What Dreams May Come

sorabji.com: Last movie you saw: What Dreams May Come
By R.C. on Saturday, November 28, 1998 - 01:03 am:

    I was strangely let down by it/but I'm not sure why... I guess having read a bit abt the film & visited the website some time ago/lead me to succumb yet again to the Hollywood Hype. I honestly thought this was going to be a radical portrayal of life-after-death -- one of the few topics that has yet to become a Hollywood cliche. But I never believed in this great, transcendental love btwn Robin WIlliams & Annabella Sciorra/which is what the whole idea was predicated on. And it really rang false to me that the 1st person Williams encountered after his death was not one of his already-deceased children. Losing a child has to be the worst thing a human being can endure. And even tho' fathers have always been given short shrift in the parental love dept./I really cdn't accept the fact that once Christy (& what an annoying name for a man! Christy & Kirtsie are 2 names I've never liked) realized he was dead/he didn't immediately go seaching for his kids.

    The fx were very well-donel/but they got hackneyed after abt 10 min. (Whose idea of heaven wd really be sloshing thru landscapes of wet paint?) The entire endeavor seemed to lack any real depth or passion/in spite of the earnestness of William's character. Plus/I have problems w/the idea of a heaven that doesn't include a Supreme Being in some form/if only for a 15 min. Q-&-A- period. If it's all just great scenery that we get to invent ourselves (which was one of the underlying themes -- heaven is whatever you beileve it to be) what's the point? In that case/rich people get to create their own heaven right here on earth. So they'll have nothing to look forward to in the hereafter.

    But maybe I'm just jaded. Then again/for a buck fifty/I shdn't complain. I'm *really* glad I didn't pay the regular price to see this one.

    Maybe 'Beloved' will be less of a disappointment ...

    Anyway/Six is saying it's time to go to bed/so g'nite.