Gallon Drunk What are you listening to?: Gallon Drunk
By Rhiannon on Monday, November 8, 1999 - 10:26 pm:

    Hated hated HATED them the first time I heard them. Now I'm hooked. "Arlington Road" makes me want to bite someone...just take a big honking bite out of their arm. Now that's good music.

By Rhiannon on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 - 07:12 pm:

    God, I have to do something about those urges to devour people.

    I found some salve for one's smells like carrot cake. Strangely, I'm not at all tempted to bite my own hands. But I suspect that if I smelled carrot cake on anyone else, I would promptly sink my teeth into them.

    I'm hungry. All I had today was a cucumber salad, some green beans, and an orange.

    Anyway, I was looking for something I wrote before winter break with no luck, so I'll write it here.

    Got my grades. Straight 3.3s. That's not bad for the foolish way I did everything last semester. My grades would have been higher, of course, had I behaved appropriately.

    This semester, I have only 2 real classes and one independent study, so things should go much smoother. Both full-blown classes seem quite difficult, however. Plus I've actually gotten a job (at the library, for $6.50/hour, because I hardly have any money left), so that cuts down on my study time. Not like I did much studying anyway, but it was nice to know that the time was there if I needed it.

    Gallon Drunk's a neat band. So is Barkmarket, which I'm listening to now. Both bands are recommended if you like your music raucous and with a sneer.

By droopy on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 - 07:37 pm:

    i got something called burt's bee's hand salve for christmas. smells good; i wouldn't know if it smells like carrot cake, though.

    i distinctly remember having carrot cake once in my life - in 1976. i think i've gone past my olfactory memory time limit.

By Rhiannon on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 - 08:15 pm:

    This is made by Burt's Bee, too...their Farmer's Market line. It's called "Carrot Creme," and it has a picture of a carrot on the lid. It actually smells like a combination of carrot cake and play-dough. I suppose your olfactory time limit on play-dough has also expired.

By cyst on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 - 08:22 pm:

    I was given an undercooked carrot cake in a glass lasagna pan I had to return for my 21st birthday.

By droopy on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 - 08:34 pm:

    no, i keep play-dough around my apartment so i can fashion it into obscene shapes.

    my little half-dollar sized tin just says "hand salve" and has a picture of burt on it. the first 3 ingredients are: sweet almond oil, olive oil, and beeswax.

    i also got some burt's bee's (i think the bee part should bee possesive out of respect.) bay rum exfoliating soap. motel size. i taken it out of the paper yet, but i find that if i just pick it up and handle it for a few seconds my whole bathroom smells like bay rum.

    besides, i don't want to exfoliate.

By semillama on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 - 08:55 pm:

    I saw barkmarket with Tad, Tripping Daisy and Therapy? back in 1993? 1994?

    I though Barkmarket were good, but they got played off the stage by each of the other bands. I went with a couple friends because it was a $10 show at St. Andrew's and I ahd never heard any of the bands before, so, what the hell each band was $2.50, a good deal even if half sucked. None did. I just have to say that I don't really remember Barkmarket because the other band's stage presences were so in your face. Especially Therapy? and Tad. I went out and bought "Nurse" the next day, and it's still a big influence on how I approach playing modern punk and metal. I totally love the production -that thin guitar contrasts excellently against the murky bass. Plus teh drumming is unbelievable. Back then, hearing a "techno" drum line under this weird metal was not very common, you see. I don't really like their new stuff, too simple and plus they got rid of the drummer.

By J on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 - 09:48 pm:

    Play-dough is a perfect medium for fashioning voo-doo dolls.

By cyst on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 - 09:51 pm:

    oh j.

By Rhiannon on Wednesday, January 19, 2000 - 11:47 pm:

    I just got my English paper back in my mailbox. I got a 3.3 on it and a 3.7 on my other paper (the only two grades of the class), and my professor writes a note on my paper saying "your attendance was spotty, you scarcely participated in the newsgroup, and you were rather subdued in class, so I'm giving you a 3.3 for the final grade. Thanks for coming!"

    Was that sarcasm? And what does she mean, my attendance was spotty?! I was sick! I had a valid excuse, and I always informed her ahead of time when I wouldn't be coming, and of course I was subdued! I hardly ever talk in class anyway...I talked more in that class than in any other I've been in, and what if I really don't have anything to say? And I thought the newsgroup was silly and just unnecessary...I always gave what few thoughts I had in class. Jeez, what more do you want from me? I can't give an opinion if I don't have one. And who cares anyway? It's not like what I think about a book matters to anyone.

    Hmph. Now I'm sore.

By Gee on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 04:02 am:

    I always tell my teachers that I don't like to speak up in class because I'm shy. They can tell I'm being honest because it's hard enough for me to just talk to Them. I figure eventually I'll get some mean teacher who keeps calling on me just because she knows I'm shy, but so far it's worked out well.

By semillama on Thursday, January 20, 2000 - 02:28 pm:

    You should go whack your teacher in the head with a rubber chicken, and say, "how's that for participation!"