Madonna Ciccone: We need more What are you listening to?: Madonna Ciccone: We need more
By PassNthru on Wednesday, January 21, 1998 - 04:29 am:
    I'm wearing out your old stuff. Not that I get tired of it. Please make 1998 another memorable year for your fans.
    I loved how you slam dunked Letterman (I saw the re-run too). Thanks Dave for having the guts to show it again (she had you speechless, you know).
    Try some spontaneity this year, in the catagory of new songs!
    Some of your fans' websites are predicting a great 1998. Hope they are right.

By MATTEO on Monday, May 18, 1998 - 05:32 am:
    Please SING VOGUE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By PetRock on Monday, May 18, 1998 - 06:17 am:
    PassNthru: so how do you like the new album?

By PassNthru on Monday, May 25, 1998 - 08:44 pm:
    The 'Ray of Light' CD rocks!!!!! I wish more songs from this CD would be played on the radio, some of which I personally like better than 'Frozen'.

    As for the electro-techno type music (or whatever it's real name is), I have mixed feelings. I guess it's OK but I'm not blown away by it. In true Madonna style, it's contoversial and makes you think. Let's just say that I hope this type of music isn't trend setting. I wouldn't want to hear it on every song on the radio, but at the same time it's great because it's different. Does that make sense?

    As time marches on, and the novelty wears off, I'll probably still like her 'Immaculate Collection' CD the best.

    As for her photographs in the see thru thingy, she messed up. Her PR says she's changed since giving birth. She's more mature. Less combative and controversial. Really? The dress proves otherwise!?!? She's very pretty without it and would have looked marvelous in anything feminine that's not seethru. She could have shown the world that in her post birth world that she does indeed have some dignity and class and self respect, as a mother and woman.

    What about your thoughts? (I'm not necessarily looking for a kindred spirit)

By PetRock on Monday, May 25, 1998 - 09:48 pm:
    I think Ray Of Light is her best work since, well probably since Immaculate Collection too, since I've always liked her singles but her albums overall didn't do much for me. Give me those hit songs any old day.....

    I do absolutely love the song Ray of Light as well as Drowned World/Substitute for Love....

    Funny, because way back when I didn't care for her much, probably because of overexposure (radio and media wise....this was in the days before her literal overexposure in the SEX book....). Now I love her, probably because I'm such a well adjusted, happy gay boy :-)

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Monday, May 25, 1998 - 11:54 pm:
    PassNthru and PetRock:

    Ray of Light is only the 2nd Madonna "stuido" album I've bought. The first being True Blue which was a SUPERB album. Shear pop. I also like Immaculate Collection VERY much. I wish it had "Angel" on it instead of "Justify My Love." THAT is her WORST single ever. *blech*

    Of course I also own the Dick Tracy soundtrack which is one of my fave albums of all time. VERY fun. And the Evita soundtrack is awesome!

    On Ray of Light, Frozen and Shanti/Ashtangi are my favorite cuts. If I hear the dance remix of Frozen one more time on the radio I will puke.

By PassNthru on Tuesday, May 26, 1998 - 08:51 pm:
    Like PetRock I didn't care for her much...way back when. The websites devoted to her gave me a greater appreciation of Madonna, the person. Her lyrics, which are on these sites, are truly inspiring to anyone who faces adversity or lacks self esteem or hits a low point in life. I think a lot of people have misjudged her based on how she acts.

    Anyway, I'm glad she's back.

By PassNthru on Tuesday, May 26, 1998 - 08:57 pm:
    I forgot to mention, last night the song 'Frozen' entered my mind as I went to bed. I hate it when that happens to the point I can't sleep. I was in the Twilight Zone all day today.

By Larry Lardass aka... on Monday, June 22, 1998 - 02:23 pm:
    What????? Losing sleep over Madonna? I lose sleep over Jerry Springer, but that's because I'm an idiot. If Madonna had never happened, I doubt we'd even HAVE a genius like Jerry SPringer. That great lady pushed the "DO ANYTHING TO BECOME FAMOUS" envelope with her nose from coast to coast.

    Mediocre talent...balls of steel.

    I wonder...If I tried to say hi and talk to her if she wouldn't tell me to fuck off?