Boxing Hellena Last movie you saw: Boxing Hellena
By Gee on Monday, November 1, 1999 - 07:52 pm:

    ahhh. What a great movie. Oh how I love Sherilyn Fenn! She's the most beautiful woman in the world, even without limbs.

    If you don't know what it's about, here: This dork falls in love with a beautiful woman who couldn't care less about him. One day while she's at his house she gets hit by a car, and he (being a doctor) amputates her legs. He doesn't take her to a doctor, though, he just cares for her at home.

    Later after she tries to strangle him, he amputates her arms too. I love the part where you find out he's done that. She's sitting in an open box on the table staring blankly out at nothing and then she just starts Laughing, and he runs from the room. My impression was that she was laughing at him because this is the only way he could "Get" her.

    Anyway, I won't give away the ending. It's a really great flick, and what happens near the end (at the climax) really surprised me, but what happend RIGHT at the end (after the climax) was predictable. It was also dissapointing and reassuring at the same time.

    I'm so glad Kim Basinger bailed out on this film. She NEVER could have done the steller job Fenn did. Never Never Never. Go see it.

By Wavydave on Monday, November 1, 1999 - 09:56 pm:

    Anyone seen Happiness? technically, it's the second-to-last film I watched (we watched Tromeo & Juliet afterward) but Happiness stands out as the most disturbing film I've ever seen.


    I think it's the Clockwork Orange of the 90s

By Cyst on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 - 12:47 am:

    no. I've never even heard of it.

By Gee on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 - 09:18 am:

    If you want to talk about Happiness go somewhere else. If you can't talk about Boxing Hellena go somewhere else. If you don't like my attitude go somewhere else.

    ps...go rent Boxing Hellena. There's sex in it. That should appeal to most of you.

By Rhiannon on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 - 12:14 pm:

    Gee, how could you?

    At the risk of sounding like one of those radical right morons who spend liters of breath condemning whatever art exhibit/movie/TV show that happens to be controversial that week, only to answer to the negative when asked if they have seen said art exhibit/movie/TV show with their own two eyes:

    I haven't seen the movie, and I don't want to. The concept of cutting off a woman's limbs and keeping her in a box is just disgusting to me. Have you ever counted how many incidences of sexual violence towards women you see on TV or in movies in a single week?

    Like that movie "Kiss the Girls." What was that except an excuse to show women being terrorized? Or "The General's Daughter" -- were all those scenes of that woman pinned naked necessary? Or all those made-for-TV movies on rape, kidnapping, abusive marriage, woman-in-peril situation after the other.

    (PS. I had another dream about you. This time you were sitting on my couch. You looked like you were about 12, and you had really skinny legs and dark blond hair that was slightly wavy and cut above your shoulders. You kept using these weird phrases that I assumed to be strange Canadian slang, and each time you would say a phrase, and I would ask you what it meant, and you would answer with another weird phrase. One I remember was "I'm so sparky." ???)

By Cyst on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 - 04:38 pm:

    I think if all the women who complained about depictions of sexual violence in the media instead spent all that time learning how to physically defend themselves against aggressors, there would be less real-life incidence of anonymous rape and sexual assault.

By Cyst on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 - 04:43 pm:

    I guess I'm just trying to say that if people didn't like to watch beautiful young actresses get kidnapped and tied up and escape, etc., then those movies wouldn't be made. if you don't like 'em, don't go see 'em. if you're worried about the message they're sending out and that people might take them seriously and be encouraged to act psychopathically, then do what you can to make sure you are never a victim of it. act safely, learn self-defense, lobby for better lighting on the streets. let people watch the movies they want, and let hollywood make 'em.

By Stubby on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 - 06:54 pm:

    a friend of mines elderly grandmother had both of her legs amputated,[i think from diabetes],one above the knee and one at about mid-calve, and she whined to my friend,"Kinder,you've got to help me, I got to get my numbs evened off,so i can get me a man.

    [this is a true story]

By Rhiannon on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 - 07:03 pm:

    Did you know there is a sexual disorder called abutophilia or something like that (ab----philia) where you want to amputate or actually do amputate your own limbs for gratification? Supposedly "only" 200 cases have ever been reported.

    Cyst, I whole-heartedly agree.

By Cyst on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 - 07:25 pm:

    dang, rhiannon, I was hoping to pick a fight with you. oh well.

    I keep thinking about taking some martial arts class or something because I think it would be fun, but I have virtually no fear of being attacked, so there isn't that much of an incentive.

By Rhiannon on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 - 08:02 pm:

    Well, I would rather people didn't make those kinds of movies (if this was the angle you were hoping to get me on), but people can make whatever kinds of movies they want. It's just a shame that people like that sort of thing. Whatever.

    And only an idiot wouldn't want women to learn how to defend themselves. I've taken two classes in self-defense myself, because at my height, I intimidate only young children and small dogs.

By Gee on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 - 02:45 am:

    I guess I take the opinion of "it's just a movie". I think any movie has the right to be made and if people don't want to watch it they don't have to.

    Violence against women happens, and I don't think it would stop if they didn't make movies about it anymore. I don't mean that to sound dismissive and casual, just that bad things happen to people and it sucks, but it Happens.

    Anyway, I didn't see Boxing Hellena as a movie that was about "violence against women". It was more about the sick "love" this guy had for Hellena and how in the end (sorry to ruin it) she had no choice but to love him back. It was either that or be alone, which I'm sure you all know is the worst possible thing in the world that could happen to anyone. Usually when I watch a movie I don't put it into a world context. I just think about what's happening in the tiny world of the people on the screen. I see two people who have a sick and bizzare relationship, not a metiphore for the world of men being mean to women.

    Weren't you the one who loved Twin Peaks, Rhia? There was quite a bit of violence against women in the movie, wasn't there? That was a Lot more gorey than Boxing Hellena. All of the "bad" stuff that happened in BH was pretty tame. Off screen. No blood or guts. It was psycological.

    I'm probably not doing a very good job of defending it. I go back to what I said in the begining: it's just a movie.

    (ps...I look about 16, I don't have skinny legs, my hair is kind of wavy, and it looks dark blond to me, but everyone seems to have a different opinion. I think the most popular choice is "strawberry blond". I don't know a lot of weird canadian phrases, but I really like "I'm so sparky.". Because I am, you know. I'm so sparky.)

By Cyst on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 - 10:08 am:

    you are pretty sparky, gee.

By Rhiannon on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 - 10:23 am:

    You got me, Gee. I did like Twin Peaks a lot.

By Egregarious on Friday, July 2, 2004 - 01:44 am:

    I have never seen "Boxing Helena" but now I want to very much, because that subject matter is so terribly horrifying and fascinating.
    Have you ever heard the song "Jennifer's Body"? It reminds me of your descriptions of this movie.