Iron Maiden What are you listening to?: Iron Maiden
semillama on Friday, January 28, 2000 - 05:53 pm:

    7th son of a 7th son

    I am up to the "I"'s in my attempt to listen to all my discs in alphabetical order, so i listened to all my Iron maiden discs today (only 4). I have this album on tape from when it first came out. i have been considering going back and getting all the albums on disc. I know I shouldn't be spending money but i have been feeling nostalgic lately since starting to go through all my discs. There are some bands you never get tired of listening to. I miss the days when metal was something difficult to play. These guys were (and are) so good, such a pleasure to listen to.

By Rhiannon on Friday, January 28, 2000 - 07:06 pm:

    I had that album. I was in a record store with my great-aunt and she said she'd buy me something, and I had always wanted to hear what, um, Maiden sounded like, so I asked her to get me that. I liked the title...I was into superstitions and folk lore at the time. Got it, listened to it once, then gave it to my brother. Brother then became an Iron Maiden and Rush fiend. All because of me. Unfortunately. Rush makes me want to die.

By semillama on Friday, January 28, 2000 - 10:58 pm:

    It's because they're Canadian.


    Hey, we only tease Canada because we love them, it's like siblings, you know, and we're the bratty, younger sibling that everyone else hates, yet wishes they could be like us at the same time.

By Gee on Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 01:50 am:

    I always thought of Canada as the younger sibling.

    that's the only thing (I can think of right now) that I dislike about Canada. We have no identity. Americans are jerks, but it's better than nothing.


By semillama on Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 04:12 am:

    No identity! What about being the Hockey-lovin', beer-makin', snow-covered, patient with the US, oddball comedian producin', ever-loving Canucks?

By moonit on Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 04:39 pm:

    Did I mention that Jerk is my new favourite word.

    Its also incredibly funny to say with an irish accent.