a perfectly wonderful film. Amazing. Grand. I gladly saw it twice in 24 hours. The credits leave you begging for more more more.... it was crazy, happy, sad, loveable and SO funny all together. Everyone was amazing, the entire cast was likeable and solid. I want awards for all involved. Don't wait to rent this, because Anderson used the widescreen like i have never seen before. Sometimes i was lost in his composition alone. This movie is painful it's so good. (If you're taking notes, it was better than Rushmore. Yes indeed.) |
i remember seeing them set up for the premier a few weeks back. it looks good. i remember confusing it with an ad on A&E for the Magnificant Ambersons. For a few days I thought Royal Tennebaums was a modern adaptation to the Magnificant Ambersons. Which would be good and bad. |
Unfortunately, the road to Ukiah is often fraught with peril. (Read: trees and jacknifed trucks driven by unfortunate flatlanders). We get the *really big* releases, like LOTR, Harry Potter, the Star Wars episodes, etc, on the national release dates, but all other movies trickle in a month to three months late. It's sort of handy, actually, because I can read all the reviews and decide whether or not to waste eight bucks seeing a movie. |
time, heather are you all for 3am chocolate cake runs? do you like fuzzy things? you can be my friend. i want to see it again. god, the part where Margot loses her finger and she doesn't even scream, she just LOOKS at the guy. Shit. This is no "movie", this is a fucking FILM. |
most people can tolerate me for a couple hours |
dang! i was reading this article in the Dec Wallpaper yesterday about this architect in Germany that I was planning to mention to you. Not because you'd think I knew anything about the subject but because Id love your opinion on this guy and his approach to home building. He basically built this innovative house in Stuttgart that has zero emissions, is completely self-sufficient and frankly looks fucking cool. I think the house is called R128 or something like that. |
anyway. what's his name? email me your address cause i don't feel like looking for it!!! wisper too |
I dont have the issue in front of me, so I forgot his name. Ill try and remember to look at it tonight. Unfortunately wallpaper.com doesnt have shit on their site. |
Werner Sobek is his name. The place is called R128 in Stuttgart germany. Its 4 stories of nothing but a glass exterior. The insulation is the equivolent to a 10cm slab of rock wool. Apparently there is a layer of inert argon gas within the glass exterior. The house is completely recyclable, self sufficent and emission-free. Solar and wind powered devices are on the roof power all the utilities. Radar sensors and voice commands control all the heating and cooling as well as all the major appliances. The interior is completely open and free, all the pipes are up in the ceilings and run down a center structure. The bathrooms are enclosed in frosted glass enclosures with the exception of the bathtubs....a "cheeky exhibitionist touch". What got me is the fact that the house is completely self sufficient, emission free and recyclable. Of course the unimpeded view of the Stuttgart basin was also key. it just seems so damned smart that Im wondering why all houses aren't built like this (dreamer I know). |
so what's the deal with the elliot smith song in that royal tenenbaums movie? i mean, that movie might be about a lot of different things but i'm pretty sure it's not about shooting dope, right? and is there anything that song could be about BESIDES shooting dope? is there? did wes anderson even fucking listen to that song? |
if someone found a way to make them affordable, it's more likely that another building industry would find a way to stop them rather than adopt 'healthier' concepts most people give relatively little thought to where they live |
but i'd like to believe it doesnt HAVE to be that way. |
heather, if i ever can afford to build my own house, i want you to be the designer. |
my big soundtrack complaint is that in the scene where wilson wants to fuck sissy paltrow in the tent, she puts on a rolling stones record. anderson makes a big deal about this being an old scratchy record, not a cd. you see her put the needle on the vinyl and all. she puts that beautiful "she smiled sweetly" ballad on. after that song is over, "ruby tuesday" starts. NO SUCH RECORD EXISTS. sure, the u.s. release of "between the buttons" has both those songs on it. they're even on the same side. but they're not in that order. "ruby tuesday" is a couple songs before "she smiled sweetly." fuck. I mean, how are you supposed to go home and replicate the royal tenenbaums experience? (when your dear brother lives in another state, anyway.) lining your eyes with black kohl, sure, that's a good start. but what about the rolling stones record? I have those songs on cd, but it's not the same. guess I'll have to slit my fucking wrists. |
she had the eyeliner on and had already decided that it just didn't work |
was when Danny Glover fell into the trench at the dig. It was the most realistic depictionof archaeology I have ever seen in a movie, and I laughed for about a minute straight after that. Wes Anderson's mom was an archaeologist, I hear. I don't know her. Speaking of archaeology, I just got back from the historic archaeology conference - Mobile, alabama. It was like the Detroit of the south - nothing but empty store fronts in cool old buildings downtown, interspersed with excellent Thai places. I drank really a lot, and Friday night we didn't even go to sleep until 7am. Four of us ended up fully clothed in the hotel sauna at 530. There were about 11-12 old MTU alums, our favorite profs and several of the current students and we had a blast. There was much dancing and reminiscing and eating. Oh, I went to a few papers too. |
i forgot to say that i'm flattered that you think you'd like me to design a house- even though you haven't seen me design anything. and i would be glad to try. but beware what you ask for. |
i am not a fan of gwenneth paltrow at all. i've hated ever role i've ever seen her play, except for Margot in this film. she was totally brilliant. luke wilson is still a skinny little weirdo. |
it with my stepfather over winter break and had to keep leaving the room because the music kept making me cry...especially when luke wilson was playing *Fly* by Nick Drake in his tent. I hated Gwyneth Paltrow with a passion until I saw this movie. I still don't care for her much, but she was perfect for the role. Luke Wilson may be a skinny little wierdo, but own has a horrid case of facialgenitalia. |
Owen-facialgenetalia-LOL! |
no, didn't feel anything but his bony legs against my considerable rump. sorry to disappoint. |
I've always felt that the Mediterranean/Semitic/Arab peoples were generally the most attractive peoples on the planet, and the fact that they generally have strong noses contributes significantly to this opinion. (They have strong features overall -- large eyes, dark hair....very nice.) Owen Wilson's nose *is* kind of funky, though. |
Long time ago. strong noses are good...wilson's nose looks like a penis. End of story. Bill Clinton has FG too, but it's on his chin. |
"he's cute like you, but your nose is a little more reasonable" needless to say, one more regard in which i view you birds as strange. |
It's a shame that Jennifer...somebody, the girl who was in Dirty Dancing, got a nose job. She was so cute before, and now she just looks like everybody else. |
judd nelson has a fabulous, sexy nose. |
he just has that face that screams "dick". he just looks he'd be such an asshole. |
no way dude. no way. judd nelson is all love and warm fuzzies. speaking of a big schnoz, did y'all see nicholas cage sitting next to jack nicholson last night? when adrian whatshisface won the award for best actor, all the other nominees did a great job of covering their disappointment. but not mr. cage. he tried, he really did. but his trying made it so painfully obvious that he thought he was going to get the award. the expression on his face waslike "i'm going to smile and nod and pretend to be interested in adrian's speech, but fuck you all i deserved to win that so much more than he did, bastards." but then again, i hated, absolutely HATED "Adaptation". it sucked so bad. |
http://www.columbian.com/03232003/clark_co/22231.html |
If it had been someone else who is there representing someone elses piece of work, I'd agree. But for Moore, it fits. |
i must have received that motherfuckin letter that he wrote to the president 20 times last week in emails.. that factually inaccurate, whiny, dribbly piece of shit letter. i agree with that guy in principle...but god damn, he annoys me. givng sugar coated liberalism to the kiddies. but at least he had balls to say SOMETHING. most of the other actors were too pussy to use such a forum to speak the good word. instead they wore pins. peace pins of a Picasso or something like that. how noble. people are being blown to shit and back and while they accept awards for making millions and they wear peace pins, probably made of silver, that cost as much as your average Iraqi makes in a lifetime or a soldiers monthly pay check. i also took issue with the constant reference to themselves as "artists". mmmmmm i dunno bout that. i wouldnt call the likes of streisand or zeliwiger an artist. but what the fuck do i know. at least that adrian piano kid said something thoughtful and intelligent and had the balls to tell them to shut the music off while he finished his speech. i still, to this day, contend, actors are some of the most annoying people on the earth. |
but I understand why they tone it down, they have to think about their careers, and the fact that if they speak out while representing someone elses work, they 'speak' for others, which isn't cool... Fuck the oscars.. "sugar coated liberalism".. I dont get bothered with this. It reeks of when the indie rock kids start bashing the band when it becomes popular.... |
That was my first thought when I saw that. I understand and appreciate what he is trying to get across but give me a fucking break. All I am going to say. I can understand why some people in the public eye will pull it down wearing just pins. Look what happened to Jane Fonda during Vietnam. I can't stand that bitch to this day. I think that if they truly believe in the anti-war movements then they would be more vocal, but at the same time I understand the fear that could drive them to keep quiet and wear a pin. |
i dont really understand everything involved with Jane Fonda and Vietnam but i think there is a right way to do things. Like I said, that Adrian Im the Piano Player Superstar Big Nosed Cuteboy Getting Lots of 'Tang Now dude did it well. |
...and if it was your career you were risking up there you'd be careful too, sure it'd be nice to say something, but perhaps your win is more inspired by your family or something and you'd rather use your time to glorify them? I dont think Moore is candy coated liberalism. Al Franken is candy coated liberalism. All sound bytes, no ideas, and politically minded he's just like the rest of todays pussy democrats. Moores pretty far to the left if you ask me, he just happens to appeal to enough people, and has enough filmmaking skill, to push through, he wouldnt be where he is if it werent for himself, he cant even get his books or movies made without several obstacles... ...and I dont think he's really much more, if at all, factually inaccurate than Nader or Chomsky or several other lefty poster boys, oh wait, there are no other lefty poster boys anymore... its all so funny because the Chomsky and Moore debunking are usually done by right wing groups who shove it in the lefties faces, and then the lefties AGREE WITH IT! instead of researching or fighting back or ignoring it, which the Reps do. The reps never back down, it creates confusion and they get the upper hand. which brings me to this patrick. look at and respect the Republican Machine. yes, look at how they stick together so closely even though their views are more divided than you think. They stick up for each other, create an image for their party that is distinct, kind of slyly and evil-ly hide their scandals. They get shit done because they are organized... Unlike the "democrats", which are so confused and lost right now its not funny. And it all began when everyone went Judas on Clinton, so they could win their local elections. They went every man for themself instead of sticking to the team and they failed, they're still very close to power but noone knows who they are anymore. They infight and are incredibly disorganized... Unlike the Republicans (except in rare cases like Lott's racist comments) the Democrats are nowheres near "my party right or wrong", which is a bastardly but necessary method in a two-party system. Granted, Moore Chomsky Nader and the rest are much further left than Al Gore and Bill Clinton, but the same rules apply. When I see lefties going after Moore, I see people basically going after the one voice they have left that people listen too. When Donahue goes off the air, a liberal doesnt take his place, they hire Michael Savage. When Maher loses his show, you dont see some other Libertarian taking his place. If South Park goes off the air, you're not going to see another smart Republican show take its place. So in other words, if you're looking to advance the agenda, indie-coolness isnt going to get you there. backing down from any controversy because it might offend people, apologizing and pointing fingers to save your own ass seems to be the lefty way these days, and its not working at all. |
what, because they pick on Canadians? |
i love that michael moore has no sense of embarrassment. he's totally fearless, even if he misses as many points as he hits. it's like the babe ruth metaphor. at least he's out there swingin' at 'em. |
like angry sam said about getting laid. can't get a hit if you dont swing the bat. |
they talk about this all the time, they mention it a couple times on the DVD commentary - rants about liberals, with Kyle's mom being their specific comment on liberals... they're especially hateful of political lefty celebrities like Rosie O'Donnel and Barbra Streisand.. but since everyone hates them noone notices.. they pick on the religious a lot, but I dont think being religious is a mandatory aspect of being a Republican... you can read more if you search their website southparkstudios.com, or you can google search "south park republican", or you can just read this: CNSNews.com Commentary by Pat Mizak December 7, 2000 As an economics professor in his mid 20s, I see how the liberal elite attempts to indoctrinate our youth in our high schools, on our college campuses and via our popular culture. The recent elections prove 1960s paternalistic liberalism still has legs and shows no signs of retreating like their socialist cousins in Eastern Europe. To that end, the Left has co-opted the entertainment industry to carry its message and has done a very good job with standard bearers Barbara Streisand, Rosie O'Donnell, The Baldwin Boys, et. al. But these liberal demagogues are being challenged by four young boys; Stan Marsh, Kyle Broslofski, Eric Cartman, and Kenny McCormick. Some of you may recognize these names. They are characters in the adult-orientated cartoon series "South Park." To compare "South Park" creators Matt Parker and Trey Stone with Louis Carroll and Voltaire may be a bit of a reach, although all four are considered vulgarians. However, it is unmistakable that "South Park" is not only a ridiculously inane show about four eight year olds in Colorado, but also a show of biting social commentary that mocks the Left, and gives credence to libertarianism/conservatism in a very PJ O'Rourkian fashion. For those who have not seen the show, first put your children and elderly relatives to bed. "South Park," which is shown weekly on Comedy Central, pushes the censorial limits on blue humor and makes a deliberate attempt to offend all that watch it. Next, prepare yourself to see and hear foul-mouth fourth graders, sexually explicit dialogue, womanizing cafeteria chefs, off-color jokes and the brutal murder of Kenny every week. Fear not; he'll be alive for the next episode. Then, enjoy 22 minutes of insanity. Among the topics addressed have been the Confederate Flag, genetic cloning, the seizure of Elian Gonzalez, hate crime legislation and the recent presidential elections. In fact, last year's full-length feature film "South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut," looked at parental responsibility. The premise for the movie is parents not taking responsibility for their children's actions; they just blamed their problems on Canada. The basic formula for the weekly show is simple and repeated over and over. A crisis arises in South Park, the parents and the community act in some crazy, leftist fashion and the boys, acting as the carriers of common sense (read: conservatism), expose the parent's methods as idiotic and save the day. One memorable episode from last season, entitled "Cherokee Hair Tampons," exposed the ridiculousness of holistic medicine. In this particular episode, Kyle is stricken with a fatal kidney disorder, which his parents try to cure via "natural methods" sold by local "Native Americans," played by Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong. KYLE'S MOM: "Everything is going to be fine Stan, we're bringing in Kyle tomorrow to see the Native Americans personally." STAN: "Isn't it possible that these Indians don't know what they are talking about?" STAN'S MOM: "You watch your mouth Stanley, the Native Americans were raped of their land and resources by white people like us." STAN: "And that has something to do with their medicines because..." STAN'S MOM: "Enough Stanley!" The children continue to lobby for their friend to be sent to a real doctor, and finally, when Kyle passes out in front of the charlatans, he receives proper treatment in the form of a new kidney from a reluctant Eric Cartman. Lately, creators Stone and Parker attacked the current electoral morass in Florida, which was written and constructed in less than a week. It included mock "guest appearances" by Rosie O'Donnell and Jesse Jackson. "South Park" is not the only conservative leaning 'toon out there. Mike Judge's "King of the Hill" also mocks leftist ideas such as not keeping score in youth sporting events and water saving low-flow toilets. One must ask the question why it seems that conservative, issue-driven popular culture is relegated to cartoons. The answer is simple. With cartoons, you do not have to employ as many actors, support staff and other Hollywood-based personnel as you do with live action shows. Due to the liberal slant of most of Hollywood, it would probably be very difficult to find the necessary staff willing to produce a conservative show. This is not intended to belittle Stone, Parker or Judge, but rather congratulate them for overcoming the odds that are stacked against them. It has been written that the Republican Party and the conservative movement in general have a problem appealing to younger voters. Given the same old group of boring, overly-pious, middle-aged, Ivy League educated talking heads we see too often on television offering the same Republican Party line, we should not be surprised to find that this does not appeal to the young. They wish to be entertained, not lectured. Most of the people who watch "South Park" do not see a conservatively driven political satire, but rather a funny show in which the parents are delusional liberals and only exacerbate the current crisis. The children, on the other hand, are the voices of reason. Good satire is subtle and "South Park" exemplifies that. Perhaps the GOP should consider replacing their current stable of spokesmen with the plainspoken Eric Cartman, who has recurring dreams of hippies who "want to save the earth but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad |
I guess I didn't notice the slant before, although I have heard interviews with Matt from south park and he sure as hell does not sound republican to me. In fact, wasn't he spouting off in "Bowling for Columbine"? |
I think someone is reading a little too much into this. |
Matt Stone was in that movie, but who knows what he really thinks, I think they only went to Matt because he's a celebrity who grew up in that area... I wouldnt be surprised if they did an episode making fun of Michael Moore quite frankly... People mistakenly believe that the South Park boys did the animated part of that movie... |
Seems to me they don't let anyone off the hook on that show. |
Spider, I'm so with you on the nose thing. That Adrian guy- mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Judd Nelson in the Breakfast Club- mmmmmmmmmmm. Nicholas Cage in "Valley Girl"- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Okay, I'm embarrassing myself now. Incidentally, how vapid was Nicole Kidman in her acceptance speech? Yawn. |
you know, like how utilitarian sounds like it should be a bad thing? |
scratch that, they do belong together.. "Staring at me with their DEAD EYES!" |
nick cage in valley girl? oh my. i think nico is in that boat too. all i can say is, anyone who is playing the role of a 19,20,21 year old shouldnt be that hairy. he needs to be shaved down. |
his man chest patch was nicely trimmed. tidy. |
Email me, Erin methos5000@angelfire.com |
Fortunately i really look forward to this story too much that I will probably overlook any shortcomings in the lead role casting. |