Ghost Dog Last movie you saw: Ghost Dog
By Lucia on Friday, April 21, 2000 - 04:12 pm:

    Beautiful new Jarmusch(sp?) should see it, it's good.

By Mystery caboose on Friday, April 21, 2000 - 11:41 pm:

    really? Cool I was wondering about that.

By Dougie on Monday, January 8, 2001 - 12:09 pm:

    Yeah, I rented it this weekend. Cool movie -- strange mix of samurai teachings, mafia, hiphop, and haitian cultures, but it worked. Forest Whittaker's great in it. Patrick, I think you'd dig the music -- was by RZA.

By semillama on Monday, January 8, 2001 - 01:17 pm:

    Unfortunately, the soundtrack album does not have all the music in the movie on it.

    great flick though.


By Spider on Wednesday, July 16, 2003 - 12:09 pm:

    My brother gave this to me over the weekend and I watched it last night. I liked it; it was mellow. I liked how all the symbolism tied together -- the birds, the cartoons, the bear, the dog... The end made me cry.

By Spider on Wednesday, July 16, 2003 - 12:24 pm:

    I also liked the early scene of Ghost Dog walking down the street on the way to his hit, when no one saw him as he passed by. That was cool.

By patrick on Wednesday, July 16, 2003 - 12:37 pm:


    i never posted on this, as i thought i did.

    i pulled an agatha.

    i thoroughly loved this film. it was a bit sad and i dig Forrest as an actor.

By dave. on Wednesday, July 16, 2003 - 01:03 pm:

    this was a super good movie.

By kazoo on Friday, July 18, 2003 - 03:25 pm:

    I love this movie. Now, I am thinking about how much I love this movie and as soon as I am done here I am going to go home and watch it.

    This is one of the few movies that, after I watched it, I didn't want to recommend it to anyone because I wanted to keep it to myself for a bit.

    Does this ever happen to you?

By wisper on Friday, July 18, 2003 - 07:09 pm:

    but i'm not telling for what movie. hah!