We have a dehumidifier in our basement that needs to be emptied every night and it just so happened that the night I saw the movie was my night to empty it AND the lightbulb just so happened to have burned out that morning...jeeeeezzz. I was whimpering like a baby and saying Our Fathers over and over as I ran up and down the stairs. But then I normally do that when I'm in the basement. Hey, it's scary down there! |
you must like being scared. I do. I loved the last scene of blair witch project, but that might just be because I had to go to the bathroom really bad. |
I am pathetic. I was freakin in Scream 2 (I saw it before the the first) and I had nightmares for a week afterwards.. me and scary dont mix. |
Creepiest Movie: "Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer." Ewww. Still gives me the icks. I will have to see this movie. Don't think a movie has scared me since the head popped out of the boat in "Jaws". I saw that on its first release in the front row of a packed theatre. The audience reaction alone was worth the admission. Another great audience reaction movie was "Pulp Fiction" right when the girl is about to get that huge needle stuck in her. The audience was stone silent, and when it happened, everyone gasped. I can't watch slasher movies though. They gross me out. Nightmare, Jason, that kind of stuff. I did watch "Scream" and thought that was pretty good. Wasn't scary though, more of a who-dunnit. "Seven" was a good creepy movie. OK, I'll stop now. |
This may just be the religion pounded into me, but to me that stuff is real. The devil and all that -- real. Not fiction. Too scary to think about. I believe in ghosts too, but movies / books about the devil are not at all entertaining. When I saw the Sixth Sense, there's a scene in which the little boy is in his hallway, knowing there's a ghost around, and suddenly one passes in front of the camera. Some guy actually lept out of his chair and started making for the door, and then paced back in forth in the aisle, and then sat back down. Everyone in the audience was laughing, except me, who was mad that the atmosphere of the movie was ruined. |
we skıpped all the sacrament shıt and talked about the devıl. untıl sıster rose found out. |
it looks like chaucer or something. |
The cool thing about it is that after you see it the first time, the second time will feel like a TOTALLY different movie. |
The Blair Witch is alright, but in all the scary scenes it always left me wanting more. The end scene was great though. The Sixth Sense it too nice. I mean, come on, it can hardly be called a horror film. It has a happy ending and the little boy actually helps the ghosty people. I really wanna see The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Is it good? You guys are so lucky in the USA because you can go and see old movies at the cinema. In England we can only go and see new movies... |
spider, have you seen it yet? if not, you really should. |
yes, Spider, you should see it. The movie that scared me the most was the Shining which I saw for the first time when I was 13. I slept with my light on for a month and had to pay the difference in the electric bill. Sem and I watched it in Mexico and while it still makes me nervous (as if this time he won't make it through the maze) it seemed almost silly...at least the Jack Nicholson parts. I didn't see the Blair Witch Project because I saw the one scene where the girl is speaking a kind of confession into the camera and the sound of her sniveling was so painfully annoying I couldn't bring myself to see it. It annoys me just to think about it. I really liked the Sixth Sense. I still haven't had my "second viewing" though. |
I have The Blair Witch Project and thought it was really entertaining. I laugh at the people who don't get the ending and I have to explain it all to them. I think the one that scared me the most as a child (12 or 13) would have to be either "Amityville the posession" or "Night of the Living Dead". Cuz with Night of the Living Dead, I always fell asleep while watching the movie and never saw how it ended. I finally saw the ending like 3 years ago, got all pissed off, and started yelling at the tv and threw the movie in the trash. I still have the first two Amityville movies, though. |
the dumbest horror movies freak me out! |