Oh Brother Where Art Thou

sorabji.com: Last movie you saw: Oh Brother Where Art Thou
By Dougie on Monday, July 23, 2001 - 05:57 pm:

    Rented this over the weekend without any expectations nor much enthusiasm, but ended up loving it. Especially the music. Film work is beautiful, acting is great (yeah, even/especially George Clooney), story's great (based on the Odyssey). Somehow seemed kind of Wizard of Oz-zish to me, which made it all that much better. The Coens can do no wrong. Check it out if you get a chance.

By Nate on Monday, July 23, 2001 - 06:04 pm:

    own it. love it. totally agree.

    how strange.

    and yes, especially the music.

By cyst on Monday, July 23, 2001 - 07:53 pm:

    please do not abuse the long-neglected vocative "o."

    "O Brother, Where Art Thou?"

By Dougie on Tuesday, July 24, 2001 - 06:06 pm:

    O cyst, nevermind the grammar, what'd you think of the movie?

    I just bought the soundtrack cd and was rather disappointed by several of the tracks. There's a lot of good stuff on it, but the scene with the 3 sirens where they sing "Didn't Leave Nobody but the Baby" isn't what's in the movie -- it's sung on the cd by Emmylou Harris & Alison Krause and somebody else, and it comes nowhere near the amazing rendition done in the movie. I fucking hate when they do that. A soundtrack's a soundtrack. If I buy a soundtrack of Apocalypse Now, I don't want to hear Pat Boone's rendition of "The End". Whatever.

By cyst on Tuesday, July 24, 2001 - 07:55 pm:

    I thought it was boring, but I don't feel any strong need to spread that opinion around. a lot of people I respect loved this film, and I'm sure they had good reason to do so.

    it's sort of like one of the many really good liquors that I don't care for at all.

By semillama on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 09:33 am:

    Chalk this up for weird coincidence: as I read this thread I am listening to the Revolting Cock's "Beers, Steers, and Queers".

By semillama on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 09:34 am:

    And Cyst, for reasons i can't explain, I actually like that you didn't like the movie. I feel it would be confusing to my world view if you did.

By cyst on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 01:48 pm:

    but I saw fargo in the theaters at least four times. does that make sense?

    didn't like hudsucker proxy. thought blood simple was ok.

    will I like raising arizona?

By semillama on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 02:34 pm:

    Who knows? I've yet to see the entire movie through.

    Probably not, but I'd be curious to know. Did you like the Big Lebowski?

    I liked all their films.

By Nate on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 03:27 pm:

    raising arizona is just about the best movie ever. there is a mind blowing psychedelic car chase.

    i saw the big lebowski all the way through tuesday night. i thought i'd seen it all before, but i was wrong.

By cyst on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 03:47 pm:

    I liked the big lebowski ok. it affected me; since I saw it I have ordered a couple dozen white russians that otherwise would have been margaritas.

    I guess I don't like the magic realism in coen brothers films.

    my favorite scene in fargo is when the pregnant cop (frances what's-her-name?) is walking through the smorgasbord restaurant. the music playing in the background, the lighting, the decor. it's 100% real realism, my favorite kind.

By wisper on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 05:30 pm:

    i thought Hudsucker Proxy was the most magic thing i'd seen in ages.

    Big Lebowski, well, i LIVE for the dude.

    Raising Arizona....i liked the least of all their films.

    My only beef with O Brother was that sometimes the effects used to make everything *super* golden worked too well and started to really hurt my eyes. That was in the theater though.
    Dapper Dan ;)
    It's wonderful.

By Dougie on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 06:45 pm:

    Haven't seen Hudsucker. Must rent it. Must buy O Brother as well. I just bought Rushmore and The General, were on sale. I loved both of those too. Must watch again. Anybody watch Nova last about the supernovae hunters? I just can't wrap my brain about the fact that they think the universe is expanding. If the universe is infinite, how can it expand? Somebody explain in 10 easy words or less, please.

By wisper on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 07:02 pm:

    because it's not infinite.
    I just read something in Time about all that, but i can't sum it up. Nor can i even say what i read was true at all, since it's only Time and i never took physics. Basically the whole thing was about how the universe will end, and how no one really knows shit all about anything regarding the shape, form, creation or nature of the universe.
    But know this: it's not infinite. And it may not be expanding. It's shrinking. Or it's staying the same. No one can figure it out.

    Quote: "If you thought the universe was hard to comprehend before, then you'd better take some smart pills, because it's only going to get worse."
    -University of Chicago astrophysicist Michael Turner

By Nate on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 07:16 pm:

    know nothing. pshah. how can you say for sure that the universe is not infinite?

    dougie: the set of whole number from 0 to infinity is infinite, yes?

    the set of whole numbers from negative infinity to positive infinity is also infinite, yes? but a bigger infinite.

    think of the universe as a giant sheet of rubber with a grid drawn on it. infinite area. now start stretching the rubber sheet, the space between points on the grid moves away from each other -- the universe expands.

By Nate on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 07:21 pm:

By cyst on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 08:00 pm:

    I take no responsibility the validity of atomic physics. but I have noticed that force usually equals mass times acceleration and that momentum is often conserved.

By Cat on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 08:31 pm:

    Dougie, I saw "Best in Show" the other day and loved it to death. Have you seen "Strictly Ballroom"? It's not quite the same mockumentary genre but it's as fabulously black.

By heather on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 08:40 pm:


    if that was the way the universe expands, wouldn't we be able to measure? like distance between planets?

    best in show. g and i said 'i shit you not' everyday for months after that movie.

By heather on Wednesday, July 25, 2001 - 08:46 pm:

    ok, apparently galaxies move away from each other but not planets. local relationships stay the same.


By Dougie on Thursday, July 26, 2001 - 08:28 am:

    Thanks all trying to help me get my feeble mind around this, but alas, to no avail. Nate, a rubber grid has X & Y coordinates, but what about a 3d Z coordinate? I just can't picture it -- do these X Y & Z vectors eventually wrap back around on themselves spherically or just keep stretching forever? Or is there a milepost at the end of each saying, "That's it bub. All she wrote, you've reached the end. Go back from whence you came."

    The Nova program was very interesting -- the common thinking was that the universe, because of the gravitational pull of all the universe's matter was shrinking. But Einstein couldn't prove that it was shrinking and thought it was actually staying static or getting larger, so he invented what he called the cosmological constant, a kind of a fudge-factor to reason this away. He later called it his biggest blunder, but now astronomers think he was right, and that the universe is expanding. They think his cosmological constant is actually "dark matter" and "dark energy", theoretical particles and forces yet unproven, but whose anti-gravitational and anti-matter forces could be the explanation of why the universe doesn't implode on itself.

    Glad you liked Best in Show, Cat.

By semillama on Thursday, July 26, 2001 - 08:51 am:

    Not only that, i think they recently proved that universe is flat.

    Thee was an articel in Discover a few months ago about multiple universes and how effectively, our universe is only liek a couple micrometers thick. Don't even ask how that's possible I can't remember the gist of it. The article had to do with some inconsistencies with how gravity works and how it should work, and one theory that was getting some attention was that gravity has something to do with things in other dimensions.


By Antigone on Thursday, July 26, 2001 - 11:08 am:

    Actually, planets and stars (and every freakin' thing) do move away from each other, it's just that we can only easily measure it on a galactic scale.

    The cool thing about the expansion of the universe is that the expansion is uniform at all points. The upshot of this is that every point is at the "center" of expansion. In other words, you ARE the center of the universe. So am I, but that's beside the point.

By Nate on Thursday, July 26, 2001 - 11:26 am:

    rugose fleshy things?

    Actually, the great elven god sh'iallyn'ishtar created the universe as a giant crystalian structure. and while this structure IS expanding, it is expanding so uniformly that all measurements of expansion will always fall below our ability to preceive because the gaps in our preception is expanding at the same rate.

    praise sh'iallyn'ishtar.

By patrick on Thursday, July 26, 2001 - 11:32 am:

    im in the process of caulking the gaps in my perception. i recommend you do the same thing.

    my bladder is expanding exponentially greater than the universe...hands down

By patrick on Thursday, February 28, 2002 - 07:25 pm:

    i saw a question posed recently in an article about the Mt. Wilson observatory nearby.

    yes the universe is expanding, similarly like dots on a balloon expand when you blow it up...the question is, who or what is blowing the balloon up?

    O Brother was probably the greatest movie of 2001, and Big Lebowski of 1999.

    You hit two of my favs right there nate.

By Gee on Friday, March 1, 2002 - 06:07 pm:

    I saw "Hart's War" the other day with my friend. I don't like Bruce Willis, so I was happy to find out he wasn't really the main guy. happy yes. I didn't hate the movie.

    why isn't Spider-Man out yet? May is so far away. I don't think I can whine about this enough.

By patrick on Friday, March 1, 2002 - 06:15 pm:

    I just saw Spiderman outside. he's here Gee. He's out. Really.

By Gee on Monday, March 4, 2002 - 12:30 pm:

    you little tease.

By patrick on Monday, March 4, 2002 - 12:41 pm:

    you can come here and see him yourself. its really that easy.