Snow falling What are you listening to?: Snow falling
By Sheila on Friday, May 29, 1998 - 01:23 am:
    Remember the Conrad Aiken story about the schizophrenic child decompensating, Silent Snow, Secret Snow? It's late May on Buckhorn Peak, and it is snowing. The animals have already shed their winter coats, and now they are shivering. Snow is the original white noise.

Nighshade on Thursday, September 3, 1998 - 08:41 pm:

    I have always loved this story and it meant a lot to me when I saw the old Night Gallery Program version of it that was narrated by Orson Wells or someone with an equally meliflous voice. If anyone who like to email me copy of this story to me, please email to{}, I would be emensely grateful. Thanks in advance.

By Nighshade on Thursday, September 3, 1998 - 08:46 pm:

    I have always loved this story and it meant a lot to me when I saw the old Night Gallery Program version of it that was narrated by Orson Wells or someone with an equally meliflous voice. If anyone who like to email a copy of this story to me; please email to{}, I would be emensely grateful. Thanks in advance.