the one earth society? like humans have dominion over the earth's species, one meme could conquer all and slip past the event horizon of intermeme warfare or intrameme coup? that point in monopoly when all players realize no matter what anyone does from here out, all but one will be paying rent and mortgaging properties until the last possible move. what then? it was the dominion over the earth's species that allowed the luxury of memes to develop. luxury? you need a corpus before you can compound upon it. when you have the luxury of security, you evolve in other ways. is survival really the end persuit? and if it is, what happens if survival is beyond doubt? people claim the infinite is incomprehensible. i'd argue the finite is much more so. what if the last threat to human life is removed? what if on some dusty plain the final meme constructs a giant city of gold where they live in peace and harmony, without the need for food or water, beyond the touch of strife or death? where, beyond the shining walls, past the plain and the desert beyond, in the damp shadows of ruined cities, the last of those failed memes live and die -- reproduce without realizing that they are forgotten animals, without purpose and bound to human weakness. the gap between the haves and the have-nots widens. isn't this natural? isn't this why the dog-whales are no longer around? clumsy intermediates with gills and lungs but neither strong enough to supply sufficent oxygen to the brain. the evolutionary goal, survival. every step is closer to that goal. sparrows born without wings can't migrate. eugene. it's nature. revelation 21:4 "He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, the old order has passed away." revelation 21:16 "The city was square, its length the same as its width. He measured the city with the rod and found it fifteen hundred miles in length and width and height." revelation 21:18 "The wall was constructed of jasper, while the city was pure gold, clear as glass." revelation 21:24 "The nations will walk by its light, and to it the kings of the earth will bring their treasure." revelation 21:27 "but nothing unclean will enter it, nor any who does abominable things or tells lies. Only those will enter whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life." ... if i had this book. if i had it, i would know. |
Dunno... Ask Bill Gates. "when no new movement can gather the momementum necessary to topple the great and powerful unimeme?" Don't you mean "The Great and Powerful Oz"? Seriously, this would be a monoculture. Monocultures die rather rapid and horrible death because they lack the diversity (and, thus, flexibility) to survive sudden changes in the environment. And, don't be saying that humans are controlling their physical environment more and more. Humans are the greatest influence on their own environment (at least, these days) and they're always keen on fucking it up. Ain't nuthin' gonna change that, it seems. "one meme could conquer all and slip past the event horizon of intermeme warfare or intrameme coup?" Doubtful that would ever happen. It would probably require that we connect our brains together directly, perhaps by tracking our electromyographic covert oral behavior, piping it though a voice recognition algorithm, and sending it through an 802.11b network to everyone's manditory cochlear implant. Other than that... "all but one will be paying rent and mortgaging properties until the last possible move." We're all paying rent to the reaper, bitch. Except me, that is. "it was the dominion over the earth's species that allowed the luxury of memes to develop." Mmmmmm, I think it was the other way around. Methinks the development of culture was the spark that allowed us to be such uber adapters. "when you have the luxury of security, you evolve in other ways." Ya, that's exactly why the idiots who say we've stopped evolving are wrong. "people claim the infinite is incomprehensible. i'd argue the finite is much more so." Damn straight, skippy! Of course, it all matters on which infinity you're talking about, but in a finite space where the constraints are being pushed (which is what we're talking about, ya?) you have a higher probability (i.e. not infinitely small) of encountering an edge condition or turbulence of some sort. That's where the life is, man, on the lip 'o' chaos! "what if the last threat to human life is removed?" Human life is the greatest threat to human life, Of course, this may be what you're getting at... "what if on some dusty plain the final meme constructs a giant city of gold where they live in peace and harmony, without the need for food or water, beyond the touch of strife or death?" Unless it's the meta-meme of adaptibility, it's future can be summed up in two words: FUCK ALL. And, as far as I can tell, adaptibility requires death to be present in some shape or form. I'd be a happy camper if I could discover and implement a form of adaptibility which doesn't involve the complete death of my consciousness and corporeal being, but ya just can't have all your cookies, now can ye? I think I'll just have to settle for children. "the gap between the haves and the have-nots widens. isn't this natural?" Everything's natural. "isn't this why the dog-whales are no longer around?" Are you comparing the economic middle class to a dog-whale? Are you a shit-snack? I'd have to disagree with you vociferously there, shit-snack-grasshopper. The boundry between extremes is where all the action is. Failure happens while travelling those spaces. It's travelling the bumpy spaces between that creates life. Failure is just as natural as success. Without failing in the shallow parts of the objective function, you can't get to the glory hole of the local minima. And besides, while you're beaching your ass in the tide pool of the idea space, the objective function might just change. Vive la Revolution!! May you always travel the bumpy spaces between, you asswipe. You'll have to enlighten me re those Revelations verses, though. And what's bothering you, Nateypoo? Your bosses at the NSA got you down? Cool shit you're spewing, though, d00d. Want to come get a PhD with me? This is basically what I'm going to do it in, except I hope to find some computational roots of culture, social interaction, and how that can help form a theory of mind. Anyway, check out "Swarm Intelligence" by Kennedy and Eberhart. |
Wait until the cockroaches survive the end. That's their new beginning. LS |
the biggest downfall and is our inability to realize we are the problem and solution. jeeze thats cliche. we needs them self-realization memes |