Grandaddy. What are you listening to?: Grandaddy.
By Catafalque on Friday, December 1, 2000 - 07:05 pm:

    The best band ever. Same goes for Bedhead. Or Chris Knox. or maybe Mogwai, or Godspeed You Black Emperor or Pavement or Quasi. aghh they're all so good

By cyst on Friday, December 1, 2000 - 07:16 pm:

    pavement is the best band ever. is malkmus's new thing called zodiac something or the jicks? I keep hoping to run into him in portland but I never do.

    I love quasi. and grandaddy. and the go-betweens. and the lilys.

By Aphex Twin Cam Engine on Saturday, December 2, 2000 - 08:39 am:

    I'm listening to popular convention. (It's got a groovy beat I can really bug-out to!)Trent Lott has no odor.

By Spider on Saturday, December 2, 2000 - 10:14 am:

    I saw Grandaddy in October when they opened for Elliott Smith in DC. I thought each of their individual songs was good, but they all sounded alike to me. They'd probably be good on a mix tape.

    I have their sticker on my car.

    I like the Go-Betweens, too.

By patrick on Monday, December 4, 2000 - 01:02 pm:

    i have a friend who is going to be interviewing malkamus in forget what for, he was excited in his email. I didnt share his excitement, so i trashed the email.

By Paul on Thursday, December 21, 2000 - 10:39 pm:

    shut up hippies!