Dead Can Dance in general What are you listening to?: Dead Can Dance in general
By Quidam on Monday, July 20, 1998 - 05:42 am:
    found some CD's I thought I'd permanently lost. Mostly crap but also a handful Dead Can Dance discs. Lisa Gerrard, you can sing for me any day.

    I've always thought that DCD was one of those groups that either annoys the hell out of you, or you instantly bond with. There doesn't seem to be a lot of people in the middle ground. I have a lot of weird memories associated with this music.

    (spirit chaser, track 2)

    being in a state park well after closing, early, early morning. building a fire, sitting around talking. Running through the thick woods like those kids from Lord of the Flies. Almost falling off a steep bluff. Watching the sunrise. Renouncing the world. Commenting that the car stereo we were listening to was probably worth more than some people in the world see in a year. Cooking hot dogs over the fire. Making up bad impromptu poetry.

    *shaking head* hello, Dead Poet Society wanna be.

    Still, those were some good times.