Boys Don,t Cry Last movie you saw: Boys Don,t Cry
By J on Thursday, April 27, 2000 - 04:21 pm:

    I saw it last night had to wait for it to come out on video.My God it was a very well made movie about a true tradedy,this really happened.I had never heard of that Hilary Swank before,but she is one hell of an actress!!! You got to see this!!!It was like that chat room argument I got into at yahoo,when are people going to start accepting as they are?

By moonit on Thursday, April 27, 2000 - 11:34 pm:

    You know she was in Karate Kid.

By Gee on Friday, April 28, 2000 - 03:40 am:

    she was on "Beverly Hills, 90210" and the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" movie, too.

By R on Friday, April 28, 2000 - 08:05 am:

    don't you relate though? you know, not feeling right in your own skin, or not feeling right in this place and time? am i the only one? surely not. i relate. i i i shit someone please comment.

By J on Friday, April 28, 2000 - 11:57 am:

    I,m could relate,that was what was so sad about the movie.She was just a man in a female body trying to make the best of a bad situation.The cops treated her like shit too.

By J on Friday, April 28, 2000 - 11:58 am:

    I not I,m.