
sorabji.com: Last movie you saw: Dreamcatcher
By Bigkev on Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - 00:32 am:

    Well, its been a while since I've seen any Movie/miniseries adapted from a Stephen King story. But Holy shit this one was awesome! messed up story, good cast, some pretty standard effects but well done. I wont say anymore, except that the gf was scared out of her seat half the time and grossed out part of the time...

    seriously, this was a very fine thriller/scifi creepy flick...

By semillama on Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - 08:55 am:

    How was the Matrix anime at the end?

By Spider on Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - 09:53 am:

    I had a dream about this movie based on the preview I saw. Freaky.

By Bigkev on Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - 06:49 pm:

    the matrix CG short was really good also, I didnt even know about it, so I was slightly confused at the beginning. (more confused then normal, I mean. Obviously) They also played the trailer for T3, which looks pretty cool, but I doubt that it will live up to my expectations..

By wisper on Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - 07:52 pm:

    holy crap.
    I've had no less than 3 people tell me this was the worst movie ever made. And one of them has seen almost every movie ever made.

    They try to explain the plot but then get caught up in frustration regarding how they end up shitting out an alien or something?

    obviously, i HAVE to see it now.

By Rowlf on Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - 07:57 pm:

    Jason Lee is in this movie.

    This is an omen of suck nowadays...

    ever since he shot Vanilla Sky and Tom Cruise made him Captain Scientology Boy Jr. his soul has disappeared, and he's been having bad performances in bad movies ever since. Coincidence?

    Vanilla Sky (Amenebar should shoot Crowe for this remake, then toss his remains in the shredder for the DVD extras: "A path twice traveled" - I NOW WANT TO KILL CAMERON CROWE)
    Big Trouble
    Stealing Harvard
    A Guy Thing

    so now you know you dont have to see Kevin Smiths "Jersey Girl", because he's in that... Jason Lee is poison. Dont touch him.

By Rowlf on Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - 08:26 pm:

    from another message board, I find this quite amusing:

    "words can't even begin to express precisely everything that's wrong with dreamcatcher. so many questions were left unanswered. like.. how did duddits get leukemia? what was with all the scooby doo crap? why shit weasels? where did the alien crap in the back of the truck come from? where did they find that many people willing to be part of this movie? morgan freeman? jason lee? what were they thinking? who wrote this? “one worm to kill the world”? why wasn’t anyone else in the theater laughing? what was with those scene changes? it was like a powerpoint presentation. and a memory warehouse? the snowmobile? e.t. have british accents? easter gay?

    i… i don’t even know what that was.. science fiction? horror? comedy?
    a masterpiece in the art of SUCKING ASS?"

    I cant believe Lawrence Kasdan directed this... but then again, "french kiss"

By Bigkev on Thursday, April 3, 2003 - 11:18 am:

    theatre (and movies, i would suppose) work because of a thing called Suspension of Disbelief... so the edits weren't the best, does everything NEED to be explained? doesn't leaving some things up to the veiwers imagination make for a more interesting story?

    Who cares how Duddits got Leukemia? its not important to the story.... he could NOT have it and it wouldn't change anything....

    AND Jason Lee.... not much of an actor anyway, ever.. every character played the same (since jay and silent bob strike back).

By Gee on Tuesday, April 8, 2003 - 02:35 pm:

    I love the Fucking Demon.

By spunky on Saturday, May 3, 2003 - 11:02 am:

    sorry, we finally saw this last night...
    Long and drawn out.

    I liked the banter between the main characters, and it had all the classic king corniness, but DAMN......

    I loved the AniMatrix peice..

    You can download most of it Here.

    All I can say is I should have waited for it to come out on video so I could stop it to go potty

By eri on Saturday, May 3, 2003 - 01:00 pm:

    LONG.....Drawn out forever.......Geez. It was funny in the beginning when the guys were going back and forth and cracking jokes and taking about women and shit, but the rest just took too long to get there.