"From 125th street, to a bridge called G. Dub. . ."

sorabji.com: What are you listening to?: "From 125th street, to a bridge called G. Dub. . ."
By Semi-multi-coloured caucasian on Monday, August 30, 1999 - 09:57 am:

    "serveral shades of living, from diamonds to mud. A gateway to the city, just a few miles away. An expressway to the country, where we're all allowed to play"
    Harlem River Drive Harlem River Drive HEY!

    (anyone know this jazz great?)

By Nadine on Saturday, July 9, 2005 - 10:28 am:

    I do! Got it off Radio Nova, in Paris, years ago, and don't know the title or artist - does anyone out there?

By jack on Saturday, July 9, 2005 - 12:52 pm:

By V on Saturday, July 9, 2005 - 02:28 pm:

    jack,right on...just chilling out for the next few days,you know my situation.I count myself lucky to be alive at this moment in time.Im just happy to still exist,hope you are well...you know jack,I could have been on one of them trains that got blown apart.,if I go to central London I use trains a lot.

By V on Saturday, July 9, 2005 - 03:13 pm:

    jack,does it scare you to use a subway now? it does me.,and allthough the papers tell me the next attack is Denmark or Italy,I still think it will be the U.S.A.,them Muslims want to kill us all.,you got any comments on this?,v is still in shock from the events that happened 7/7,it was 20 miles south of me,as v lives to the north edge of London,its too close for comfort,and fuck,do I hate Muslims.,and 1 in 7 people in London is a Muslim,I just dont need that shit.

By jack on Saturday, July 9, 2005 - 04:28 pm:

    i wouldn't live where i live if i was scared of things.
    i'm not scared of the subway.

By V on Saturday, July 9, 2005 - 04:46 pm:

    ...but what if a few trains were blown up?

By jack on Saturday, July 9, 2005 - 05:10 pm:

    if a train or station was bombed while i was present, that would be a frightening event. but i can't be afraid of what might happen. i can only be as prepared as possible. if i got scared of possible bad events, i'd never get out of bed.

    besides, i've been called fat and gay on the internet. what else can happen to me that's worse than that?

By V on Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 10:57 am:

    ...nothing,but you did a kind posting about the London bombings when no other person did, so you are no longer fat and gay.,you are now slim and non-gay.,now I have to fight the 13 year old troll with 25 names.

By V on Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 11:00 am:

    jack,your o.k.

By jack on Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 11:27 pm:

    i'm o.k. you're o.k. see you for drinks when i'm in london next spring unless you're in manhattan first. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

By V on Monday, July 18, 2005 - 09:39 pm:

    jack,as you may know,I like you lots,but dont you think the insane laughter is rather "Agent D"?

By V on Monday, July 18, 2005 - 09:54 pm: