I am afraid of deep water. When I was a kid, my family and I used to swim in the indoor, Olympic-sized pool at my dad's college. When you went underwater in the shallow end and looked towards the deep end, the water looked black. It scared the hell out of me and featured in a few of my childhood nightmares. I've sailed across the Mediterranean and Irish Seas without any problems, but I would never take a cruise or sail across an ocean. The thought of all that black water underneath me would terrify me. This is my point: There are a few scenes in Finding Nemo in which the fish swim into deep black water. They actually made my hyperventilate in the theatre! My fingers were tingling and everything. Just the sight of (computer animated) black water was apparently enough of a stimulus to activate my phobia. Isn't that bizarre? I had heard that some people are so afraid of snakes, for example, that a picture of a snake will make them panic, but I never believed it. Now I understand. Other than that, I enjoyed the movie. The sharks and the seagulls were the best characters. |
I was supposed to take the kids to the dollar theater (50 cent tuesdays) to go see Kangaroo Jack today, but I am still waiting on maintenance to finish my kitchen up. They disconnected the line to the dishwasher last night finding that as the source of the water leak. They said they would be back first thing in the morning so that I could have a working dishwasher and if they had one (which they might have one left) they would give me a new dishwasher. So no movies until I am done waiting on these slow pokes. They were here all day yesterday and just when we thought they were done, they discovered the other source of the leak. Cross your fingers, cuz the new management is discussing not only giving us a new dishwasher, but also ripping up the carpet in the dining room and tiling it and recarpeting the living room. Here's hoping. I would be happy if 1 of those three things happened and I had a working dishwasher. Anyways. I will probably see that movie before the summer is out, but I would be one happy camper if it came to the dollar theater before the kids were all in school. |
I loved that movie. Pixar is awesome, not because of the animation, but because of the stories. They consistently have some of the best stories and characters of pretty much any year in film. Ellen DeGeneres did an outstanding job, I thought, and Willem Dafoe was great too. I also thought they really nailed the seagulls. If you only see two movies this year, this should be one of them (the other is Return of the King, of course). |