Good film. I am particularly impressed with the method is was shot. Its looks like half of it was shot with digital. Good camera work....very provoking. Though at the end, i was left with a feeling of did you really tell me here. YOu jsut told 5 stories, that may or may not have anything to do with each other. I walked away with nothing, and thats the only problem with this film. |
Benecio Del Torro was terrific as the one Mexican cop trying to stay on the straight & narrow in the midst of such blatant corruption. And he didn't do the expected thing & screw his best friend's wife after homeboy got himself killed. The performances were good all around. And I thought the message was dead on. Drugs don't discriminate -- anybody can end up hooked/no matter how good a background they come from. Which a lot of folks out there still don't believe. And our "war on drugs" *is* a farce & will continue to be/so long as governments are in bed w/the cartels. I think if I were a high school kid/TRAFFIC & REQUIEM FOR A DREAM wd be 2 terrific set-pieces of anti-drug propaganda that wd really make me think twice abt getting high. -------------------------------------------------- BTW, Patrick -- do you know where I can get hold of a used copy of the Rizzoli 1st-edition of Albert Watson's CYCLOPS/in hardback? I've been looking around the web for it but all I can find is the Bullfinch edition. (And how's yr wife's new solo-enterprise doing?) |
or the Contender. Traffic looked a bit they crammed it to make it in for the 2000 emmys. I would suggest hitting your local Antiquarian bookshop. Put the word out you are looking for it. You may pay a buck or two. its coming along rc....we are attending a big convention in August that should be a good bench mark. We basically expect to be totally on our feet with in the year. So we work and wait work and wait. thank you for asking though. |
not that that really means anything. |