best adaptation of a book to film i have ever seen. Kazoo and I have already made plans to see the Two Towers together. |
The Matrix 2 comes out on May 15, and the Matrix 3 starts Nov 1 2003??? |
i can't wait for for the LOTR prequels (American Ring and American Ring 2: Frodo goest West). |
Matrix sequels were each filmed simultaneously. The star wars prequels are filmed individually. I guess they just wrapped shooting on T3. Next year is going to rock for movies: Return of the King, MAtrix sequels, The Hulk, Daredevil, and probably an Adam Sandler movie. In fact, he's about due for his "dramatic turn" and play a psycho. |
new film by Magnolia director P.T Anderson! |
I saw "K-19" today at teh 50-cent matinee at the buck theatre. Not bad, actually. I saw Sum of All Fears yesterday at the same place for teh same price and felt ripped off. |
I am breathless in anticipation of seeing Gollum on the screen for so long, and the big mother of all battles between men/orcs looks phenomenal. We also watched Pitch Black with Vin Diesel. Don't ask me why. I have to admit that the special effects in regards to the raptors were great. |
Speaking of movies, watched two masterpieces this weekend: In the Bedroom and Once Upon a Time in the West. Leone/Morricone -- quel match made in heaven. How creepy is Henry Fonda in that movie? And how beautiful is Claudia Cardinale? Jason Robards was great as Cheyenne, as was Charles Bronson as Harmonica Man. Can't seem to get enough westerns lately. |
Movies I just saw....Magnolia (we all got around and started singing "It's Raining Frogs" to the tune of "It's Raining Men" but were otherwise dissapointed).....The Sweetest Thing (we didn't stop laughing, but maybe it was the wine).....and Gods and Monsters (which I thought was wonderful). Oh, that and Valentine which was one of the better horror movies I have seen recently. |
Wow. It really did make the movie better. There was more interaction between characters, a lot more character dvelopment, and they included a lot more in the Lothlorien scene. plus, it was on sale for $30 at Borders! |
What kind of extras are included in the other discs? In the movie, were there more scenes with (or discussion about) Gollum? |
I have been disappointed in the past with "Special Editions" and "Director's Cut" crap before. Please tell me more... :-) |
the movie takes 2 discs (with commentaries) and then the extra stuff takes two more discs. Plus, FREE ticket to the Two Towers!!! The part with Galadriel and Frodo makes more sense, and the whole gift giving scene is there. Plus, Legolas makes a smart ass remark before Moria. It's so worth it. You can bet what one of my family thanksgiving activities will be this year! Boy did I ever geek out over this! |
I always felt that there was not enough background info in the theatre-edition (even a sentence or two of exposition would have worked in a lot of cases)...so certain things didn't seem to have enough weight or importance. Like the hand you see grasping the Ring when it's underwater at the beginning -- just some passing mention that Gollum used to be human would have made that image have significance to people unfamiliar with the book. But the people who didn't like the movie aren't going to be the ones seeing the extended version, and they'll persist in thinking the movie wasn't good. This makes me sad. |
i rented it over the weekend. but due to time constraints, i never got around to watching it and paid a day late fee. its just not meant to be. |
i'm so touched that you thought of me, Spidey, and that i'll forever be in your mind when you think of LOTR. ;) Fear not, i'm sure i'll see it eventually, when my Comic Book Guy housemate buys it or gets it for x-mas or something. Not that he has a dvd player, but he'll get it anyway. And i promise i'll shut up about it when i do. oh, you thought i was going to make some snarky LOTR comment here? Please, i do have some self control. |
I get to walk through Rivendell. I'm so beyond excited I can't even type about it. I'm so glad I live in Toronto. |
Sem, what did you think about this: Some of the "extended" scenes were extended by, like, a few seconds or an extra sentence of dialogue. Now, I think it's great that we get to see those extra bits....but why in heaven's name were they cut out in the first place? For example, the part where Boromir was teaching Merry and Pippin how to fight was extended for about 5 seconds to show them play-fighting with Aragorn. What was the point of cutting those 5 seconds in the first place? The cost was lost humor and relationship development between characters, and the gain was...5 seconds less run time. And I could be wrong, but I could swear during the fight scene in Moria that there were new shots that lasted literally less a second. (For those who think I'm saying the extended version was a gyp, I'm not -- there were lots of whole new scenes, and many extensions of scenes were sizable. What I'm saying is that I agree with Sem -- this should have been the version shown in the theatres.) |
And STILL no Tom Bombadil. |
did you know that the Japanese are obsessed with Anne of Green Gables? Young Japanese wives make up a large part of the tourist trade in P.E.I. isn't that interesting?!? |
although there may be a house upon which Green Gables was based. I know nothing of a fire. |
Back to LOTR, I watched the first disc with the cast's audio commentary last night, and let me say that I was right on as an 8-year-old with my crush on Sean Astin. He is the most adorable man ever. Such a little worry-wart about safety! |
I packed all my books last night - 16 boxes. In that room, I still have to pack all the music stuff and attack the closet, which hasen't been gone through since i moved in. Then it's onto the bedroom, boxing up the computer, stuff clothes into suitcases and such. Geez, that was way off topic. Spider, how did you like Gimli's scenes with Galadriel? |
fuck you guys. now i have to rent it. |
a ring appears a bit below click it |
On the second disc, go to the scene select menu, go the right and scroll down past scene 48 and a picture of two towers will appear -- that's the theatrical trailer for, duh, the Two Towers. One thing I forgot to ask you, Sem....it seemed to me that when they added new material, they cut some of the old stuff out. (Like when the group first encounters the elves in Lothlorien.) Did you notice this, too, or am I just imagining things? |
enough of this nerd chitchat. its backgammon or die! |
And NOW they're getting that Jesus box. So it's going to be LOTR freaks in one line, and jesus freaks in the other. Oh, think of the lines. I think i might go down and watch that ;) |
no it wouldnt. that would have to be the nerdiest suggestion ive heard all week. its not even nerd chic. |
Oh it was so cool. The One Ring looks more silvery in reality than it does in the movie. and they had Narsil (?) right near the end and it gave me goosepimples! A whole bunch of props and costumes everywhere - I got to touch clothes that touched Aragorn! yummm. oh it was so nice. Saruman's chamber was amazing. You weren't allowed to walk into that one, but I was so tempted to step over the ropes! and then after that I went back to my friends house and we watched the special edition DVD and I was so fucking happy! God. I can't believe the different impression I have of this film now. I mean I loved it when I saw it in theaters, but now that I've seen the special edition I can't go back. for the first little while in the beginning of the film I kept thinking "Okay, this is new so it's cool, but it doesn't really make the film any better.", but then later on - holy cow! I am so in love with Boromir now! In the theater version he totally came off as a bitter power-hungry jerk. but in the DVD his character gets so much more depth - just like in the book. You can totally understand why he tries to take the ring from Frodo. it's not ALL about the power of the ring calling to him, although that does play a part of it. and the relationship between Gimli and Legolas is such a nicer, smoother transition in this version. in the theater version it seemed like they became close too fast, but ahh, this one flows much more nicely. oh. oh, I'm so happy with this movie. I almost cried when Boromir died this time around. his death was so noble. I love the part where they're in Rivendell at the secret council and Frodo offers to take the ring, and they show Gandolf close his eyes and then open them again. that was such an amazing move. as if he's relieved that Frodo offers but at the same time he was dreading that he would. so fucking cool. I know it's not new, but I notice that every time I watch the movie. it's probably my very favourite part. I'll stop now. |
22 days left till the Two Towers! |
MOVIE SPOILERS>>> I have heard that they have pushed many of the events at the end of TTT (the book) into the beginning of TROTK, for pacing/time's sake. Specifically, I heard Shelob's lair has been pushed. There will be no prologue to the movie to recap the previous movie -- you'll be taken right into...BIG SPOILER.... Gandalf fighting with the Balrog. |
in other LOTR news, this is so utterly cool. |
Do I: a) see ROTK tomorrow by myself? or b) wait to see it with my best friend this weekend? Now, hang on, hang on....this is not the no-brainer it appears to be. If I choose (a) -- well, duh, I get to see it right away. But! I'd have to see it by myself. Which ordinarily wouldn't be a problem, and if I didn't already know the story, I'd choose (a) without considering any other options. But since I already know the story, seeing the movie is more about the experience than finding out what happens in the end. And I'd like to share the experience with Rainey, who's also been eagerly anticipating the movie's release. But! If I choose (b)....Rainey talks during movies. A lot. And I bet she'd want to invite her boyfriend, who lives in the area, and I know they'd spend 75% of the movie making out and the rest of the time asking me what they missed. Needless to say, this is extremely annoying. But back to (a), the only theatre it's playing in near here that's not completely skanky is at the mall. I hate the mall, and the mall is always crowded anyway, so imagine opening night audience volume on top of ordinary volume...*shudder*. If I choose (b) I can go to a real (albeit skanky) theatre, and it will be okay because I won't be alone. So what should I do? |
I'm seeing it tomorrow after work, no question, lonely experience be damned. I can always neglect to mention it to Rainey that I've already seen it when she visits this weekend. Ooh, and then, even if she talks, it will slightly more okay, because I won't have missed anything. |
after midnight a friend [and a friend] bought out the whole theater tomorrow is going to be uncomfortable but tonight will be fun |
Should we have some sort of spoiler policy for the board? Maybe we could make two threads -- one for spoilers and one for general "AWESOME!!!1!!" type comments? |
nice as expected hobbit smeagle = even creepier |
secret diaries from lotr |
And all I have to say after seeing that movie is I want another slice of THAT!! Damn. |
i am not saying anything. it rocked. |