i don't think i'm nuts to say that everyone in North America should see this movie. Leaving a movie in teary-eyed frustration, but desperate to see it again, says something. The fact that many places in many towns will never show this film is too sad. This movie hurts. It is good. It's 2 hours and 5 minutes of Michael Moore trying to figure out why Americans are so hell bent to shoot and kill each other over 11,000 times a year. The mixed cast includes him, Charelton Heston, KMart, Marylin Manson, Matt Stone, the creator of COPS, one of Tim McVey's buddies, countless gun crazy rednecks, Toronto, Detriot, Colarado, and three teenagers skipping school outside a Taco Bell in Sarnia, Ontario. It's a documentary, so there is no 'plot' but some high points include: -"it's a right to have guns. A RIGHT!" mike: "it doesn't say GUNS. It says ARMS" "yeah! it's a right to bare arms" m: "that could mean any weapon" "well then we should be allowed that right." m: "you think everyone should be allowed to have a nuclear bomb in their house?" "well no, not NUCLEAR bombs. You've gotta regulate. There are some real nuts out there. (says one of the Oklahoma city suspects) -the P.R head from the largest national defence weapon company pondering why the Columbine shooters didn't just talk out their problems with their enemies, or take anger management classes. "Violence isn't the answer". He says this in in front of a GIANT, airplane hanger sized missile. (...cont) |
(since seeing this Saturday, i've been flipping back and forth between canadian and american news stations, like a hobby. The difference is huge) -fun trivia Gun related deaths per year: U.S.A- over 11,000 Canada- 160 Britian- 63 Japan- 35 No matter what, no one seems to have an answer for this. When asked why these countries have such a different oppinion of guns, especially two countries that share the same border and culture, everyone Mike asks assumed the same things, none of which make sense. But i won't say anymore, i want you to see for yourself. Some parts were funny, most parts were sad, and the whole thing just leaves so many questions. And yeah, some parts were so obviously biased it was icky. But the point remains the same- what the fuck is up with the American people and guns. I hate that this movie will only preach to the choir. The show was sold out all weekend, and it was obvious that no one there needed to see it. A decent review could be made just by listening to the things people said as they walked out "i don't even hate americans anymore now, i just feel sorry for them." "do you lock your doors?" "what like.. at night?" "i can't believe he didn't punch Charelton Heston in the nuts. That man needs to die." And the older man who stopped my boyfriend in the lobby to ask about why he was wearing a D.A.R.E shirt "for the irony. It doesn't work, it's drug war bullshit." "Right on, son. I was afraid you worked for them" only one kind of person will see this. |
sorry. see, usually i run any long posts through Word, and fix them with a spell check (SEE what i do for you people?!?!) but i was typing really fast, and without Word in sight. please forgive me. and see this movie. |
Beside's I definately have no business ever talking about anyone else's spelling errors... |
and maybe yours too. |
but I will. at least until it's out on video. |
Yeah Spider, as I understand, Toronto and Montreal, like Vancouver, are just as urban & "robust" (bravo dave) as any major American city. I don't think drug abuse is in any way exclusive. |
hey patrick! you guessed one of the theories explored in the movie! America's "history of violence". But you forget that america and canada's history is the same history up until about 1812. And if a history of violence makes for a more violent society, what about Germany? or China? Almost every nation on earth is formed in volience and war, that's how country borders are formed. And america has only had a violent past for a few hundred years. Europe, Asia, everywhere, have existed for thousands of years, and hundreds more wars. there is no answer. |
because they wouldn't give our flag a 21-gun salute? |
no. I dont remember that. do you? |
again. I'd have to look it up on the internet to tell you more right now, since the refernce is at home. I think it was in the early years of the 20th century. |
* <---gold star i have my theories, everyone has their theories. Mine include health care, state division (why is there 50 states? why so many?), and the fact that you can buy alcohol 24 hours a day there. |
townships. |
Although I remember when I lived closer to the Oregon border, people would cross the border for booze pretty frequently. Astounded that they could walk into any supermarket, any time, and buy all the liquor they wanted... |
In GA, you can buy anything at stores up until 2pm, except on Sundays, you have to buy your booze at a restaurant or bar. You can't get booze anywhere in LA after 1:55am. hmmmmm Oakland's 24 hour liquor availability and its worsening crime rate.......discuss. |
bryan and i saw it last night. moore always finds a way to work in the GM plant closing in flint. i've been to the KMart headquarters in troy, michigan. it's spooky. |
you wanna talk about weird liquor laws? texas, man. what a fuckin trip. for example - you can't order a drink before noon on a sunday, unless you also order food along with it. all day sundays and no day after 9 p.m. can any store sell liquor. grocery stores can't sell liquor, only beer and wine. any store can refuse to sell me liquor because i have an out of state driver's license. shortly after i first moved here i bought over $100 of hard liquor (for a party! no, really!), not only did the merchant asked me if i was with the liquor commission, but they also took down my drivers license number and phone and address and attached it their copy of my receipt. |
damn blue laws. there is also law that says if more than 4 or 5 women live alone in a dwelling of some kind it is an illegal brothel. my old-roommate had some friends who were evicted because of this. |
For the spirits you have to go the the bottle store, which is only open between 10am to 11pm. Bars stay open to at least two, and sometimes up to six. We have fortyfour million sheep and not even four million people. I just threw that in to see if you were paying attention. |
I can only assume it was a rerun of a previous show, due to the time frame here (they were discussing the Movie) Its been a long time since i saw the movie, but i have an urge to go rent it.... Very good, and no less meaningful/thought provoking months later.. |
What was the last right wing movie you have heard of??? I am not trying to get into a debate. I am trying to point out that, in my opinion, this man is an entertainer. Not a documentarian. |
I'm not debating with you, spunk. That's impossible. Hey, maybe Moore is an entertainer, as you say. So is Rush. So is Ollie. So is O'Reilley. That's a tactic the right has been taking for the last couple of years: package blatant political messages as "entertainment." So Moore is taking it up. Big fucking deal. |
They do not bill themselves as anything does. It can be argued that Moore does. After all, he does call his works of fiction as "Documentaries". |
(read: thats not in defense of Moore. Just reading your stupid conservative nonsense. enough already, its old, its tired, and its primarily garbage that no one here is interested in reading anymore) |
just as you seem to be with the defintion of 'terrorist' |
yeah, absolutely. the very end of the movie is almost the most disturbing. i think michael moore's documentaries are equal parts factual reporting, entertainment, and propoganda. they are informative and they give you an alternative explanation for why things happen that we are not offered in standard media, nor are we motivated to learn these things for ourselves. we are lazy and will believe whatever we hear repeated the most. at least michael moore is putting a little balance back in perspectives. neither side is ever the whole truth. the truth is always somewhere in the middle, and if you buy wholly into either opposing sides, you're doing yourself a disservice. |
will do" I think Spunk has left the building too. Eri, has Spunky also pulled a droopy/Nate/Cat/etc thing? |
the door swings both ways. move on. its weird when the drama starts to unfold. |
I don't know what he is going to do right now. All I know is that he conciders all of you friends and well, he is hearing a lot of "shut up and go away" from you guys, so maybe he just will. I wouldn't blame him. Right now if he said the sky was blue, you guys would tell him it is grey cloud cover and to shut up with his right wing propaganda. Tell him that he doesn't know what truth is. Frankly I am tired of watching it. I wouldn't be suprised if he said fuck you and never came back. But to be honest I don't know what he is going to do. |
Yep. That's called "karma." Or, in christian terms, "You reap what you sow." |
i dont care it trace comes or goes. theres few here that i actually care if they come or go. people go weeks or months without posting, whatever, they'll be around when they come around. so be it. no problem. im not going to get all sobby and recite how much im going to miss him and so and so forth. because thats a bunch of shit. i wont miss spunk, but that doesnt mean i mind his presence either. in fact, this post is getting weird because i know he's reading. so....if he reads THAT and decides to not come back, whatever, i didnt say anything that he doesnt already know. |
Patrick, I am sorry that you don't really care, or that you think he will be back anyways. If he is done with this place, he is done. He won't be back in 6 months or a year or whatever. But then again, I don't know if he is done yet. I just know I am tired of all of the shit he is getting from people who are so busy judging what he might be thinking but isn't to see what he is actually trying to say. Especially knowing how hard he has tried to understand why you think and say what you do. It tires me out and bores me to no end. It hurts me to see himself trying to justify himself all of the time, he even does it to me now. Like every thought in his head is morally wrong. It kills me to see that he genuinely cares about your lives and your well being and that of your families, and yet you don't fucking care if you never hear from him again. That hurts. |
No! Thats absolutely ridiculoyus. Eri, your husband is an open book. however, apparently he's doesnt express himself well...which frustrates him just as much as it does those trying to converse. If he's so insistant that we arent understanding him, then maybe its him with the problem, not those of us listening. You have a pretty brilliant audience here. i think i can speak for everyone that no one has ever tried to put any words in his mouth. there absolutely no point to doing that. i didnt say i didnt care about your lives. i just dont care if he wants to take a hiatus from the boards. why are you being such a drama queen about it? god dammit. if you have to proclaim you are leaving as such, just fucking do it. i swear i gonna kick nates ass for starting this shit. bitch had no reason to actually start a thread to tell us he's leaving. |
all of you shut the fuck up. i am so sick and tired of this inane bullshit and negativity. it could not be more clear who disagrees with whom and why. none of you will convince the other to think a certain way or believe certain things. let it go already move on this constant one-up bullshit is useless and beyond absurd at this point. and i'm pissed off because it's been beaten to death, there's nothing more to say, and yet you keep doing it, to the point where other people are being driven away in disgust. please, for the love of mark, can we just all take a fucking pill and get over it already? |
No. I will not drop it. As long as I've got the gumption I will point out bullshit whenever I see it. "What the fuck did he say to you that was hurtful?" I guess you haven't been reading for the last few years. The daily cut 'n' paste and inane illogical arguments just eventually got to be too much for me. Besides, the irony of spunky whining about intolerance after advocating the views of intolerant people and being intolerant himself is just too funny. And don't give me any "point out when spunky has been intolerant" crap, either. Search for it. I'm sure you'll find a "final solution" here or there. |
people spout bullshit on these boards all the time. i used to think it was important to call them on their bullshit, until i realized that all it does it call more attention to the bullshitter, who continues to counter with more inane bullshit. and no matter how many logical and factual sentences i type, they continue to spew more and more nonsensical bullshit. so basically calling out bullshit has zero effect. in fact, in has negative effect. it's rocket fuel for the know-it-all bullshitter. if you ignore the bullshitter, they turn into a negative, bitter whiner and stomp off in a huff and make themselves look like a dimwitted crybaby. or they stick around and keep posting bullshit to which nobody responds and it goes *plonk*. and maybe, just maybe, if they STILL don't go away, they find something fun and interesting to talk about. but they'll never be logical. and you'll never win. |
but that's pathetic |
heather is not pathetic. all of you stop being hurtful. if you want to continue to be inane and argumentative, that's your call, your waste of time. but stop being mean, there's absolutely no reason for it. |
If there's one thing that Nate and spunk have taught me, it's that sometimes it's useful to be mean. It's especialy useful when it teaches those that are habitually mean what it feels like to be a target. |
What's the point, exactly? Afraid we can't spot it for ourselves? You'll never convice him, so who are you convincing? If you haven't tought your lesson by now, it's not going to happen. |
According to Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) there are 49 ways that sentence could be interpreted. |
Yeah, he just cut and pasted the snide and sneering views of others, hiding behind them and saying "oh, I'm just putting these ideas out for discussion." |
no password or username needed. its a public space dude. besides, i dont wanna fuckmyself. i think when tiggy, nate and i get smart allecky, we know we're jiving to a certain degree, or so I thought. i've been called an idiot and moron and th elike many times by nate and others here. why trace should be an exception, or why everyone is coming to his defense is a bit beyond me. gotta be a little thicker than that. uh tiggy.... "Yeah, he just cut and pasted the snide and sneering views of others, hiding behind them and saying "oh, I'm just putting these ideas out for discussion." did you go out and get a meth habit and not tell us cause this be awfully paranoid. for the record, i think trace is geniunely a good person. confused as hell, but well-meaning. if he needs to take a hiatus, please do so. you're chair ain't going anywhere. did all of you make this much noise when you left the class to go take a piss? no need to announce it, because when you have to announce like that it, its like you're almost asking for people to say "wait...dont go". now i realize trace didnt go right out and announce his departure (like some fucko did) but there's no reason to let get all blown up like this. |
Ya know, Spider, I used to think that until the whole "Final Solution" business. For spunk to plead ignorance on the connotations of that phrase while still claiming to be well read and informed led me to believe that he was being deliberate. |
Why so? If I posted links to a subject (or the whole text to an article) and then discussed said subject, you may get the impression that I agreed with those views. If I did that day after day for years, that may reinforce that impression. I mean, when someone talks about the final solution for the arab problem, then later bemoans the poor state of the white race in America, I get a certain impression of his views. Is that paranoid? |
Well, I tried. |
nevermind then. tiggy, like spider, i think trace is terribly confused. to say he deliberately, hide and employed deception...well, thats a bit much. The phrase "final solution" and its implications were so obviously lost on him. |
I do think that Patrick tends to be as clueless about how even words on a BBS can hurt others as spunky can be about how "final solution" and "white heritage" will raise a red flag (specifically a red flag with a blue cross on it!). I myself probably took spunky more seriously than I should have. Patrick, you seem to miss that whatever the intent of the words you use, the effect is often different. And if you don;t miss it, you then seem not to care, and that would be kind of callous. I do want to point out that the last couple of days without any political back and forth have been pretty nice around here. |
I know you're out there You're in hiding And you hold your meetings We can hear you coming We know what you're after We're wise to you this time We won't let you kill the laughter. Lunatic fringe In the twilight's last gleaming This is open season But you won't get too far We know you've got to blame someone For your own confusion But we're on guard this time Against your final solution We can hear you coming (We can hear you coming) No you're not going to win this time We can hear the footsteps (We can hear the footsteps) Way out along the walkway Lunatic fringe We know you're out there But in these new dark ages There will still be light An eye for an eye; Well before you go under... Can you feel the resistance? Can you feel the thunder? |
Well now C., C. C. Rider, well now see, see what you have done. Well you made me love you woman, now your man is gone. So I'm goin' away now baby and I won't be back till fall, I'm goin' away now baby and I won't be back till fall, Just might find me a good girl might not be comin' back at all. Well now C., C. C. Rider, see now the moon is shining bright, Well now C., C. C. Rider, see now the moon is shining bright, Just might find me that good girl and everything would be alright |
I'm starting to wonder if the boards need defending though. The same shit over and over and over gets really old. (with the obvious exceptions of "fuck you, you ass", "Fuck the French", Chupacabra, and several others) When that happens, some really rocking people start losing interest. It makes me sad. Ya know? The occasional heated discussion is great. Constant, bitter, redundant horse shit isn't so hot. Eat Hot Fuck |
Well, then.... And I know how it should be There is nothing more for you and I Some are young and some are free But I think I'm goin' blind 'Cause, I think I'm goin' blind And I know how it's to be, yeah Little lady, can't you see You're so young and so much different than I I'm 93, you're sixteen Can't you see I'm goin' blind 'Cause, I think I'm goin' blind And I know how it's to be, yeah 'Cause, I think I'm goin' blind And I know how it's to be, yeah You're much younger, can't you see There is nothing more for you and I I'm 93, you're sixteen And I think I'm goin' blind Yes, I think I'm goin' blind And I know how it's to be, yeah |
From Should The World Fail To Fall Apart The girls won't touch me Cos I've got a misdirection Living at night isn't helping my complexion The signs all saying it's a social infection A little bit of fun's never been an insurrection Mamma threw me out till I get some pants that fit She just won't approve of my strange kind of wit I get so excited, always gotta lose Man that send me off Let them take the cure Don't need a cure Need a final solution Buy me a ticket to a sonic reduction Guitars gonna sound like a nuclear destruction Seems I'm a victim of natural selection Meet me on the other side, another direction Don't need a cure Need a final solution |
You know that song in which he sings, "Concur and swallow me"? What is he talking about? I can't believe he would be so unsubtle about oral sex, but....what else could he mean? |
If you are referring to my love of the game of Whack-A-Mole, sir, I stand PROUD. Otherwise, I would not begin to guess what you refer to. |
People say I'm crazy doing what I'm doing Well they give me all kinds of warnings to save me from ruin When I say that I'm o.k. well they look at me kind of strange Surely you're not happy now you no longer play the game People say I'm lazy dreaming my life away Well they give me all kinds of advice designed to enlighten me When I tell them that I'm doing fine watching shadows on the wall Don't you miss the big time boy you're no longer on the ball I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round I really love to watch them roll No longer riding on the merry-go-round I just had to let it go Ah, people asking questions lost in confusion Well I tell them there's no problem, only solutions Well they shake their heads and they look at me as if I've lost my mind I tell them there's no hurry I'm just sitting here doing time I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round I really love to watch them roll No longer riding on the merry-go-round I just had to let it go I just had to let it go I just had to let it go |
Remember when Lucy Phurre had her meltdown? She cut and pasted legal briefings and long streams of nonsense just to irritate people and clog up the boards? Didn't Mark end up banning her IP? |
that "peter murphy" song is actually a cover of a pere ubu song. . . .ok, proceed. |
thats funny, because the sky isnt blue. but anyways, I like spunk, and I wouldnt want him to leave |
If I were to meet spunk, face to face, in a bar, and for whatever reason we had to discuss sports, politics, etc. I think I could talk to him, disagree and we'd still get along somewhat. Whatever 'traitor' 'anti-American' whatever he thought might be in his head, but I dont' think he'd tell it to my face. I think its in his character to be completely civil and respectful to FLESH people. If he wasnt that way, I dont think eri would be with him. |
He doesn't go to bars, or talk to strangers, or anything like that, but is civil in person with everyone and generally easy to get along with. |
He also does a better job of conveying what he is trying to say in person, more than on these boards. It's easier to understand him in person. |
I nailed spunk. |
Eri doesn't know a stranger!! Neither do Hayley or Micki. A stranger is a foreign concept to them. |
also... I'm with Sarah. |
fun spelling and didn't take her seriously you all can't get me down, i'm worked up! even though sarah never answers my email after she gives small amounts of cryptic info. and i owe agatha email too. to a correct address as i never amended that.... |
yes. oh god yes. someone point me back to those threads, what a great show that was. |
I was looking for some of those a couple weeks ago to throw into spunk/patrick debates, just to liven shit up a little, but couldn't find what i wanted..... (couldn't really remember the timeframe... |
do a search for "sheep," and you might find lucy. then again, you might find sheila. |
Boy, that was fascinating. |
dear heather, Queen of Cryptic Emails, i'm sorry. i owe the whole world email right now. but that said, now you know how it feels :-P i promise to write before friday. mmmmmwah! |
My brother told me last night that Charlton Heston's goddaughter attends the school he teaches at. it is a Catholic school, and he said that hundreds of little white crosses have appeared on the lawn of the high school as one of those anti-abortion demonstration things. I told him to ask the school admin if they thought that maybe there should be some Stars of David out there too, for diversity. After all, I'm sure Jews have abortions, too, right? He said he might not tell my mom about it before she comes to visit him this week, as a surprise. |
I care. If you don't like the people here, or don't care whether they come or go, what's the point in returning to this BBS day after day? |
and for all that i often disagreed with spunky, i am sad to see him go. no less than i was sad to see nate go, regardless of the fact that i more often agreed with nate. and in general, i agree with TBone and Spider and Rowlf and Sem mostly here. you people all said things that made sense to me. sorry, i just dont really feel like creating an original post when it will probably say the same things that everyone else is saying. |
Once in a while, when I wander through old threads, I'll find some of the "YOU ARE ALL SHEEP" fallout. |
RE: Dougie's point -- in my opinion, you don't have to like everyone to enjoy hanging around here. |
"Actually, at the end of the day, malice vs. obstinacy is only going to matter to God. On earth, it doesn't make much difference." See, there's where we differ. Given that I don't believe in god, I can't relinquish the responsiblity to respond to him. |
Well, you could start with this quote: "Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul." -- Mark Twain But then what? It's like talking to a wall, or worse, like talking to a tree that thinks it's a wall and will not be convinced otherwise. What I meant by what you quoted was that whether actions are motivated by malice or obstinacy, they still look the same to you or me. They still cause damage or frustration -- their motivation is only important when you want to judge the man, which (IMO) is God's job and out of my hands. It makes no difference to a dead man whether he was killed on purpose or by accident. So I was taking back my defense. |
"Sombunall people who express views similar to Semillama's may be crackpot dumbshits. Sombunall people who express views similar to Semillama's may just want to sit every one down with someone like Swine, have that person select some groovy music, and pass around the peace pipe and swear to not resort to sweeping all-inclusive statements in the future that clouds the real problem. " I'm probably a crackpot dumbshit, after some reflection. |
and i think i agree with the statement about it not mattering on earth... except that i try to take in into account which means that i am a lot more forgiving than most people understand which confuses me a lot..... damn, sorry if everything i post is about me. i am lost and trying to understand myself. thats the only explanation i can give, along with apologies for being tiresome. |
confusing. bleh. |
I don't want to say anything unkind, so I'm going to stop there. Don't sweat your supposedly ego-centric posts, Ophelia. :) |
Its really to bad that people cant just mellow a bit and let shit ride... oh well, it was a good BBS once.... hopefully this stagnant period with evaporate soon.... SO on another topic has anyone heard of this movie FUBAR? |
Oh, c'mon. Let 'er rip. You're way too unbalanced on the nice side of the force. |
Sigh. No evil for me. :( |
I love the Deaner |
("Lady" ain't the right word, because "the code of the lady" or whatever doesn't place any restrictions on saying nasty things to people, as long as you remain chaste while saying it. I think that's retarded. Gentlemen are called to have all sorts of noble character virtues, while ladies just have to keep their legs closed and mind their table manners.) |
By FETIDBEAVER on Wednesday, December 29, 1999 - 02:23 pm: FOR THOSE KEEPING TRACK AT HOME THIS POST IS 174 PAGES TO DATE. (he was really funny. *sniff*) |
and a cute pic to boot. That thread has everything! p.s. SHE WILL NOT BE SILENCED! BY WHITE MALES!! |
god damn. apparently though, my filabuster, didnt work. |
patrick . .. ... .... ..... ...... i would be proud and i know i have recently stated my position against child birth,personally anyway, but we have been discussing it lately, it's becoming more and more of an appealing idea, emotionally anyway.....i have found myself falling more and more in love with my wife over the last 6 years, and it seems we are reaching a point where this may happen. i look fondly at parents, especially seeing a father holding his baby, something so big and strong cradling and protecting something so small, fraile, vulnerable and most of all dependent. AWWWWWWWWW, SOOOOO CUUUUUUUUTE!! |
what a weirdo, i hope shes happier now, whereever she is.. |
off subject. can someone tell me how, a guy, such as myself is not supposed to glance, muchless glare at a heaving womanchest when its right in eye sight merely inches away? we have a new girl here....i think she's sending signals. not just due to this one incident for that matter. she's been emitting it since she got here. today, she took off her sweater and is wearing a white tee with, apparently, saran wrap for a bra. i mean, i'm seeing arioli folks. the large brown pennies under her shirt. its not like i gots to state either. its not warm in the office, muchless outside. in fact, it seems to me a chick would be cool in this environment, which might explain the protruding nipples. but in fact the temp hasnt changed at all since this morning. so whats the motive? ketchup from lunch on her sweater? maybe. she HAS to know her tits are totally viewable. girls know these things. on top of that, she knows im the only straight guy in the department that would even be looking and to top it off, she knows im married with child. how am i not supposed to glare? i dont trust this girl and it IS the workplace. sometimes, id rather take a kick in the nuts and get it over with. when she comes into my office, she being short, her tits are right in my eyeline when she stands next to my desk. why o why o why o why o why is not 5 o clock so i can get the fuck out of here. |
but seriously, make a sexual harasment claim. that'll straighten everything out....hehehehe |
Also, sometimes temperature or arousal has nothing to do with it....if you're wearing a thin bra, these things just happen. I would say there's a 98% chance you're right that she knows her shirts are see-through, though, which is entirely under her control. Maybe, MAYBE, she gets dressed in the dark and is clueless, but I doubt it. |
HEY WAIT ONE MINUTE! i am the founder of the dots!! agatha, do you know the history of the dots? it started waaayyyyy back in the day, when mark had that secret live chat thingie set up.... |
Secret live chat thingie??? What? Where? When? |
But the truth is out there. Mulder told me... |
The more things change, the more things stay the same, huh? |
I probably would have picked up on a few if my attention span back then had been longer than that of gnat on cocaine. I rarely had any clue what was going on, even when it was plainly stated. Speaking of secret sorabji features... at one time, back when the search was broken, I made my own system for searching that would also generate interesting statistics on different posters and would do things like find someone's first post. I think I was also working on a way to cross-reference ip addresses and identify possible multiple-personalities. But I didn't get very far before I lost interest. |
But if I'm ever tempted again, I'll keep that in mind. |
This is why I don't think Lucy has ever come back. She left with such anger I think it's unlikely that she could sneak back here and post as if nothing had happened. She would have tried to disrupt the board. |
im not sure if may gay workers notice or not. its not something i would ask, would you? kev i wouldn't call her behavior 'throwing herself at me' just something of a weird combination titillation and annoyance. |
I must've had shit between my brains. |
Hmmm, I wonder who my office whore is... |
good idea, but slow. "I made my own system for searching that would also generate interesting statistics on different posters" yay! You told me once that with your search, the person with the most posts total, out of everyone, ever was..... *drumroll* *wait for it!!!*** **guess!!* nate. but it was case-sensitive, right? so possibly not nate. Let's also not forget the threads that were erased forever a few years ago in a server crash or something, remember? boards were down for a few days? Some of the oldest threads are missing. I know my first few posts ever are gone. (and thank god for that) |
with yearly updates? i have a box set of every National Geographic ever published, on cd-rom. The knowledge of the Sorabji archives will render it pale in comparison. And also takeover it's fancy wooden display box! |
Distributing a neatly parsed-out, searchable version of some decided snapshot moment could be pretty cool. |
would it all fit on just one cdr? how depressing would that be. |
At least, that's what I ended up with. But we're talking about text here. That's a whole stinkin' mess of text. I've got a collection of well over a thousand full novels in text format, and they just fill a cd. |
How do you find these things? Is there a directory or something? |
It's like the phrase "a priori" -- I had never heard it or seen it in my life, and then all of a sudden I saw it everywhere. (And not because I was taking philosophy classes.) |
and i know i should keep this to myself, but there's a naked lady hidden in the WAYD page. INSIDE it. Hint hint. See if you can find her. mark and his website easter eggs! |
http://www.truthuncovered.com/home.cfm clips and trailer available to view |