The Pupils of Liszt What are you listening to?: The Pupils of Liszt
By Sorabji on Monday, January 19, 1998 - 03:46 pm:
    Finally bought this Pearl 2-CD set today. Old, old recordings of Eugen D'Albert, Emil von Sauer, Frederic Lamond and some others.

    Lately I'm buying up arcane CDs in fear that they will go out of print before I get around to buying them.

    Found a couple of Alkan CDs in the bargain bin. Who could resist? Doubt I'll ever listen to them.

    In the Tower Records magazine there was a funny conclusion to a review of a recent Mikhail Pletnev recording: "It is very bad Chopin playing, a regrettably appropriate conclusion to a repusively conceived recital."

By Nitwit on Monday, August 30, 1999 - 10:27 am:

    I am are they still dilated ?