I had a high school english teacher who gave us the most depressing reading assignments. A Rose for Emily was one of them. I think it was this story that made me see her as a true romantic. We would read poems like "Provide, Provide" by Frost (one of my favorites), and The Lovesong of J. Alfred Proofrock, as well as stories by Eunesco. Believe it or not, I kept all the notes from this class, and feel to this day that this teacher was perhaps the most inspirational I ever had. She was something of a fading beauty, would wear her hair in a bun and wore schoolmarmish oufits. I sincerely doubt that even a single one of my fellow classmates "got it". I learned from her that romanticism isn't just roses, but dust and forelorness as well. Great story by the way..Can't say about the song. Don't think I've heard it.