By STRANGE on Thursday, July 1, 1999 - 11:45 pm:

    Just watched bootleg of ERASERHEAD. Don't know quite what to say. Vaguely disturbing. very interesting. not sure. Anyone?

By Agatha on Friday, July 2, 1999 - 01:35 am:

    i like the girl with the biscuit cheeks and her radiator song and dance. that was my favorite part.

By Nelly on Friday, July 2, 1999 - 04:36 pm:

    Someone rented Eraserhead and watched it with me for my birthday once. This told me a lot about their opinion of me.

    I enjoyed it a lot. I've been disappointed in everything Lynch has done since.

By -oDDBALL oDD- on Sunday, July 25, 1999 - 07:57 am:

    My favorite part was the old catatonic lady with the salad forks and the cigarette.

    I laughed.

By Spider on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 10:35 am:

    I saw this last night, and I am sorry to report that I




    Was that baby real or a hallucination? Why did it LOOK LIKE THAT? (Sorry, must calm down.) I was hoping it was just part of a dream, but when Pete Mar-, I mean, Henry woke up from his ripping-early-fetuses-out-of-Mary dream and the thing was still there, I groaned, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." I didn't want it to be real. It was SO ICKY.

    When Henry started cutting its wrappings off, I said out loud, "nothing could be worse than that face," but I was wrong.

    My favorite part (eh heh) was the little tiny white worm that sang and did little backflips around the egg-world. I also liked the biscuit-cheeks girl's song about was pretty.

By patrick on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 11:51 am:

    i havent seen it since 10th grade when i was discovering vodka and pot.

By Spider on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 01:19 pm:

    Other than the deformed baby and the long stretches of no movement, I liked how it was put together. I *really* like how you need to forget everything you know about watching a movie and just sit back and approach his work with a complete lack of judgment. It's like he's made up his own definitions to common words, and you have to figure out what they mean from the context he puts them in, not by the way you have used them yourself.

By Spider on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 01:25 pm:

By wisper on Monday, November 18, 2002 - 02:09 pm:

    you reminded me of a Bruce McCulloch (of Kids in the Hall!) rant/song called 'Eraserhead'. It's about how he spends his vacation in a dark house getting drunk and watching Eraserhead for a week straight. You should really hear it, it's hillarious. Maybe it's funnier if you've seen the movie, but i doubt it.

    in fact, you should buy the whole damn album. "Shame-Based Man", It's great.