Top 10 Most Influential Songwriters or Songwriting Teams (not composers) of the Century What are you listening to?: Top 10 Most Influential Songwriters or Songwriting Teams (not composers) of the Century
Jim aka Pajama on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 07:50 am:

    Irving Berlin
    Cole Porter
    George & Ira Gershwin
    Johnny Mercer
    John Lenneon & Paul McCartney
    Rodgers & Hammerstein
    Roy Orbison
    Elvis Costello
    Andrew Lloyd Webber & his many Lyricists
    Elton John & Bernie Taupin

    Damn that was hard. I don't have any women on this list. I debated Carole King. I have to maybe rethink this. Cause I just realized I don't have Bob Dylan or Pete Seeger or Jimmy Rogers or Johnny Cash or Mother Maybelle Carter or or... AIYEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

By J on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 12:18 pm:

    But Elvis is there,that,s a good thing.

By MapleLeaf on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 12:50 pm:

    Burt Bacharach
    Marvin Hamlisch
    David Foster

By Gee on Thursday, December 2, 1999 - 12:26 am:

    Did Elvis write his own songs?? I didn't think he did.

    I'm with you on the Gershwin's, Porter, Berlin and Lennon & McCartney, which surprises me. I'm not really a big beatles fan, but I remember reading some of the songs those two wrote (READING, not hearing) and thinking they were just freaking Great. I really like "She's Leaving Home". I've never heard it, though.

    I would also like to add John Mann and Geoffrey Kelly. You know, they've been called the greatest song-writing team in Canada.

By Jim aka Pajama on Thursday, December 2, 1999 - 09:29 am:

    Gee- we're not referring to Elvis Pressley, but Elvis Costello -- the Brit. Big difference :)

By J on Thursday, December 2, 1999 - 11:51 am:

    I always thought of Elvis Presley as a movie star,I think of Elvis Costello as a musical God,I still want to shag him,he isn,t Elvis Presley handsome I just love his way with words,his style.

By Gee on Friday, December 3, 1999 - 12:49 am:

    Oh, you're right. I read wrong. Sorry. To be honest, in my mind Elvis P is the Only Elvis. I was so crazy about him when I was little. I had a big crush on him. Please don't anyone say anything bad about him, because I feel very sorry for him.

By Chosen One on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 02:18 am:

    Pajama Jim,

    As wee see from your above list, no TOP TEN LIST is ever complete without the invaluable JEW!!heh
    GEORGE & IRA GERSHWIN & IRVING BERLIN are 3 of the most influencial composers of our time!! Once again, you'd be hard pressed not to find a Jew in any influencial list of the 20th century. Choose any field and you will find that Jews have excelled in it!! All in spite of comprising 1/4 of 1% of the world's population!! Jews are so few in number, yet so great in ability!

By pez on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 01:01 pm:

    so what? that doesn't mean you did it.

By Pug on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 05:31 pm:

    Gershwin was great and I s'poze Irving Berlin was, too---and I don't doubt the great songwriting teams of musical history were rife w/Jews.
    I just maintain that these people were great BECAUSE THEY WERE GREAT----NOT because of their nationality.
    INDIVIDUALS make history---not persuasions, religions or nationalities----so it shall it ever be.

By Pug on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 05:34 pm:

    Watchin' the detectives....

By Chosen One on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 06:15 pm:


    Every race has moments of greatness, but not every race has been as consistently successful as the Jewish people. A people that comprise the least population of any major religion on the planet. How can a race that comprises just 1/4 of 1% of the world's population have such far reaching impact on world history and culture!? A people that have been persecuted for a thousand years and have lost 6 million in the Holocaust. In spite of this, our country still continues to be influenced by Judeo/Christian beliefs! Where do you think the Gentiles obtained their sabbath from!? Judaism eventually gave way to Christianity! There comes a time when you must concede and accept "what is." Jews must be placed on a pedestal, because they stand as a living testament to perseverence!! Remember, 98% of the world is non-Jewish. This simple fact is what separates Jews from any other religion or creed!!! Therefore, your points become moot!!

By Nate on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 07:35 pm:

    i dated a jew for awhile. she was good in bed, except she always spit my load into the garbage can immediately after i came.

    that shuts the afterglow off pretty quickly.

By Bobby on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 07:58 pm:

    Maybe your load wasn't kosher!

By Nate on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 - 08:35 pm:

    i never thought about that.

    actually, she said "if you had that shit in your mouth, you'd want to spit it out too."

    though another said, "i swallow because that's the fastest way to get it of my tongue."

    man. i love getting head. i must have some nasty spooge though.

By pez on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 02:51 am:

    if being jewish is so great, what have you done to actually deserve the honor? tell me, NOW.

By Pug on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 10:03 am:

    Chosen One: To answer your jam about my points becoming moot, the answer is, "no".
    Everyone's got statistics to throw around (and they all contradict each other) to make them oh-so-RIGHT. Hence by such logic everyone in the world (even if they contradict one another)who has a set of percentages to fling around must be RIGHT, huh? Nuh-uh.
    When people start in with their statistics I shut the whole conversation off 'cause numbers are just meaningless abstracts that you can shift any which way.
    I've made "Truth is Dead" my credo for about 15 years, now---and that's why.

By Pug on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 10:07 am:

    I wish someone would come eat my spooge....and if she were Jewish, hey, that'd be okay....
    Speaking of Spooge, Chosen One---you STILL haven't answered my question from way back up on the other thread....

By Chosen One on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 02:44 pm:


    History does not lie!! Historians, notables and scholars all come to the same conclusion: Jews are a wise and wonderful people!! Is there something inherently wrong with stating the obvious truth?

By J. not J on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 03:10 pm:

    Not inherently, but it's pretty stupid to hold yourself up as the obvious and cowardly exception to your claims.

By Nate on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 03:44 pm:

    i think history does lie.

By Pug on Thursday, March 29, 2001 - 04:27 pm:

    History lies for a living, but that's beside the point----Chosen One, you STILL haven't answered my question.

By Anonymous on Tuesday, November 20, 2001 - 10:14 am:

    What About Simon and Garfunkel. Don't you think that they were the best songwriters of their time. They had to have had an influence on someone

By Shakes on Tuesday, November 20, 2001 - 01:01 pm:

    Simon,not Garfunkle

By Chosen One Returns on Monday, November 22, 2004 - 02:08 am:


    You appear to have difficulty with the Politically Incorrect realities that be:

    Jews are the oldest of any people on earth still around with their national identity and cultural heritage intact. Jews have exerted an influence on world civilization more profound and lasting than any other ancient culture. Jews are universally acknowledged as the source of many of the major religions of the world.

    From Einstein to Freud, from holy wood to Hollwood, from the syphilis cure to the polio vaccine, from Jesus of Nazareth to Moses, from Christianity to the Sabbath, from Kosher to circumcision, the scope & importance of Jewish contributions to America & the world are staggering. There's a good reason why Jews are God's Chosen People!

    An analogy of Jewish success can be made to the Atom (Einstein, Bohr, Teller, Oppenheimer - all sweet Jews): The secrets of the tiniest particle of matter can, just like the Jews, change all of human history. There is no strength in number unless it can be applied!!

    Like it or not, it doesn't take an EINSTEIN to excel in this world when you comprise the majority of its population. 99% of the world is Gentile (non-Jewish). There's no great MITZVAH there! But there's a definite MITZVAH when your religion not only comprises 1% of the world's populace, but has also been able to match and disproportionately overshadow Gentiles (non Jews) in every field of human endeavor.

    A people who had gone without a homeland for eighteen-hundred years. A people who have endured thousands of years of persecution. A people who lost 6 million in the Holocaust. A people who comprise a measly 1/4 of 1% of the world's populace. A people who are still the wealthiest ethnic group in the US, in spite of comprising a measly 2% of its populace. This is precisely what separates Jews from any other ethnicity on planet earth.

    As MARLON BRANDO once said: "One of the great mysteries that has always puzzled me is how Jews, who account for such a tiny fraction of the world's population, have been able to achieve so much and excel in so many different fields - science, music, medicine, literature, arts, business and more. If you listed the most influential people of the last hundred years, three at the top of the list would be Einstein, Freud and Marx; all were Jews. Many more belong on the list, yet Jews comprise at most less than 3 percent of the United States population. They are an amazing people. Imagine the persecution they endured over the centuries: pogroms, temple burnings, Cossack raids, uprootings of families, their dispersal to the winds and the Holocaust. After the Diaspora, they could not own land or worship in much of the world; they were prohibited from voting and were told where to live. Yet their children survived and Jews became by far the most accomplished people per capita that the world has ever produced."

    PAUL JOHNSON (contemporary US Historian) also said it best: "Certainly, the world without the Jews would have been a radically different place. Humanity might have eventually stumbled upon all the Jewish insights. But we cannot be sure. All the great conceptual discoveries of the human intellect seem obvious and inescapable once they had been revealed, but it requires a special genius to formulate them for the first time. The Jews had this gift. To them we owe the idea of equality before the law, both divine and human; of the sanctity of life and the dignity of human person; of the individual conscience and so a
    personal redemption; of collective conscience and so of social responsibility; of peace as an abstract ideal and love as the foundation of justice, and many other items which constitute the basic moral furniture of the human mind. Without Jews it might have been a much emptier place."

    MARK TWAIN said it better (eh): "If statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of stardust lost in the blaze of the Milky way. Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk. His contributions to the world's list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine, and abstruse learning are also away out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in this world, in all the ages; and had done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself, and be excused for it. The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Roman followed, and made a vast noise, and they are gone. Other peoples have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?"

    And how can we forget about JOHN DERBYSHIRE of the National Review: "It's anti-Semitic to point out that Jews are smarter than Gentiles? Gimme a break! Who doesn't know that Jews are smarter than Gentiles? Newsweek (8/21/00) gives the Jewish population of the U.S. at two percent. Does anybody think that the number of Jewish lawyers, college professors, successful businessmen, mathematicians, is two percent? Anybody? How can it be offensive to say something so dazzlingly obvious? If I were Jewish, I'd be flattered to hear this. For the record, I consider myself a philosemite. It has been truly said (by Paul Johnson in his "History of the Jews") that if you take almost anything - science, law, philosophy, literature, medicine, music - and track it back to its roots, you will find Jews there, or at least meet an awful lot of them along the way. I am a big fan of Western Civilization: and I know - again, who doesn't know? - that the debt we Gentiles owe to the Jews is colossal, and can never be repaid. No doubt I shall now get letters explaining to me that this opinion, too, is "anti-Semitic". Another thing you learn writing for the public is that anything whatsoever that you say about Jews or Jewishness is "anti-Semitic" to somebody out there."

    In the end, if one were to compile a list of the Top 100 composers of the 20th century, half if not more would be comprised of Jews, with Bob Dylan (b. Zimmerman), Irving Berlin (raised in NYC), Leonard Bernstein, and George & Ira Gershwin (b. Gershowitz, NYC) all rising to the top of the heap. Perhaps with the exception of Lennon & McCartney, George & Ira Gershwin are considered the greatest pop songwriters of all-time.

    Here's a new & improved taste of Jews who pop/rock (ehe):

    Elvis (great-great grandmother was Jewish)
    Bob Dylan (b. Zimmerman, "The Voice of a Generation")
    Simon & Garfunkel (b. NYC)
    Mama Cass Elliott (b. Ellen Cohen)
    Lou Reed (family changed name from Rabinowitz)
    Billy Joel (b. Bronx, raised on LI)
    Leslie West (b. Weinstein - Mountain)
    David Lee Roth
    Lisa Loeb
    Beastie Boys (b. NYC)
    Lenny Kravitz (half-Jew)
    Slash (b. Sol Hudson, half-Jew)
    Dee Snyder (half-Jew)
    Jon Bauman (Sha-Na-Na)
    Geddy Lee (b. Weinrib - Rush)
    Gary Lewis (son of Jerry Lewis, ala Gary Lewis & The Playboys - This Diamond Ring)
    Danny Rappaport (Danny & The Juniors - '50s doo-wop)
    Barbra Streisand (b. Brooklyn, NY)
    Bette Midler
    Carly Simon (b. Manhattan - father is of Simon & Shuster fame)
    Carol King (b. Klein, Brooklyn)
    Leiber & Stoller (b. NYC - Hound Dog, Stand By Me, On Broadway)
    Brian Epstein (manager - The Beatles)
    Linda McCartney (b. Epstein, changed to Eastman)
    Neil Diamond (b. Brooklyn, NY)
    Barry Manilow (b. Pincus, Brooklyn, NY)
    Dinah Shore (half-Jew - father was a Cantor)
    Irving Berlin (raised in Manhattan)
    George & Ira Gershwin (b. Gershowitz, Manhattan)
    Leonard Bernstein
    Eddie Fisher
    Mel Torme (b. Torma)
    Harry Connick Jr. (mother is Jewish)
    Chris & Rich Robinson (half-Jews, b. Rabinowitz - Black Crowes)
    Aaron Copland (b. Manhattan - "Dean of American Composers")
    Sammy Cahn (b. Cohen, Manhattan)
    Oscar Levant Andre Previn (b. Prewin)
    Burt Bacharach
    Tiny Tim (mother was Jewish)
    Marvin Hamlisch (b. Manhattan)
    Adolph Green
    Jerome Kern
    David Geffen (b. Brooklyn, NY - founder Geffen Records/Dreamworks)
    Clive Davis (b. Brooklyn, NY - founder Arista & J Records)
    Herb Alpert (Tijuana Brass/founder A&M Records)
    Seymour Stein (founder Sire Records)
    Berle Adams (founder Mercury Records)
    Leonard & Phil Chess (founder - Chess Records - first major R&B label)
    Mark Knopfler (half-Jew - Dire Straits)
    Buddy Rich (b. Brooklyn, NY)
    Herbie Mann (b. Brooklyn, NY)
    Bill Graham (Fillmore East/West)
    Eddie Kramer (Electric Lady Studios - NYC) Rodgers & Hart (b. Manhattan)
    Oscar Hammerstein II (b. Manhattan)
    Lerner (b. Manhattan) & Loewe
    Kander & Ebb (b. Manhattan)
    Steven Sondheim (b. Manhattan)
    Lalo Schifrin (Mission: Impossible)
    Bernard Hermann (Pyscho, Taxi Driver)
    Yitzhak Perlman
    Carol Bayer Sager (b. Manhattan)
    Paul Shaffer (David Letterman)
    Mandy Patinkin
    Manfred Mann (b. Lubowitz)
    Arthur Fiedler (Boston Pops)
    Peter Green (b. Greenbaum - Fleetwood Mac)
    Joey Ramone (b. Jeffrey "father of punk" Hyman, Queens, NY - The Ramones)
    Perry Farrell (b. Peretz Bernstein, Queens - Jane's Addiction, Porno For Pyros)
    Kenny G (b. Gorelick)
    Michael Bolton (b. Bolotin)
    Scott Ian (b. Rosenfeld, Queens - Anthrax)
    Marty Friedman (Megadeth)
    Susanna Hoffs (Bangles)
    Phil Spector (b. Manhattan, "Wall Of Sound")
    Lou Pearlman (manager/producer - N'Sync, O-Town, Backstreet Boys, cousin of Art Garfunkel)
    Gene Simmons (b. Chaim Witz, Hiafa Israel, raised in NYC - KISS)
    Paul Stanley (b. Eisen, Queens - KISS)
    Mick Jones (mother is Jewish - The Clash)
    Beck (mother is Jewish)
    Marc Bolan (aka T.Rex, b. Feld)
    Eric Bloom (b. Long Island - Blue Oyster Cult) Adam Duritz (Counting Crowes)
    Malcolm McClaren (manager - Sex Pistols, mother was Jewish)
    Jakob Dylan (Wallflowers, son of Bob)
    Steve Stevens (b. Bklyn, Billy Idol)
    Robbie Krieger (The Doors, penned their biggest hit - Light My Fire)
    Chris Stein (b. Bklyn - Blondie)
    Donald Fagen (Steely Dan)
    Benny Goodman (King Of Swing)
    Gustav Mahler
    Eric Wolfgang Korngold
    Felix Ludwig Mendelssohn
    Max Weinberg (E Street Band, Max Weinberg 7 on Conan)
    Peter Wolf (b. Peter Blankfield, Bronx - J. Geils Band)
    Zal Yanofsky (The Lovin' Spoonful)
    Peter Yarrow (b. Manhattan - Peter, Paul & Mary) Emile Berliner (invented the gramophone - gave way to the modern-day recordingindustry; RCA is his baby - formerly known as Victor Talking Machine)
    Warren Zevon (half-Jew)
    Leonard Cohen
    Phil Ochs
    Peter Carl Goldmark (invented the 33 1/3 LP)
    Don Kirschner (Brill Building - NYC, Don Kirschner's Rock Concert)
    Alan Freed (coined the term rock 'n' roll)
    Jerry Wexler (co-founder of Atlantic Records, coined the term R&B while writing for Billboard)
    Mort Shuman & Doc Pomus (b. Felder, Brooklyn, NY -first "white" person honored with an R&B Foundation award)
    Neil Sedaka (b. Manhattan)
    Anthony Newley (half-Jewish)
    Sammy Davis Jr. (converted)
    Gerry Goffin (b. Queens)
    Al Kooper (b. Queens, Blues Project, Blood, Sweat & Tears)
    Robbie Robertson (half-Jew - The Band)
    10 CC (Godley & Creme)

By Garble on Monday, November 22, 2004 - 10:27 pm:

    OMG, you mean to tell us that Elvis was 1/8th Jewish?! That is *SO* pertinent. That makes *SO MUCH* of a difference. You should be *SO* proud.

    p.s. Tiny Tim? good job.

By Chosen One Returns on Monday, November 22, 2004 - 11:46 pm:

    Thoroughly proud!ehehe -D, NYC "The most popular selling Christmas song, "White Christmas," was written by a Jew - IRVING BERLIN

By Gnosis on Sunday, November 28, 2004 - 01:14 am:

    Did you know that rapper Sean Paul is Jewish? Yep, living proof that black Jews CAN and DO exist by blood...much dispute about the actual ethnicity of Jesus and Moses too...Just another thought-Do die-hard Jews actually consider themselves white??? Because my Jewish friends all say that the Jews are a race all their own, exclusive from white, because the white race has its main origins in Europe/Caucasia whereas Jews are from a separate land, Israel. No doubt I've stirred up some bile here but I'm prepared for it. I like to introduce new perspectives to discussions and I like to be educated so if you've got something interesting to say in response to this, I'm all ears!!!!!

By Chosen One Returns on Sunday, November 28, 2004 - 10:37 pm:

    If Esther (formerly known as Madonna!eh) can appear on a list of the "Most Powerful & Influential Jews In America," without being Jewish, anything is possible!eheeee The Forward (NY Jewish Weekly) created an extra spot for her, placing Momma Madonna (eh) at #51!eh Then again, she's responsible for bringing the spiritual side of Judaism to the world - Kabbalahism!

    Here's a little edumacation (ehe) lesson for you and your fictitious Jewish friends:

    To speak of a Jewish "race" is to perpetuate a myth propagated by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi regime. In their fanatical quest to carry out a final solution, the total extermination of the entire Jewish people, the standard was "Jewish blood," going back countless generations. Even the smallest trace of Jewish ancestry was sufficient to warrant execution.

    But to speak precisely, in the language of the anthroplogists, there is no such thing as a "Jewish race." It is true that Jews sprang from the Mediterranean subdivision of the Caucasoid race. Over the course of centuries, however, and as the result of migrations around the globe, Jews developed a multitude of different physical characteristics because of their fusion with other racial blends wherever they lived. Although, unlike Christianity, they never actively missionized, Jews have readily accepted sincere converts into their fold. -D, NYC "If Christians were Christians, there would be no anti-Semitism. Jesus was a Jew. There is nothing that the ordinary Christian so dislikes to remember as this awkward historical fact. But it happens, nontheless, to be true" - JOHN HAYNES HOLMES (Minister, 1879-1964)

By Gnosis on Monday, November 29, 2004 - 12:35 am:

    Thanks for the heads-up...I am intrigued. I will discuss this with my ACTUAL Jewish friends who ACTUALLY call themselves a race and ACTUALLY said what I quoted them as saying, despite your doubts, LOL!!!!

    I think I'm gonna hang out here a little while longer, this pudding's getting nice and thick...

By Gnosis on Monday, November 29, 2004 - 12:43 am:

    Oh yeah, Chosen One, I'm just a 'lil curious, but you're not Orthodox are you? You seem highly heated about this, do you want to talk about it off-post? I'd love to discuss it further, without having every Tom, Dick and Harry (or shall I say, Larry, Curly and Moe?) reading our discourse...

By jack on Monday, November 29, 2004 - 01:00 am:

    that crank contradicts himself repeatedly.

    on this thread alone---march, 2001: jews are a race. november, 2004: the jewish "race" is a myth.


By Chosen One Returns on Monday, November 29, 2004 - 05:57 pm:

    Did I!? It must have been a slip of the tongue. Or perhaps a quote from Mark Twain, who often used "race" to describe Jews. Then again, he was doing so well over 100 years ago. Once is repeatedly? Jack, you can now let go of that leaf branch, you heathen you! ehehe

    Gnosis, as had been previously stated, I am a secular Jew, who values spirituality above all else. Think of me as SUPERJEW! ehehe Wherever there is injustice to be found online, I am there!ehehe And yes, you can be my GOY WONDER!eheh -D, NYC "Even if the Jews have not all been geniuses, their general average of intelligence and intellectuality is far above our general average - and that is one of our reasons for wishing to drive them out of the higher forms of business and the professions. It is the swollen envy of pigmy minds - meanness, injustice" - MARK TWAIN

By Gnosis a.k.a. The Goy Wonder on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 - 04:57 am:

    Good point, although I'm not sure what means are being used to measure something as vague as the "general average" of intelligence. There are many different types of intelligence in different areas such as law, medicine, art etc. It is therefore even more difficult to measure Jews vs. The Other in each of these areas because Jews either dominate the area or are a minority within it, thus making comparison with the average inaccurate. Lets take a couple common stereotypes: Jews are "more intelligent" in law than Group X. But are Jews "more intelligent" in the long jump than Ethiopians, or "more intelligent" in the electronics industry than the Japanese? Gets kind of complicated doesn't it???

    The adventure continues as the plot thickens...

    The Goy Wonder