Did I really believe that I'd extract enjoyment from the same jokes? ..hmm, looks like I need a hobby. :) |
goddamnit. |
It scared me. |
The first Austin Powers was sort of a sleeper hit that snuck up on most people. You thought it looked stupid, but you saw it anyway. It turned out it was much better than terrible. However, this time around, the public has a favorable view of the movie coming into the theater. I know that I hate it when I go into a movie thinking it's going to be good. More often than not, I'm disappointed. Nobody's fault but mine I suppose. btw- any time you can get a good look at English people's teeth, it's funny! Hence, Elvis Costello's goofy grin making an appearance... :) |
the recent one is simply one penis joke, from beginning to end. literally. if you like penis jokes, you'll like the movie. seeing Elvis Costello sing was worth the entire $7 i paid to see the movie. he always has been and always will be so far ahead of his time... a brilliant artist. and the short appearance of Willie Nelson rocked too. |
penis jokes are funny. |
east.isx.com/~schnitzi/ec/albums.html (i just now I would fuck up putting it as a link) for lyrics and chords to all of E.C.'s songs. |
Elizabeth Hurley (in the first one) was very surprisingly good. Both movies did seem basically the same, but it was okay with me cuz I saw them both for the first time just this past week, so it was like one Long movie. The Springer bits were hilarious, and Seth Green looks so much much prettier with red hair. How old is he? |
*lmao* That was so funny. The whole zip it scene cracked me (and surprising the rest of the peoples in the theatre) up. Austin rocks. And Heather does look funny. So does that Reese Witherspoon chick from Cruel Intentions. Whats up with her face? |
haven't even seen it yet |
Heather Graham has a weird intensity, especially around the eyes, that served her well in Boogie Nights. Or am I smoking crack here? I know I've seen her somewhere before, and am pretty sure that was it. |
Heather Graham looks like something the cat. dragged in. Altho' I'm sure my cat (& Margret's) wd have better taste than that. |
Other than "Eyes Wide Shut"/I can't think of a single movie I plan to stand in line to see at a theatre this summer. Maybe "Bringing Out the Dead". Just to see Nic Cage get back to doing some real acting/instead of playing the action hero. But those 2 are it. |
Kelly Lynch, now... Ahh. |
oh god that was funny. |
i can't even believe they call those things burgers. hanes burgers taste nothing like burgers. |