
sorabji.com: Last movie you saw: Spider-Man
By semillama on Sunday, May 5, 2002 - 11:00 pm:

    Wow. This was way better than I thought. It
    really did hit all the bases. The story was
    good, the acting was good (mostly), the
    casting was great. The action was good.
    Overall, the movie really captured the heart of
    the whole spider-man myth.

    Plus, e. and I saw it for free. We got to the
    theatre and the next four shows were sold out
    and we were talking about what to do and
    then this guy in front of us turned around and
    said, "You want to go see Spider-man? I have
    two extra tickets I got from COSI (local science
    museum) I can't get a refund for, and you're
    the first couple I've heard talking about seeing
    So, we scored.

By Nate on Monday, May 6, 2002 - 01:19 am:


    this spider-man should turn a profit.

By eri on Monday, May 6, 2002 - 10:04 am:

    The girls have been really into the promos and want to see it. Micki will pick up a picture from one of the ads and say "Look, my spidey man" like it's the coolest thing on earth. I think we are going to have to see it, but am afraid that Micki will spend the entire time scraming and crying in the theater.

By Spider on Monday, May 6, 2002 - 10:09 am:

    Maybe you should wait till it's out on video.

By eri on Monday, May 6, 2002 - 10:50 am:

    I might have to. The are also bugging to see the Scooby Doo movie, as well.

By Christopher on Wednesday, May 8, 2002 - 09:34 pm:

    Sem, I just got to this thread, and saw you were the first to mention it. I'm glad you and E enjoyed it.

    I saw it at the Metreon today, in SF. There is a huge inflatable Spider-Man perched on the side of the building that is just too cool to believe. I saw it on the big BIG screen, and got myself a center seat. The place was packed too. I really enjoyed it, wasn't dissapointed with any aspect of it at all, which really surprised me. It actually lived up to the hype. If I was the fat guy, I'd give it a thumbs up. Check it out. Only a Merchant/Ivory film addict wouldn't like it.

By patrick on Thursday, May 9, 2002 - 11:58 am:

    can you believe the crackpots have been sleeping on Hollywood Blvd for almost a month now for the new Star Wars? They even have internet hooked up under their tent.

By Christopher on Thursday, May 9, 2002 - 12:05 pm:

    Can you imagine what the stench must be like inside those tents? Imagine showing up on the opening day, and getting a seat next to some freak who hasn't bathed in 7 weeks. Yum.

By patrick on Thursday, May 9, 2002 - 12:11 pm:

    moreover....i can't imagine fending off the freaks at 4am who must flock to them like white on rice. They are suck sitting ducks. They have to have pokin sticks in their sleeping bags. You could pay me to sleep on Hollywood blvd.

    what i understand they do is, one or two get a room across the street at the Roosevelt, and they rotate shifts. But still...don't they have jobs?

By Kalli on Thursday, May 9, 2002 - 01:09 pm:

    I just went and saw Spiderman last night. I
    swear, I'm the only person in the world who
    thinks it sucks and I'm sticking to it. Yes, Toby
    McGuire is a cutie pie. (I watched Cider House
    Rules like it was porn.) And he does a good
    job of playing the transformation and then not
    *really* transforming, but it's soooo full of
    cheeeeeeeeese. Yea Yea. I know the comic
    was cheesey too, and that's probably why the
    lousy acting...but it almost got to the point that
    all I could do was shake my head. The whole
    hospital scene with MJ? Horrible Horrible.

    That boy has great nipples tho.


By Antigone on Thursday, May 9, 2002 - 01:33 pm:


    We're talking about geeks in a tech slump here, patrick.

By heather on Thursday, May 9, 2002 - 02:12 pm:

    i wasn't as slappy with spiderman. it was ok, some of the flying graphics just plain sucked [others were better which confused me a lot, why there would be such different quality].

    we went to a brand new theater in a town where the kids have too much money and total freedom and the adults know to stay away from the theater on a saturday night. i think we were the only people over 21.

    the lobby was crowded with kids, most of them on the phone, but my cousin had called ahead and we used the the auto ticket machine that no one else seemed to be interested in. [really i think the intention here was for them to spend the most time standing around possible for more exposure]

    up two escalators to the top lobby where we were told to find the end of the line. well, i tried. the line seemed to be a circle, we followed it and ended up at the front again where i said 'fuck it' and walked in.

    we sat in nice cushy gel seats. the arm-rests can be pushed up for better angles when making out. we saw spiderman. i was annoyed that he didn't make his own web-sling things and there were some glaring continuity issues. we laughed.

    afterward all these kids were waiting to use the one escalator to get back down. we were the only ones who used the stairs.