We go anyway, get tickets for the 9 pm show, stand in line for 1/2 hour till they open the doors, and settle in. Good seats. The place was packed, but we got there early enough, but I guess we got there early enough. So we saw the movie on opening day, with all of one hour's forethought. My opinion: eh. Sure as hell not worth quitting yer job over. Liam Neeson was awesome, but then he always is. Darth Maul: not even scary. (Now, Darth Vader...that there was one bad-ass mother, worthy of nightmares.) And whereas each of the other 3 SW movies stand alone, this one gave you a very clear, very strong feeling that there were sequels coming. I wonder if the people who had been (quite literally) living for this day were disappointed too, or if they were so self-deluded that they talked themselves into liking it. |
hehe |