End of Daze

sorabji.com: Last movie you saw: End of Daze
Mystery caboose on Friday, April 21, 2000 - 11:48 pm:

    Ok big deal. Good against evil with special effects and a devil who gets to possess a priest so that he can kiss and grab at a restaurant table. This movie wasn't as terrible as I've heard, but it wasn't all that good either.
    From now on, I will include "yeahs" and "nahs" as part of my lil movie reviews. "Yeahs" being the things I liked about the movie, and "nahs" being what I didn't like. Ok? Ok.

    Yeah: Arnold. How can you go wrong with his accent. Especially when he's in a dire situation. The possessed priest's "cup and kiss" part. Go get 'em, boy.

    Nah: C'mon. Was I supposed to be thrilled after seeing this, or was I supposed to question my own faith. Oh, and how much did they spend on that huge "devil's face in a huge ball of fire looking at dying Arnold point-blank like he's going to do something then justs disappears into New York's underground" part. I was scared, really. Yes. Mm hm.