), and before all this shit happened I had an ultrasound and also an internal scan - now that wasn't fun, (but not painful, more embarassing) but they did see a cyst on the right ovary. (They only do this if your waist is too big)

    I think because I've had so many people look at my growler over the last year I no longer care.

By moonit on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 03:17 am:

    Dodi, thanks for your input - although its a little harder for me to find that kind of stuff here (in case you didn't know I am one of the few international sorabjites)

By Platypus on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 04:25 am:

    Woah. I don't like the sound of internal scans. That sounds like they might be sticking something where it doesn't belong. But I get ultrasounds for my liver all the time, so that's all good. The ultrasound tech at the hospital is hella cute. Hella. Cute. I'm kind of curious, actually, they might find all kinds of cool shit in there, you know. Maybe I have balls! I wonder if I could play tennis with them.

    Growler. I like it. I think it might be time for a slang thread.

By Dodi on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 01:49 pm:

    I didn't know that moonit and thanks for telling me. Hey, maybe you could order on the internet.

    I hope you both start feeling better. :)

By V on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 05:43 pm:

    PLAT,can you explain how livers are shown up on scan...,tend to think mine has a problem....i understand you been through shit an all,but if you can post,do so.

By wisper on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 07:50 pm:

    growler, OMG.

    i thank you for this.

By moonit on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 09:25 am:

    You never knew growler? It's one of my personal favourites.

    "Show us your growler"