
sorabji.com: Last movie you saw: x-files
By Wisper on Sunday, June 21, 1998 - 02:42 am:
    well, it tied up a lot of loose ends. Like the bees. FINALLY THEY EXPLAINED THE DAMN BEES! And the black tar entity/stuff/thing. It was more like a really long episode than a movie (and bigger budget). I love how it's just so easy for them to get into places that would in all logic be so heavily guarded that you couldn't get within 1 mile of the place without being shot......but it's Scully and Mulder, and they can do anything, right?

By Skottey on Sunday, June 21, 1998 - 03:39 am:
    This may sound crazy, I am a huge science fiction fan, Star Wars, Lost in Space.....etc.
    but I have never even seen one episode of x-files. I have seen bits and pieces while flipping channels, it just doesn't interest me. Am I alone here?
    When I went to the movies to see Truman Show Friday night at the 20plex I noticed that the Xfiles movies was sold out for every showing and it was playing in 2 theatres with a total of like 6 or 8 showings for the night. Somebody must like this stuff.

By Pet on Sunday, June 21, 1998 - 04:19 pm:
    Just got back from seeing the X-Files today....

    I'm not a huge fan, I don't remember the plots all that well and I don't discuss them with other X-File fanatics....but --

    I wondered why the audience seemed so restless....I've never seen so many bathroom trips during ANY movie. And why no clapping/cheering at the end? Did I accidentally go to the anti X-Files movie....where everything was reversed? Still, it was good....I enjoyed it and uh, 2 thumbs kinda up there....got it?

By Spiracle on Sunday, June 21, 1998 - 07:49 pm:
    atleast the person next to you didn't
    the whole time...
    'oh my gosh'
    'what did he say?'
    'where's that?'
    'my knees hurt..i need to stretch'

By Whet on Sunday, June 21, 1998 - 10:18 pm:
    Just saw it tonight. Agree tis more like a long episode, still good though.
    They could have spent more money on the plot and less on the special effects.
    Anyone see the making of the movie special on TV?
    If it comes on - DON"T watch it. Wait until after you've seen the movie.
    Looked pretty kewl but I would have liked to see more detail and less grandiose things, like a closeup of the alien in lieu of the wide screen shots of the monster alien ship, especially some better shots of Scully all cold and naked coming out of the frozen water tank contraption. Good lookin red heads with nice ta-ta's are hard to find.
    Were your lips tingling when they almost kissed?
    Nice touch I thought, I really don't want them having a hot romance. Its more fun just the way it is.
    Course I'm a guy.

By Wisper on Monday, June 22, 1998 - 12:25 am:
    I don't think it was a "cheer at the ending" kinda movie, R.C.
    I know personally I was too caught up in the plot to do so.
    (not like Independance day, which is definetly a cheering movie-if your into that- because...plot? right ! Of course, here in Canada, the only part that got cheers was when the White House was destroyed.... I saw that one coming.....damn, we're bitter! But that's another story.)
    I'm sorry to say that I too was excited when they were going to kiss, even though I don't think they should get together. I did the average girl reaction:
    hand over mouth, eyes wide,

    I love how they eventually give up on explaining things. How did Scully get out of the mourge? how did they get out of the Arctic?
    I've been told I'm too critical of movies. I think maybe I am.

By Blindswine on Monday, June 22, 1998 - 02:15 pm:
    in re: to "independence day
    the shot where the white house gets blown straight back to the hell it came from is the only scene that got cheered here in the u.s. as well.
    we've got a corner on the jaded/bitter market down here.

    but of course in any "free-market" society(heh), competition is always welcome.

By Jeffrey Scott Holland on Tuesday, June 23, 1998 - 08:50 pm:
    I am a huge X-Files fan but I have to say I was profoundly disappointed in the movie. The first third was right-on-target, but the middle third seemed like generic imitation of the series, and the final third made me want to retch. I think this series' credibility has shot to hell for next season, but hey, everyone made lots of money with their big quasi-Spielbergian big-budget special-effects blockbuster.

    The movie SHOULD have been either a dark, low-key, talky, intelligent-but-playful moody piece like the series' best eps, or it should've been a rapid-fire, bangbangbang highly edited whirlwind of dense images and information, like Oliver Stone's "JFK" or the X-FIles eps "Redux" and "Jose Chung"......but for some reason, Chris Carter didn't ask my opinion ;)

By Pegusus_19 on Thursday, August 23, 2001 - 11:27 pm:

    waz up

By pez on Friday, August 24, 2001 - 03:15 pm:

    your i.q. after you breathe in.