So, the movie: freaking gorgeous. Obvious Japanese plot. Weak supporting characters. But damn if there weren't times when you forgot you were looking at CGI and not real people. Not many, granted, but still, when it happened and then you realized what you were looking at, wow. What's interesting is that the most realistic looking characters were the older people. The real treat, though, was the previews. New FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING trailer!!!! Holy Shit!!! Holy Shit!!!! That movie is going to kick hollywood on its ass! Plus, Spiderman trailer. It looks cool. |
But it seems to me that if it were real people and not CGI, that it would be a mediocre sci-fi/action movie. Maybe I was expecting too much. I don't know. Really, I don't. |
And HEY WHATHEFUCK!!!! They didn't give us any fucking Fellowship Of the Rings Preview here. Although we did get a sweet ass looking Planet of The Apes Trailer. I know Mark Wallberg will never be Charlton Heston, but fuck the movie still looks good. |
I've seen 3 movies in the past month, and of all the previews, Harry Potter looked the most promising. That's not good. If previews are an accurate way to gauge how long it will be until i go to the movies again, i think i'm set till waaaaaay after x-mas. |
they say it was a great idea, but an awful book. that makes me sad. |