Traffic Last movie you saw: Traffic
By patrick on Monday, June 4, 2001 - 03:38 pm:

    Ok, so I rented this one as well. It was a movie weekend.

    Good film. I am particularly impressed with the method is was shot. Its looks like half of it was shot with digital. Good camera work....very provoking.

    Though at the end, i was left with a feeling of did you really tell me here. YOu jsut told 5 stories, that may or may not have anything to do with each other. I walked away with nothing, and thats the only problem with this film.

By moonit on Monday, June 4, 2001 - 04:15 pm:

    The boy didnt like it much either. I did. But then I like to hear/watch/nosy other peoples lives.

By R.C. on Tuesday, June 5, 2001 - 04:50 am:

    I dug TRAFFIC! The story-telling was skillful. The direction was 1st-rate in terms of maintaing a consistent level of suspense/altho' the yellow-filter business on the scenes in Mexico seemed a bit self-conscious. (Becuz I noticed it. For me/ really cool camerawork is subtle enuf that I'm not sitting there thinking "Oh, he shot it with a yellow filter".) Don Cheadle was damn good, as always. Ben Bratt only had a couple of minutes on screen but he was UN-recognizable & totally chilling. And Mrs. Michael Douglas looked amazingly ordinary & was totally believable as a pregnant rich woman w/bad skin & a fat ass & a lifestyle that was rapidly unraveling. I actually felt sorry for her/until she hired that hit man.

    Benecio Del Torro was terrific as the one Mexican cop trying to stay on the straight & narrow in the midst of such blatant corruption. And he didn't do the expected thing & screw his best friend's wife after homeboy got himself killed.

    The performances were good all around.

    And I thought the message was dead on. Drugs don't discriminate -- anybody can end up hooked/no matter how good a background they come from. Which a lot of folks out there still don't believe. And our "war on drugs" *is* a farce & will continue to be/so long as governments are in bed w/the cartels.

    I think if I were a high school kid/TRAFFIC & REQUIEM FOR A DREAM wd be 2 terrific set-pieces of anti-drug propaganda that wd really make me think twice abt getting high.

    BTW, Patrick -- do you know where I can get hold of a used copy of the Rizzoli 1st-edition of Albert Watson's CYCLOPS/in hardback? I've been looking around the web for it but all I can find is the Bullfinch edition.

    (And how's yr wife's new solo-enterprise doing?)

By patrick on Tuesday, June 5, 2001 - 12:01 pm:

    there were far better movies recently. like this

    or the Contender.

    Traffic looked a bit they crammed it to make it in for the 2000 emmys.

    I would suggest hitting your local Antiquarian bookshop. Put the word out you are looking for it. You may pay a buck or two.

    its coming along rc....we are attending a big convention in August that should be a good bench mark. We basically expect to be totally on our feet with in the year. So we work and wait work and wait. thank you for asking though.

By R.C. on Monday, June 11, 2001 - 02:26 am:

    I saw JESUS' SON. Thought it was pointless & badly written.

By agatha on Monday, June 11, 2001 - 02:28 am:

    did she really come back just to say that? rc, damn you!

By semillama on Monday, June 11, 2001 - 09:32 am:

    Yeah, damn it. Stop tantalizing us.

By patrick on Monday, June 11, 2001 - 11:23 am:

    your the first person i've heard say that about that film. eveyerone i've spoke to about it thought it was one of the most under rated films last year.

    not that that really means anything.