Welllllll.... Welllllllll....Kyle's mom's a big fat bitch, she's a big fat bitch She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world She's a stupid bitch if ever there was a bitch She's a bitch to all the boys and girls On monday she's a bitch On tuesday she's a bitch and Wednesday through Saturday she's a bitch then on Sunday just to be different she's a super kinkamayamaya bit-cha Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom? She's the biggest bitch min the whole wide world She's a mean old bitch and she has stupid bitch hair She's a bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch bitch Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch She's a stupid bitch Kyle's mom's a bitch and smells dirty too Kyle's mom is a bitchaaaaaaaa Everyone sing along!!!!!! |
....that's what I said. |
http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0899/jar.html |
I will never understand people who go to movies & sit there counting the curse words... Anyone who went in not knowing "Southpark" was full of bad langauge needs to crawl back into their cave & watch The Family Channel forever. But after their review/I DEFINITELY plan to go see it: <Angels were portrayed as females - nude, very nude. God was called many vulgar and hateful names. Satan was glorified. Jesus was equated with sexual anatomy. A child was graphically incinerated by igniting his anal wind, then another kid tried to beat out the flames with a stick and was concerned about the stick catching fire.> Who-HOO! Can't wait! [Can you imagine what they'll have to say abt "Dogma"?) |
I saw the Landover link. Do these people really think their 12-14 yr old sons weren't masturbating until they bought that doll into the hse.? Altho' I don't feel "Southpark" is appropriate for children or teens/it's rated R/so I have no beef w/it. It's not MEANT for kids. There are Christians out there who see the devil under every doily. Becuz they are determined to find something evil in every form of entertainment that doesn't blatantly promote a Christian msg. Pls. remember that not everyone who believes in Jesus is like that. |
the two are very different. anyone who wants to be christ-like has my full support (though jesus only intended his teachings for the jews, but that is neither here nor there.) organized christianity is evil. i think that web page, while claiming to be out to help christians keep their children from evil exposures, is really just so that some guy can go watch naughty movies without his congregation ex-communicating him (or whatever those non-catholic spinoff religions do.) as RC (and the Southpark movie) pointed out, if a movie is rated 'R' kids shouldn't be seeing it anyway. who cares what its content is? if people will pay to see it, viva capitalism. we don't need christian watchgroups demeaning free adults in attempt to protect children from a movie that the MPAA has already protected children from. If kids watch it, it is the failure of their parents. goddamnit, people, start taking responciblity for your own actions. you're ruining my fucking country. |
I've always thought it was the violence/until I went to film school & spent time viewing a lot of gangster flicks & westerns from the 40's & 50's. American movies have been violent for at least 40 yrs. So that's not new. I don't find sex in films to be all that explicit. There might be nudidity (I love that word/even tho' it's fake. It justy rolls off the tongue so nicely...) -- usually the full-frontal female kind. But the sex is never more than simulated humping. Women on screen show less skin when they're btwn the sheets for the love scene than they do in those ubiquitous strip-club scenes that every movie seems to contain lately. Sex is something normal parents want their kids to experience/once they're old enuf to handle it. But violence is something no one hopes will happen to their child. Yet this country is so touchy abt cinematic sex. When movies get an NC-17 rating & have to be edited back to an R for fear it'll hurt the box office/it's always becuz of the sex/never the violence. Yet millions of Americans cheat on their spouses every day. Inc. our President. We use sex to sell absolutely everything/from shampoo (I HATE those idiotic orgasmic shampoo commercials!) to soap. Sex is everywhere in America. So why aren't we as open abt sex in movies & the culture in general as they are in France? (And spare me the "Fuck the French!' proclaimations.) |
We now return you to your regularly scheduled ravings. PS. Fuck the French. |
ah yes and might i add violently fuck the french |
really! |
the kids don't seem to care. |
I saw the euro "eyes wide shut" before seeing the awful ed tv, during which I heard my-friend-who-knows-agatha's song. I emailed him and mentioned that I "sort of know" agatha, and he emailed me back: " how did you happen to run into [agatha]? i always really liked her, though she was friends for a while with my ex-girlfriend the mad [east european] (who said our breakup wouldn't be complete till "you feel my wrath") thus making it difficult to talk much. " I don't want to explain to him how I know agatha. |
the kubrick film will be released in the states first. |
And "Eyes Wide Shut" is not the soft-core porno film they've been promoting it to be. Which pisses me off/only becuz Kubrick crafted the ad campaign himself (& becuz I wdn't have minded seeing Cruise all-in-the-buff & doing the nasty) . I've read that the much-hyped orgy secne is nothing but a tease. And the steamy 'sex' btwn Kidman & Cruise is nothing more than the foreplay you've already seen in the trailers. If Kubrick's such a genuis (& I love all his films/ /except for "Barry Lyndon"/which was a bore) why did he think he think he needed to resort to false sex hype to promote "EWS"? He's the last person I thought wd have given in to Hollywood hype. |
PS-Screw you all. I love the french. |
I don't know if agatha has any songs. but we both know the same rock star, whose big hit song from last year ("I'm not sick but I'm not well" -- that one) was played during that film I saw ("ed tv"). hearing his song prompted me to email him. I mentioned agatha. he asked how I knew her. hahahaha. I ignored the question. nicole kidman looks good naked. small tits, but what do you expect for a tall and scrawny redhead? |
*giggling* |
I read an interveiw with Trey Parker and Matt Stone (SP creators) where they said that half the movie is a slam against the MPAA, to the point that when the censors said they wouldn't allow a section the guys came back with a longer, dirtier, more lewd/disgusting clip which WAS allowed. Shut your fuckin face, Uncle fucker! Dear lord I'm still laughing. PS cheezy Poofs are possibly the grossest thing I've ever eaten. PPS If you have a problem with this movie don't waste everyones time bitching about it, go home and try to pull the giant rod out of your butt. Why, you fucked your Uncle just yesterday! |
SUCK ASS!!!!! Kenny.....I hate you. |