Remeber how i bitched about all the kids in the audience when i saw Shrek? Well guess who decides to go see Monsters Inc on opening day at the first showing which happens to be a 4pm? yeah. Moron. Walking to the ticket booth, being passed by packs of squealing spawn dragging mommy by the arm. "oh GOD," i looked at my watch," They all just got out of school!" This is why i saw Chicken Run at 1:30am when it came out. Oh shit this movie is good. Better than Shrek and better than Toy Story, but not Toy Story 2. As good though. I miss John Goodman, he's awesome. All the characters were great. I even loved the little kid, Boo, but i pointed out to the boy the irony of watching the perfect child onscreen while being surrounded with the reality whines of "mommy! i wanna candy! i wanna Sully toy! whaaaaeeaa!" yeah. I was surprised at the number of little kids who had to be carried out crying because they were scared. but anyway, the characters were the best group i've seen Disney make in a long time. Great movie. |
John Goodman's been missed in my heart since Rosanne left the air. And his own short-lived sitcom sucked pretty bad. But i love that guy, he's so like my dad i want to hug him. He hosted SNL last week but they didn't do the "Bill Bradski" skit, damn it makes me laugh just thinking about it ;) |
i dont understand why any grown adult sees a Disney flic, unless accompanying a child. |
There hasnt been one in nearly 15 years and they are still going strong. Movies made from TV successes tend to ruin a good thing. Look at every god damn spun-from-Saturday-Night-Live movie. |
Everybody -- watch the Tick tonight! |
i was/am perfectly light spider, freak. |
Maybe they've been writing this sucker for the past 12 years -- maybe they're making the biggest, bestest, fuckoffingest movie anyone's ever seen, and they're just now in the stages of perfecting it, making sure everything's right for a very discerning American movie-going public. |
Groening et al are best at making 1/2 hour long stories...not a movie. Same with Southpark....the movie sucked because it was like 3-4 episodes tacked together by musicals, and they didnt even have everyone's favorite characters sing. That show definitely slid off the radar a bit after their movie. i havent heard anything about a simpsons movie...I don't think there ever will be one and i think they are smart for that. |
That show died 3 years ago. When they started resorting extreme violence, shocks, and making every..... single.... plot.... revolve....around .....Homer...... Yeah, i may be the last one you expect to hear this from, but i want that show shut down asap. It's a dead fucking horse. I watch the new ones maybe once a month now, if ever. It's like watching a beloved relative slowly and painfully die. It hurts me. All you need to do is watch the Mr.Plow episode (best episode, ever) to remind yourself how un-funny it's become. I can go on and on. and the actuall drawing has gone to shit too. They should focus on bringing up Futurama right now, i says. I like that kid, he's got potential. |
futurerama is so unfunny. thats should be left alone. the halloween episode was fucking hilarious the other night. it has its ups and downs but still cranks out a good episode every now and then. |
Futurama? Sat through it once. Never again. |
im trying to win spiritualized tickets right now...wait...oops....i lost. damn man. so many good shows ive missed will will miss. brmc-last week built to spill this week. spriritualized the fall |
I dunno. I like a laugh once in a while and shrek had a good point to it all, definitely an adult movie, and full of allusions, like Monster's use of the Matrix...good ones and not corny too. Best scenes in shrek were the ?outtakes at the end, which I presume were the cutting room floor tidbits that were funny as hell. Probably would have helped being under the influence of something for both of them...but I was accompanying my inner child there. Hey anybody hear about Pampers perks? What'lltheythinkofnext? |
The first was the best because it was late on a weeknight and there weren't any kids. The second time was shrieking kids running through the aisles. |
Anyway, while waiting in line for french fries these three teenagers quickly walk past me carrying a giant blue and purple furry arm. It was one of Sully's arms from the big Monsters Inc display of Mike and Sully that every thearter i've been in for the past 3 months has standing in it's lobby. I laughed for hours after that. They were working on getting it off for some time, and security didn't even notice. Thinking back, i should have just made off with the Mike figure. Turn it into a lamp or something. In other news, the Imax Beauty & the Beast was awesome. I've seen it a million times and it still gives me goosebumps. The new song was cheese thought. And blowing up the picture that big really made the flaws in the animation obvious, but i thought that was fascinating. fuck, i should have bought that arm off those kids. |
The movie was cute. I liked it a lot. The little girl reminded me of Micki so much it wasn't funny and the fact that they called her "Boo" (Hayley's nickname) just kinda finished it off. |
i may be drunk, but i knows funny. |