What this movie, like others I've seen recently, seem to exemplify a trend Im happy to see, that (good) movies are relying less on cinematography, rehashed hits and mega celebrities as much as they are tapping excellent writing, for the screen or adaptations from novels. In addition to good acting. Memento, which I saw recently is a great example of this. This is similar to american cinema on the 40s and 50s when the studios raced to find the next great writer or novelist, whose film they could adapt for the screen. What resulted were a rash of tremendous movies. Panic is dark humored at times, as well as incredibly sad. Compared to the rest of the shit out there .... id totally recommend this rental. |
i saw The Others with my new friend Sara on Tuesday. it was very scary. i don't like scary movies but i went anyway because she bothered to invite me to do something and she's very cool. i kept my eyes closed through much of the film. it had a great double twist ending. it's funny. Ex Mrs. Tom Cruise - i can't think of her name off hand - she is good at playing dispassionate characters. watching her makes me miss Melanie Griffith. same look and feel, better actress, more likeable. i am well on my way to being drunk, btw. tomorrow i'm going to be a featured presenter at a Story Telling Arty thing at one of those Hip Arty Coffee Shops down on 4th Street. it starts off like this: "It's a funny thing the way fate works. I was supposed to be standing in this very spot this past March for the Fray Cafe event. At the time I was just visiting Austin to attend SxSW Interactive and Music. But what happened that week, and in particular, what happened the night of Fray Cafe not only prevented me from being here to tell a story, it's the reason why I'm standing here in front of you today. It's the reason I packed up after living in Hawaii for 9 years and moved to Austin six weeks ago. That very night turned out to be the night that changed the rest of my life..." it's a good story. kevin and i have tortured endless family members and friends with the details of coincidence. there's intrigue and love involved. maybe it makes a good story, i don't know. margaritas might help. but it's a coffee house. oh well. |
Haven't seen "The Others", yet, but I hear it's great. |
I'd like to see others too. fucking love Nicole Kidman. What is it with the fair skinned, red, strawberry-red heads that drives me nuts? |